Thursday 28 February 2013

Chapter 3 Road to hell

Chapter 3

The doorbell rang,"Damn", I said out loud, Mr.Universe was standing on the other side of that door just waiting to mould my now fat ass into something like it used to be.

"Can I help you?" it wasn't Mr.universe at my door; it was a small women proberbly no more than five feet tall and she could not have weighed anymore than 100 pounds.

Her face was tiny yet round, and her eyes were the perfect colour of milk chocolate. Her hair was shiny dark brown and fell to just below her shoulders. She was dressed in black leggins and a pale pink top that ended just shy of her small but perfectly toned thighs. She carried a hot pink back pack and duffle bag, that looked heavier than she did.

"Mr Bon Jovi?" she asked, obviously not recognizing the former rock star she possibly remembered from days gone by.
"Yes?" I answered confused as to why she was standing there outside my door. "Is there something I can do for you?" my voice did have an edge to it and that's when I noticed she looked a little nervous.

"I'm Mara Goodward-Carson. Your mother hired me to train you." why did that name sound so familiar?
"You're my trainer?" No way. There was no way this little miss was training me. What could she possibly show me? she barley looked like she could carry her duffle bags.
"Yes Mr Bon Jovi I am your trainer. At least that's why your mother hired me. Do you have a problem with my training you?
I hope its not because I am a girl. I'm sure your more evolved than that".

Evolved. who did she think she was? "no its not because your a girl, " I sounded. " Good then we can begin," all this said as she marched through my front door. " please show me where you wish to work out, I would like to get started. I have more clients to see today."

I was not sure standing upright was for me anymore, as normally my recliner a bottle of booze and a cigarette was my excercise, but I really did not have the energy to argue with this girl, I chose to resign and lead the way to my new work out room.

I chose to use the loft room which until the equipment had arrived had stayed empty, looking out of the window, was a breathtaking view of the lake.
speaking to Mara I asked, "is this ok" " great", she didn't look impressed. "I'd like to start off asking you some questions and then I can assess your fitness level"

"I can save you time on that. I'm not fit" I tried adding the humor to break the ice, again she was not impressed.

I could not decide though if she was just some hard ass or was she nervous. Her face held a rigid look, but her eye's betrayed that control. It was as if those chocolate eyes were melting in front of me.

Why they hell did they look so familiar?.
" I still have to do an assessment, maybe we could sit over there." she pointed to the two benches tha sat parallel to one another. We walked and sat at the benches, each facing each other, she with her clip board, me with a beer.
"Do you smoke?" " smoke what I joked," "I'll take that as a yes. what about alcohol? Do you drink?"  I saw her eyes dart down to my lap. then back to the paper, I didn't need to answer that one.

" Look let me get  something out of the way. I do everything that a fit person like you would frown upon, so you may as well just tick yes to every question on your sheet, okay, plus I eat like a horse, and it shows so unless these questions truly are relevant don't bother wasting your time and mine".

"Why do you have a problem with me? is it because I am not a man? do you think I am not up to the task?"

" I did'nt say that."

" You didn't have too, if you would like another trainer just let me know now, I would hate to waste my time." Mara glared at me, daring for me to let her go.......


  1. I love Mara she has just the right attitude to deal with Jon. But I am curious as to why Jon thinks he knows her. Is she someone from his past? This is getting good.
    More please!

    1. isn't she the same 14 year old he met but that was like ages ago or something so this is in the future, where they're both older. that's what I think
      Just went to read it, so this is 9 years later, so Mara would be (I cant count) 23 now?

      Is that it?

  2. There is more to come, all will be revealed! :0) x
