Monday 17 June 2013

Chapter 28 - One Step Closer

"What do you know detective?" Richie sat at the panio, looking at the two detectives stood in my sitting room. I stood with my back to the fire and the detectives stood in no direction just facing me in the centre of the floor.
"The Camaro as I already mentioned is registered to you. We investigated deeper and it turns out that it was purchased cash by a blonde, when I say blonde, it was a wig. the I.d taken by the clerk showed it was by a person called Margret Hurley. That name mean anything to you Mr Bongiovi?"
"Yeah, that's Dorothea's mom, she was my Mother-in-Law."
"Ummm, did you have a good relationship with your in law?"
"Not really, she did not like what I did for a job, and always thought her daughter could do better than me, I guess you could say we had a strained relationship."
"it seems so Mr Bongiovi, well taking this a stage further, Mrs Hurley, not only purchased the car and registered it in your name, but she is also the women that has been following you. We have Mrs Hurley in custody right now. so apart from not warming to you during your marriage to her daughter, is there any reason Mrs Hurley could want to harm you or your girl friend?"
"How can I answer that Detective?, I don't know what is going on in her head do I?"
"I'm sorry Mr Bongiovi, but when I say we have your mother-in law in custody she is being held for suspect Arson and attempted murder, my line of questioning is not routine."
"Fuck... you think she caused the fire."
"we are investigating that possibility, yes."
"well; I... man... no... she couldn't do that?..." turning to Richie I said, "Could she?"
"No idea man, she was always a strange one, I'd say ask Dorothea Jon. who knows her better than her own daughter."
"have you spoken with my ex-wife yet Detective?"
"Not yet, all in good time."
"Can I ask, when was the last time you saw your Mother-in-law?"
"I dunno,... erm no wait, it was about a week ago, I met with Dot, we sorted our issues and arranged my having time with the kids. Dot and I had agreed to put the past behind us and move on, she was there then."
"Did she say anything to you? anything threatening?"
"Nah, she just sat silent and glared at me the whole time. I guessed she was just there for her daughter."
"I see. well Mrs Hurley has a lot of venom for you Mr Bongiovi, she has told all about your.... erm how can I put this... your unfaithfulness to her daughter. She repeatedly said you had to pay for the hurt."
"So, how are things with your ex-wife now?"
"well. they were good until last night. but I'd rather not talk about it."
"Mr Bongiovi, I have to insist, especially if this could bear any information to the investigation."
from the piano, Richie spoke.
"Detective, its very delicate and personal between Jon and Dot, can't you leave it?"
"I'm sorry, Mr Sambora right?"
"we need to obtain as much information as possible, we need to establish that Mrs Hurley acted on just her impulses and did not have the collaboration of her daughter too."
"Rich, its ok man, I'll tell him."
"last night detective, I grabbed take out for the family, Dot had been kind enough to let me go there after the hospital and see the kids, she offered me the guest room. given I had not slept for 48 hours I was happy to accept."
"ok, normal so far... continue."
"after we had ate, we went to the theatre room, the kids wanted to watch a movie. I was so whacked I don't remember anymore, other than I woke up in the guest room this morning in my shorts."
"How did you get into the guest room?"
"My son, Jessie, told me he and his mom carried me to bed."
"So your wife I guess undressed you to your shorts?."
"So what happened for you to say, it was ok until last night, please explain?"
"Yeah, in your own time sir."
"Detective, this is very delicate, it involves my son, can you give me your assurance you won't question him? he's so young, what he witnessed has really traumatised him?"
"I can make no guarantee's Mr Bongiovi, especially as it relates directly to my investigation."
I looked at Richie."
" Go ahead, Tell him bro."
"ok, sighing deeply I continued.." my son told me that my ex wife had agreed to undress me, given the length on time she was away, Jessie went upstairs to the guest room, he saw my ex wife with her hands in my shorts, .... she was masturbating me while I slept."
I held my head in shame, again I had failed to protect my kids, man I was one fucked up failure. Mara, Dot and now Jess... who would be next...
" What did you do when your son told you?"
"well, I tried to reassure him, what he had told me was fine and that I would address it with his mom, I asked him not to tell his sister and his brother."
"Did you talk to Mrs Bongiovi?"
"What was the response?"
"She told she still fancied me, and wanted me."
"How did you react to that?"
"I told her she was crazy, and what she had done was illegal."
"Did you report  it?"
"Detective, being well known I did not want that kind of information to become public."
"How would that become public?, confidentiality is paramount Mr Bongiovi."
"Yeah, everything is Detective, but it always finds a way out. It was not something I want to subject my kids to reading about."
"understandable, and I can only speak for my professionalism, and assure you that the discussion we are having between you and I and my colleague Pat Bryan, will never be repeated in public,"
the other Detective gave me his reassurance too.
"So please continue sir?"
"Well after, I kinda flipped, lost my temper and collected my bags and the kids and tried to leave."
"tried to leave?"
"Yeah, more heated words were exchanged between us outside,  she really could not see that she had done anything wrong. I said some pretty awful things, so she asked me to go back inside to talk so we did not part on hostile terms."
"Did you go back inside with Mrs Bongiovi?"
"Yeah, into the office."
"she started to explain about her affair and how sorry she was she had hurt me, I thought she was going to apologise for her actions the night before, but she didn't, I had heard enough of her bullshit so I tried to leave. next thing I know I am floored and she is on top trying to kiss me. I managed to get her off and leave, but she must have dug her nails into my neck and cut me as I walked out."
"So, you did part on hostile terms?"
"Yeah, guess so."
"is that all?"
"Yeah, that's everything Detective."
" ok,  well Thank you, for your time Mr Bongiovi I will leave now, but I will be in touch again as soon as I have more developments. Don't bother showing us out, we can find our own way... Mr sambora.."
With that the Detectives left us alone.
"What the fuck Richie? Have we heard right? Dots Mom?"


  1. Now I wasn't even thinking of Dorothea's mom being the woman driving the camaro. Absolutely loved that part.
    Jon was so embarressed to tell the detectives what Dorothea did to him, but he did and I am proud of him.

  2. you know when I was thinking the other day or was it yesterday when you said it wasn't dot Mich .. that is the next person that came to my mind was his mother in law ... how screwed up is that .... poor JOnny though having to tell something like that .. to the deteictives I feel for the guy ... *hugs him* ... and good for Richie there supporting his buddy.
