Monday 5 January 2015

Chapter sixty six

As the last of the guests left, apart from Obie and the guys, me and Jessie  helped my ma to clear away the dishes, "Aint this a women's job pop?" 
I laughed, "don't let grandma here you say that..."
he smiled at me... "Ok.."
"Jessie, there's something I need to talk to you about..." putting the dishes back on the table I turned him to look at me, I needed to do this right, "c'mon lets go to the den..."
I turned and walked away and Jessie walked with me.
"I can really?"
"Sure, but only a real small one..."
"Yeah, I'd like that pop.."
I sort out two small shots for me and Jessie, turning to face him I handed him his drink and sat on the edge of the sofa.
"Jessie, there's a few things I need to talk through with you before I get to the main thing I want us to talk about, ok?"
"Sure pop" his face was puzzled and I could see he was struggling to understand what this was about.
I reassured him.
"Hey its nothing bad, ok, just some things I need to talk with you about and your brother and sister too, but I wanted to talk with you first."
his face broke a smile and it was so easy to see his was my son, his features resembled more of me with each passing day he grew.
"Son, how do you feel about me marrying Mara? tell me honestly... ok don't be nervous..."
he laughed, "really?, pop are you serious, you really want me to answer that?, don't you know already?"
I smiled back, "well I think I know, but I just wanna be one hundred percent sure..."
"well I know that I love Mara, she's great, she has given us back our dad, and no matter what has happened to her, she loves you, anyone can see that, and when your happy so are we..."
I was relieved to know that my thoughts about the kids and their feelings towards Mara were as I thought, but the next question was gonna be a little harder. clearing my throat I asked the question I was dreading...
"What about your mom, no bad feelings about us not being together and how she died?"
Jessie looked at me, he swallowed hard before he answered. "no matter what our mom did, she was still our mom, and part of me will always love her I guess...... but watching what she did to you both, and how she got grandma involved, I cant forgive her ever...... " he stammered as he carried out,  and, and, and,  nearly causing us to lose you through her own hatred, well it kills me inside. I don't blame either you or Mara not in anyway..."
I ruffled his hair, and smiled at him sitting in the chair... now came the time to ask the next big favour...
"Son, thank you, and that's form Mara too, she loves you all so much, you know that right?"
he nodded and started looking puzzled again...
"man I am so shit at this father son stuff.... "
I got up and paced over to the window and looked out...  a hand rested on my shoulder, I turned round to see Jessie stood waiting for me to explain...
"Is it something serious dad? you can tell me..."
"well yeah its serious son, serious cause I was hoping you would do me the honour of being my best man."
Jessie's face broke into a smile as he looked at me and answered..." oh man, wow, really, sure I will, I'd love too....but I don't know what to do, can you help me?"
"uncle Rich can...ok?" He nodded as we both hugged each other and enjoyed the moment of being father and son....
"Jon, Mara came to the door of the den, Obie and the boys are leaving and wanna say god bye..."
I nodded, "Be there in one minute..."
She smiled as she turned and closed the door.
"thanks Son, thanks..."
"For what dad?"
"For everything...."
no more words were spoken as we left the den my arms around my eldest sons shoulders to say goodbye to the guys waiting in the lobby.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome now don't wait so long ok? There's going to be a wedding and I don't want to wait til June!!!!!!
