Saturday 6 June 2015

Chapter Eighty Three

We touched down at Heathrow airport, after a relaxed uneventful but pleasant flight. I thanked Carl and Charlotte as we left and exited the plane.
"Any time Mr Bongiovi, Have a pleasant stay in London sir we will see you for your return flight" We shook hands as I walked down the jetty corridor with Mara next to me and the kids tailing behind. We walked and walked for what felt like miles though different tunnels to at last get to to border control. "Passports Please?" I handed them  over and waited for the questions.  "What's the purpose of your trip today?" I answered,  "Vacation and work" "Do you have your work visa?" I handed it over, "how long are you planning on staying in the united kingdom?" "A month"
She checked over my documents, and holding a blank expression she stamped mine and Maras and the kids passports.  
Her last comment " Have a nice stay with us Mr Bongiovi." No personality at all, I guess that was a criteria of the job... I smiled to myself as we left border control.
 All together we headed to collect our luggage at the baggage carousel. When I was on tour I had a team to do that for me, but now I was on vacation with my family I was loving doing the normal tourist part. Carl had ensured our baggage was off loaded quickly and as we reached the carousel the kids saw our baggage waiting for us. Direct from baggage collection we headed through nothing to declare and out to the exit foyer.
"right guys look out for our driver, he will have a card saying Mr Grumpy"
"Why grumpy dad?"
"no idea, ask your uncle Obie, he arranged it." I heard Steph and Jessie sniggering behind... turning round trying to look angry I asked, "yes... something you wanna share?"
they looked from one to other before again dissolving into fits of giggles.  I turned to look at Mara who had her head facing away from me and she too was laughing. the only person not laughing like me was Jakey. he stood looking at the others as if they had gone mad, he had tears in his eyes too as he asked " but dads not grumpy, so why are you laughing?". Looking at my youngest, I told him to ignore the others, that it was Uncle Obie's joke. his young face looked up at me all innocence as he said, "well I don't think its funny, why couldn't uncle Obie give your real name?" It was difficult to explain fame to a child so I told him not to stress it was all good and when we saw his Uncle next he could tell him off. that settled his mind and we wandered into the foyer and started looking for the "Mr Grumpy" sign. Stood just before the exit door to the sidewalk, we spotted our driver, Smiling; I walked up to him and introduced myself and our family, he did the same,
" Good evening sir, my name is Joe." he gave me his card with his contact details.
"anything you need, please don't hesitate to call."
Taking our luggage, he gestured the way out to the sidewalk and to the waiting SUV.  he stowed the luggage in the trunk,  while the kids climbed in to sit far back; Mara and me climbed inside the middle back,  then with Joe at the wheel we left Heathrow Airport.
"can I ask sir, do you know where you are staying?"  I pulled out the documents from my hand luggage and past them to Joe.
"ah, your staying in Barnes, South London, a stones throw from the city. You ever been there before?"
"Er London yeah, but, where you say we're staying,?"
"Barnes sir?"
"no never been there, what's it like?"
"nice, it's a village in a big city, you'll see."
" great how long till we get there?"
"hour, maybe hour and half"
That was fine, I was with my family, and enjoying my time, we were away from the stress of my pop and home and we were on honeymoon. I answered Joe.
" that's fine, take your time."
Then holding Maras hand we sat back and took in the sights of the towns in Surrey on route to our holiday home for the next month.
The going was slow, traffic was real bad tail to tail along most of the roads, the kids were quiet as they looked out and studied the houses and people going about their everyday business, Joe had been correct on time as and hour and a half later we pulled up outside our home for the next month.
Joe helped us with our luggage as we met the agent on the steps of a gorgeous Victorian town house.
"Good Evening Mr Bongiovi, I'm Ellie Waters." I shook her hand and introduced my family as she unlocked the house and we stepped inside. Smells of coffee and fresh baked cookies filled my nostrils and the house was warm and welcoming as we entered, the kids all chorused together, "mmmm cookies", they immediately took off to find the kitchen; where they met with the cook and house keeper, Back at our sides with cookies and glasses of milk we were taken on a tour of the house by Ellie.
The décor was modern with a art deco twist, dressed out in yellows and pastel greens and pink. It was clean and going to be very comfortable.
At the end of the tour we were all taken into the kitchen where we too met our house keeper, her name was Sandie. A women of older years, slim, slightly greying but still attractive with a friendly face.
""Would you like something to eat?" "Mara shook her head, I too was feeling hungry it had been some time since we ate. A sandwich made with white bread, with cheese and tomato and mayonnaise with a fresh cup of coffee were placed in front of Mara and me as we sat at the kitchen breakfast nook.
Sandie told us that she would be looking after us during our month long break, and anything we needed, we only had to ask, but not to hesitate to help ourselves to anything we wanted in her absence.
She had her own quarters at the far back of the house, but told us; she would work the hours we wanted to make our vacation a pleasant one.
 The kids had gone off in search of their rooms, and took their luggage with them, while Mara and I sat talking to Sandie as we ate our snack and drank our coffee. We learned that she had been a head house keeper for five years, but prior to that she had been a manager of a Estate Agent, not familiar with the term Mara asked, "Wants that?" Sandie smiled, then adjusted the meaning,  as she corrected her meaning "I believe you call it realty?"
Mara smiled, "of course, I'm such a dumbass sometimes, I guess its cause I'm tired..." Sandie smiled , "so I believe congratulations are in order, you are here on honeymoon?"
we shook our heads as we looked at each other, and I spoke, "yes, we were married yesterday."
"Oh that's so nice, well Congratulations both, so what are you planning while your in London?"
"Mara answered before I had a chance, "Everything, I cant wait..."

Monday 1 June 2015

chapter Eighty Two

How we made it to the airport and then on board the Jovi jet is gonna remain one of life's mysteries to me, I've never witnessed such disorganised chaos in all my life, there were kids running in and out of rooms, Mara going through her checklist over and over and ma making sure we had every drug needed in a pouch, just incase.... I told her more than once, "Ma we ain't going to Mars, we can get these in any drug store in Europe," "yes and when you need a store you won't be able to find one." I laughed and gave in and just went with the flow.
Ma was driving us to the airport to save time, hadn't quite got that one figured out yet, but she was happy and I wasn't gonna rock the boat, I wanted happy people before we set off on honeymoon. I know my ma did not agree with me not telling Mara about my pop but she accepted my wishes, so I figured give as well as take, then its a win, win situation.
At the airport, we all stood out of the SUV with our luggage on the sidewalk, any easy escape was outta the question, when my ma jumped out too and grabbed us all wishing us a great vacation and a safe flight.
I really had to pry her arms from the kids so we could get going and check in.  It took forever, but we managed to make it through the doors into the departure foyer, as we moved forward in the direction of the check-in desk, I could see her waving and wiping her eyes.
"For the love of god, that women's not real..."
"Jon, she loves you, she is going to miss us, have a heart."
I smiled at Mara and shook my head and turning back I gave my ma a wave...
"Ok, happy now..." she smacked my butt. "Better" 
At check-in all the usual answers done we headed to security, as always I was the one that triggered the sensors and had to remove everything but my pants and be frisked before they would allow me though. A great source of fun for my wife.
"I think they knew it was you and the only way the women security officer could ever touch you up was legally... she certainly had a smile on her face the whole time..."  
"you think?" walking down to the gate, she laughed. the kids were sharing their banter and I knew we were going to have a great honeymoon and vacation.
We boarded the bus for the short trip to the plane, standing off the bus, as it turned around and left, I looked up to the door entrance of the jet. Stood waiting to welcome us on board was Carl our captain and Charlotte our cabin crew. Turning to Mara and the kids I asked, "so we all ready?" a resounding chorus cried out in unison, "yeah, lets get this muther..." "Jessie Bongiovi, watch your mouth..." he smiled at me and apologised, "Sorry dad, I'm just psyched you know..."  
"alright, lets go then, follow me." I led the way up the steps to the top, with Mara and the kids following behind her.  "Good Morning Mr Bongiovi, nice to have you on board." I smiled at him as I introduced Mara, what caught me by surprise was how Mara behaved, as she extended her hand to meet his, I noticed she was blushing. Mara looked at me, then looked to Charlotte and continued with the pleasantries of meeting our crew. I brushed it off and smiled to myself, I had a feeling Mara fancied our captain, or was it the uniform I guessed on the latter..
"Thank you Carl, nice to see you again, its been a while." he smiled and shook his head then added,
"My congratulations to you both on your wedding"
"thank you,  we appreciate it, so any storm's we need to ride or should it be smooth?"
" no reports of any bad weather sir so should be a nice flight"  "great, " he smiled as we moved past and took our seats. Mara chose them, we were sitting on the left side and Mara took the window seat... "Hey not fair I wanted that seat?" laughing she replied, well sit somewhere else then..."
I sat next to her, "oh really, is this the real you Mrs Bongiovi, getting all bossy,?" and leaning in close I whispered, " and what was with you blushing meeting the captain, care to share..?" she giggled as she whispered back, "I had a flash image of you wearing that uniform... for me..." I burst out laughing as my guess had been right, leaning back in I whispered, "well this is our honeymoon so never say never, anything is possible..." she smiled at me and blushed again. then she cast her eye's out looking at the runway.
My attention was caught momentarily as the kids had spent ages finding a seat they wanted to sit in, Charlotte was closing up the plane, a given we were nearing take off.  
Jakey was jumping from one seat to the other, having a seat in front of me, I caught him mid run and made him sit facing me. "hey lil man, steady ok... sit down and fasten your belt, were about to take off". no sooner had I said that carl came over the intercom. "cabin crew to seats please."
I watched as charlotte seated herself in the jump seat and buckled up. there was no psychical safety drill on my jet, we had cards and the video played while we taxied ready to depart.
I looked at all the kids, and smiled as they studied it, then I looked across at Mara who was miles away, "penny for them?"
she smiled back at me,  before speaking "thank you, thank you so much?"
"what for?"
"for giving me my dream..." she held her smile and behnd her chocolate eyes were tears, I took her hand and held it, as the captain increased the engine speed to a roar and we sped down the runway, taking off on our vacation/honeymoon, destination.... London England...