Friday 29 August 2014

Chapter 65 - what you know is true

I could not believe my eye's, all my family and the guys from the band were there to welcome me home, the only thing was this was no longer my home, it felt anything but, and although we both could put on smiley faces for everyone today, tonight it was gonna get spooky and we would both no doubt be off and book into a hotel, the images of the break in with Brad, well it had more than unnerved me, the trauma of it had been stamped into my brain.

I looked down at my daughter who was clung to my chest, and Jessie who was slapping my on the back and lil man Jakey wrapped around my legs, My mom then moved around the side of me and took my bag from my hands and out to the study.
"we have really missed you dad, so glad your home, " I smiled down at the figures before me, Richie could always be relied on to get me to say a speech, "C'mon Jon, what ya gotta say to these guy's?"
I walked over to the set that the band had set up, clearly they intended to sing, hopefully with Richie as lead and guitarist, I walked over to the mic and stood looking out at all my family and close friends that had gathered, and then to the women who had been with me through every nightmare in the last year, my Mara, suddenly everything I wanted to say came to mind and I began.

"I guess you all know the trauma that both Mara and me have been through, the stalking, fire, stabbing, break-in and shooting, we have seen more action than Arnie in his acting career," there were ripples of laughter, "but, what astounds me is, Mara has never given up on me, because she is the most incredible women I have ever met in my life.

I paused and beckoned for Mara to join me on stage, gracefully she walked towards the stage and climbed the steps to stand at my side, as I whispered in her ear, "Marry me in a month?" I looked into her eye's as she smiled and whispered right back "yes". With my heart beating wildly in my chest, I went back to addressing our close friends and family,

"So, to make it official we want you all to join us and celebrate our marriage one month from today."
we were met with whistles and cheers by everyone as I took the opportunity to steal a kiss from her beautiful lips.

as we both walked back onto the floor my mom flew to our sides, "Oh, babies that is really wonderful there's so much to organise,"
Mara gave me a look as if to say, tell her, this is our day, we want to organise it!
"Ma, take it easy ok, when we have decided on where we want it, we will let you know ok?" she looked at me hurt. Quickly I responded, putting my hand gently on her shoulder. "Ma, don't take on so, it's our day, and we want you to relax and enjoy it, not be rushing round organising everything, that's what wedding planners are for?"
she nodded her head at us, but I could see she was fighting back the tears, Mara spoke to her, "Ma, what I need help with is finding my wedding dress?, my mom's idea's are so Victorian I'll need another women's interaction to help me, and there's no one I'd rather have helping me than you, will you join me?"
"Oh course Mara, I'd love to, and of course there are the bridesmaid dresses.." I looked at Mara and she looked at me and we both laughed, my ma looked at us with a puzzled expression, "what? what's so funny?"
still laughing, I replied "nothing ma, nothing" Richie came over next,
" so c'mon then ask away?"
"Ask away for what?"
"what you wanna ask me?"
"there's nothing I wanna ask you Rich?"
"Yeah sure there is... c'mon, I aint got all day man."
he stood at the side of us grinning like the cat that got the cream... Mara lent in and whispered, he want's you to ask him to be best man.
The light bulb switched on and thanks to Mara I realised what he was going on about. Thing was I wanted Jessie to be my best man. this was gonna be hard.
Richie still stood waiting,
" Well...."
"Aw man, you want me to ask you to be best man right?"
his face dropped, "What you don't want me?"
"Aww course we want you bud, but..."
"You want someone else more, I get it, it's ok..." he looked sad and dejected. "Rich, look that's not it at all, but I wanted to ask Jessie first?"
He perked up, "man I'm such and idiot, course you do... I'm sorry, I can be a real dumbass sometimes, It's cool, and let Jessie know I'm here to help him if he needs it..." slapping me on the back he walked off to join the rest of the guy's that were hovering around the food waiting for it to be announced the food bar was open. David and Tico had positioned themselves by the plates and it was obvious no one was getting past them first.


  1. hhhmmm... Love Richie... I wonder if he would accept being Maid of Honor..... ;) Just a thought...

  2. Lmao good one Teri, maybe! 😀

  3. Richie would look good in the dress!
