Sunday 16 June 2013

Chapter 27 - Thorn In My Side

Chapter 27 Thorn in My Side

Just getting ready to set off to the harbour my cell rang, answering it....
"Mr Bongiovi, Its Detective Aaron Ross, Sir, sorry to trouble you so early but I have some information for you regarding the Camaro,"
"Yeah I'm listening, go ahead."
" I don't want to talk about it on the phone;  could we meet? "
"Well, I  am just heading out with my family detective, are you sure you can't tell me over the phone?"
"I'd rather not Mr Bongiovi, it's kind of delicate, look if I leave the office now I should be with you in about an hour, we should be done in about 50 minutes if all goes to plan, but as I say I really need to meet with you give you this information in person."
" Goes to plan?, what do you mean?"
"What I say Mr Bongiovi."
"Can't you tell me something Detective, please my head is all over the place."
"it's bizarre to say the least  Mr Bongiovi, but events have unfolded and the owner of the Camaro is you. the vehicle is registered in your name......
"What?, how can that be?"
" Look, lets leave it there,  I'll leave now and will be with you shortly, we can discuss this at length when I get there" 
"Ok,  detective see you in an hour."

I sat stunned, how the hell could the Camaro be registered to me, I had never owned a car like that. Richie looked across.
"Jon, man is everything ok? you look worried, talk to me bud"
"What, erm... yeah, everything's fine;"......a deep sigh escaped my lips as I spoke. I felt tired and drained, I needed help.

" erm no what Rich, everything's not ok, who the fuck am I trying to kid, this is one fucked up mess, it's freaking me out and I honest to god don't know what to do for the best. I try, but whatever I do, ends up  as a bigger pile of shit"
I looked out of the windshield staring straight ahead. my hands clenched around the steering wheel so tightly my knuckles were white.
"Jon, explain.. c'mon, let me help"
"I can't Rich, not with the kids here."
"So, where Jon, man whatever this is, you can't keep it bottled up." pausing for a minute before he continued...
" Hey, I have an idea. my housekeeper is at mine today, why don't we go drop off the kids just for a while, they can have fun round the pool and shit, and we can collect them later?, I don't wanna pry Jon, but honestly you look like shit and I reckon you need some bro time?"
" c'mon Jon, you owe yourself that much right? I'm sure the kids are good for that," turning behind to talk to the kids they all agreed that they were happy to spend time over at Richie's until I had finished my meeting with the detective.
I looked at Richie, and smiled,relenting, partly out of exhaustion and partly out of gratitude.

Apologising to my kids I drove them over to Richie's. Once they were safely in his yard round the pool with Hilary, I drove us both over to mine.
"So talk bro"
"Give me a minute Rich, I'm trying to think where to start."
"The beginning is a good place."
"All right smart ass, I know that, but it's complicated Rich."
"Everything is in the life of Jon Bon Jovi" He laughed trying to lighten the mood.
"Seriously Rich, this is some serious fucked up shit, man I am outta my depth here."
"So, tell me."
" a few weeks ago, Mara and I had been out, getting me some new clothes after dropping the weight, ... I first noticed a red Camaro that was parked at the end of my drive. I thought it could be a fan, but something in my gut told me it wasn't, then I saw it a few times more and then it started following  me around. The blonde driver looked familiar too, but damn if I could remember or place the face with a name"
"Stalker huh?"
" yeah, I kinda guessed that too, but after Mara and I had been out on Tuesday, I noticed it again. it had been parked at the end of the drive and as she left to head home it followed her., so grabbing my keys I jumped into the vette and followed behind. next thing I know I am parked on Mara's street seven cars behind the Camaro, then Mara's house goes up in flames, the Camaro and blonde driver are gone and Mara's is critical in hospital."
"so you think the driver had something to do with the fire?"
"I didn't know what to think Rich, that's why I went to the police."
"So the cops think its connected?"
"Whoa, slow down, when I got to the cops I was met by a detective to discuss what had been happening I thought I would have spoken to a regular officer, it turned out not,  The Detective told me the Fire Chief suspected Arson so he was the officer on the case."
"Right, so?"
"So he is now coming out to see me, and he told me on the phone that the Camaro is registered in my name? Rich, I aint ever owned a Camaro. What the fuck is going on?"
"I dunno Jon, but lets see what the Detective has to say first shall we. I'm with ya all the way bro. and why the fuck didn't ya call me?"
"Thanks,... I dunno..... I didn't give it a thought I guess...."
"And what the fuck is going on with you and Dot? man that was some tension I sensed this morning dude. What's going down there, you leave with face like thunder and a deep scratch to your neck? no bullshite Jon, c'mon give"
It wasn't long before I had got us back to my place, I explained about what Dot had done, and that Jessie had seen what she had done too. In Richie way, he let out his opinion.
"Muther Fucker bitch. Man, what the fuck is wrong with her?, she makes a play for you.... while you sleep..... that is some serious fucked up  women.... man, what are you gonna do about it?, you can't let this go jon?"
"I don't know , I'm thinking about it, with all this other shit too, I can't think straight right now. so you wanna beer?"
 opening the fridge I grabbed a bottle of beer and threw it to Richie, I grabbed a bottle of water. opening the the bottle and putting it to my lips I took a long drink. allowing the cold liquid to soothe my dry throat.
Apprehension filled my body. questions going over and over in my mind; how could the Camaro be registered to me? I did not own a Camaro..... I prayed the Detective would be able to shed some light on the circumstances.
"So, what next bro?"
"What do you mean?"
"I mean, when he discusses this shit with you, what are you gonna do?"
"I don't know what he is gonna say yet do I rich, I can't presume."
"Well, we know the car is registered to you, we gotta find out how?" Let's do things by elimination"
my head was pounding, I just wanted to hear what the Detective had to say before having to jump through hoops and Richie's conclusions.
"In good time bud. ok?"
Richie stopped,
"ok, whatever you say, your still the boss."
The doorbell rang, answering the door the detective walked into the lobby. After offering drinks of which were declined we went into the sitting room.


  1. Please dear god don't like the stalker by Dort .. I don't think I could handle that ... I mean yeah she's gone off the deep end but this oh my freakin god..

  2. This story just gets better and better with every chapter you post.
