Monday 16 February 2015

Chapter Seventy

Everything was beginning to take shape for the wedding, today Mara with me, and my mom, and Mara's mom, and Steph, and the boys... well every attendant and family member you can name was coming along with us to Klienfields... Mara thought it would be nice to do all our buying in one place, plus she had always dreamed of being waited on in such a prestigious store.

Moving the entourage was a task on its own.... so heaven only knows how the attendants in the store would cope, however we were soon on our way to New York city.

We found a parking lot and then managed to hail a string of cabs and ever the movie buff we could all say "follow that cab.." as each of our drivers headed off to 110, west Street.

One by one the cabs stopped and dropped off the passengers, our families, Spirits were high, and the excitement flowed for the girls and Mara like thick molasses.
she looked at me with a sparkle in her eye's I had never seen before. "now Jon, you know the colour scheme right, and please nothing too old fashioned, and make sure that it works...."
"Babe, relax, it's covered ok?"
"whew, yeah, omg this is so exciting..."
Mara was like a kid about to enter a toy shop for the very first time, I slipped my arm around her waist as we all entered inside the building.
"Good morning Mr Bongiovi, this way for you and your party please." we all followed along the marble floor lobby to a very nicely decorated seating area, the walls were covered in pastel grey candy stripes and powder blue paint, the seating was a round velvet couch with planting seated in the middle.
Our wait was minimal as our servers were sent out to split our party, Mara's and the girls to the bridal salon and us boys downstairs to the mens section. I cannot lie, I wanted to be with Mara's and see the styles of dresses she was testing and I was intrigued as to the style she would choose. In my minds eye I pictures her in a soft mermaid style design with delicate flowers in her hair and a very minimal wedding bouquet..... lost in my own thoughts,  Leaning forward Mara kissed me on the lips... "I'll see you later..." she walked off with the girls and turned back and smiled as she got onto the elevator. I stood looking in a dream like state brought back to normal as Matt tapped me on the shoulder, "Earth to Jon?" "What?"
"You have been asked for colour scheme and style?"
"I have?, ... oh right I have?" we took the elevator down to the men's section as I concentrated hard and discussed the options of what i'd like for us all to wear, Calum our server, making notes and agreeing and adding his thoughts and suggestions. down stairs we were led into the waiting area and after making sure he had my requirements noted he disappeared to get styles for us to choose, matt and the boys and me all sat on the waiting queen anne style chairs. The room was a continuation of the entrance lobby, very pristine in presentation with out being over the top, the room gave a calming hue.

Calum arrived back with the suits, just as Mara's server snook her head round the door arms laden with mountains of wedding gowns.... " Mara asked me to call, she said to let you know...relax, your bride will look beautiful;"
"I know she will, even if she wore a trash bag she'd look perfect."
"well she aint chose a trash bag, but; Mr Bongiovi, you will love her choices..." nodding at the suits she carried on, "looking good by the way" then she was gone... I was now even more determined to see what the choices were, I called Matt to my side,
"go see Mara Matt, ask her if she will allow me to join her to view her in one of the gowns at least..."
"Jon, no way, that's bad luck...can't do it.."
"Matt your getting confused, its only bad luck to see her on the wedding day..."
"Don't care, not doing it bro.... you just gotta wait."
Calum our server joined in with out being asked for his opinion...
"Oooh you can't join the bridal party, you so do not want a hex on this marriage... your brother is who's trying the suits on first?"
Matt slapped me on the back as he went first, when he stepped out the dressing room he did a little jump and "ta dah"
he look striking in the grey suit with aqua accents, in the cravat, Tony went next, he too on stepping out announced his presence with a ta dah... Jakey went next... and yep he came out and said same ta dah, then Jessie went in and when he came out I said it before he could... "Ta dah"
"Ew dad, I was going say sick..."
"Sick?, you don't like it?"
"What, no look, sick means cool, great...."
"well just say cool or great then..."
"der cause that aint cool pop..." he moved across and stood with the other guys and they all stood out and looked amazing.
"Mr Bongiovi, shall we?" Calum was stood next to me indicating for me to step into the dressing room, I was next...
With the suit fitted I stood looking at my reflection, the colours were perfect, but something wasn't right.
As I walked out of the dressing room I carried on the tradition of "Ta dah..." matt and the guys gave me a round of applause.
"Well that was easy right?"
"mmm I guess..."
"What, you don't like them?I think we all look great..."
"I like them, but, I think for me and Jessie and Jake we should all wear the same but be different from you and Tony.."
"like a darker shade of grey?"
Calum  immediately became involved again, "Oh I agree, make a striking statement., I suggest that you and the two young men wear a slightly darker colour of grey and have the two other gentlemen in the lighter grey... much more flattering..."
I guess if I had to describe Calum, he was very much like the character played by martin short in the movie Father of the Bride and in so many ways minus the accent he was like Franc...
Matt looked at me as he asked, don't he remind you of the guy in that movie with Steve Martin... immediately we both started to laugh as Calum returned with the darker suits for us to try...

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