Thursday 8 January 2015

Chapter Sixty Seven

After saying farewell to Richie and the guys, I moved into the kitchen where Mara and mom were stood washing dishes. "Hey aint the caterers here for that?"
"It don't matter, more hands get the job done quicker..." mom stopped what she was doing for a second, "You know I'm so pleased you two are home...." she reached over and hugged Mara and placed a soapy hand on my arm... "You know the physical scars you have both endured, I feel them for you both, and the mental strain will remain with me forever, but knowing you too are safe I can cope with the rest." she gave us a warm smile through eyes filled with tears. All three of us embraced.

Mom broke the embrace and continued with the chores of washing up, and could be heard giving instructions to the waiting staff..." make sure all the food is wrapped and refrigerated, and all the crystal is here to be washed, that needs to be washed by hand not in the dish washer." the waiting staff were a hive of activity as they fetch and carried. Mom was always at her happiest when she was organising.

I gently took Mara's elbow and lead her to the door way so I could talk to her. We both looked around before we spoke, we did not want any of the news breaking in the press before we had time to adjust and start making our arrangements. We both wanted a pretty low key affair with just friends and family and the band,  but if our news leaked we would be hounded day and night and there would always be that someone somewhere prepared to shed more light on events.

I looked down at her beautiful face, the scars of our recent past etched across her elfin features, her eyes still soft despite the body conflict endured by her. stoking her face gently I asked,
"you ok?"
"Yeah, why?"
"No reason just checking..." I smiled my biggest smile, she did the same in return.
"So, did you ask Jessie?"
"I had a long chat with him."
"You did? and?"
"he and the kids are great, they love you and are real happy for us."
"So you spoke to all of them?"
"No, just Jessie, but he knows his siblings..."
"But Jon, I need to know from all of them that they are ok for us to marry?, its not long since, there Mom died, and don't forget I shot her."
"But that was to save my life, it would have been one of us for sure, babe, trust me ok, the kids are fine..."
her face was full of conflict, she nodded her head, but I know she didn't want to. Turning to me she asked, "Can we meet with all the kids, I want to talk to them too."
"Just humor me please..."
"Ok, ok... whatever you want, you know I'm happy for that....." I changed the subject slightly but still in the vein of the kids and our wedding.
"I asked Jessie to be best man?"
her eyes were wide as she waited for me to carry on. " And?"
"He said yes, he's so excited...see, told you everything is gonna be fine..."
"He did?,  that's given me hope...." her smile was broad and she looked relieved to hear the news.
"babes, trust me ok, no one knows the kids like I do." I was trying to affirm and reassure her, I decided I did not want to mention my own doubts I had when talking to Jessie earlier,
"So, can I ask, have you thought about who you would like to be your attendants?"
"I have, but I'm not sharing with you Bongiovi."
"Oh, I see playing like that are we?"
a giggle escaped her lips and she moved out of the doorway and stuck her tongue out at me.
"You better move fast Miss Goodward...?"
"She giggled again as she took off through the house, with me chasing in hot pursuit. No doubt about it that she was fitter and faster than me and more nimble as she ran and made headway in front, with me puffing and chasing behind.
I had to try another tact if I was to catch her, and no one said I had to play fair. I was making the rules... sneakily I went through the guest wing and up the back stairs and round the side hall and down and opened the door to where Mara just rang into the open door.
Laughing I stepped round and grabbed her.
"She was breathless and laughing and fighting my grip, "Hey so not fair, you cheat."
"Yep I am, and?"
"Nothing... still she was laughing and catching her breath, I was laughing too, I enjoying every second I was with Mara.

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