Sunday 23 June 2013

Shot thru the heart! Chapter one!

Chapter one

"Quick, call 911, Jon, Jon, bud, c'mon wake up, Jon, Jesus Christ..... what the fuck have you given him huh? c'mon you son of a bitch tell? I swear to god if anything happens to him I will sue your fucking ass."
 Looking down at the motionless body of my best friend I stood over him feeling totally helpless. My rant aimed at our Manager Doc McGhee and the so called Dr who had been shooting different drugs and steroids into Jon's body while we were on tour.
Gavin one of the roadies, had called the emergency services, for now all we could do was pray to god he was alive and the services reached him in time.

Sorry I guess I should introduce myself first eh, my name is Richard Sambora,  or Richie to my buddies and fans; I play lead guitar in the rock band Bon Jovi, my buddy that is lying helpless on the floor is Jon Bon Jovi lead singer and who the band is named after.

We have been on the road performing to sell out shows all over the world for the last two years, tonight was our last show before our break.
God knows how long the break will be cos we honest to god are fucked off at the sight of each other.
Mental and physical exhaustion are the main reason's but there is more to it, but I don't think now is the time to go into that, the most important thing right now is Jon, yeah it is bad, let me explain a little into the life of the rock band Bon Jovi, maybe with a clear picture you can inject some sense into this performing circus and bullshit we have lived together and endured twenty four hours seven days a week?. 

During the tour Jon has suffered with his vocals and has been taking steroids to help him perform, I tell ya to the paying public there looked like there was nothing wrong. backstage, we saw the impact that has been thrown on his worn out body. Throwing up, not eating, not sleeping, collapses, tremors, bleeding, you name it we have witnessed it. yeah its terrifying. and no it's not the start of a Bon Jovi song, though maybe one day it will be. Our Manager Doc McGhee, is a slave driver, often heard telling Jon when we have had a real bad episode with his vocals tightening up,
"Quit whining Jonny, if ya want the fame, you gotta run with the big boys, and don't piss like a puppy." I'm gonna have that one engraved on the muther fuckers headstone.
Part of what he says is true, but the other is he is a callous fucker who only see's the dollar signs we are raking in for him.
Thing is Doc was taking a major cut of the Bon Jovi money machine and even though we had toured the world twice in 2 years, we; the band had little to show for it, just something else to piss us off. there we are working our butts off seven days a week, seeing nothing but hotel rooms and planes, no sight seeing; nothing, but each other for company, it kinda grinds on yer if ya get my meaning. I swear go try it? work your ass off for your boss, get no payment reward, don't see your family and wifes, girlfriends, boyfriends for two years and see how you interact with your boss?, if ya come back and tell me fine, man I will call you a fucking liar.  Yep, the daily grind of the Bon Jovi truck has finally ran out of gas, anyway, enough already, back to Jon, looking at him on the floor here, not a muscle has moved, he is grey in color too, man I hope those medics get here quick, it feels like forever already.
"Coming through, please make way, coming through."
"Sir can you hear me?"
"Who can tell me what has happened here?"
I spoke up given our Manager had suddenly lost his tongue and the so called Dr had disappeared.
"Yeah, our manager there has employed the services of a Dr to shoot Jon with steroids and other drugs to help his vocals, we have been on tour and Jon's chords are shot, but we had to keep going, tonight he just came of stage and collapsed. We have tried to wake him, but he aint responding so we called you guy's."
"What was the name of the drug that you have injected him with?" finally Doc found his voice again.
"Cortisone and anabolic steroids, is all's I know."
"Could you get the Dr?"
"Sure, Gav go find George."
The medics worked on Jon, they confirmed his heart was beating, but were concerned his other vitals were low and he was non responsive.
They rolled Jon onto a stretcher and before the Dr arrived they had lifted him and were taking him out to the Ambulance.
Gavin rushed back to Doc, whispering to him.
I saw red and flew in rage at Doc, "The muther fucker bastard has gone, aint he?"
"Take it easy Richie, do you think I would employ an amateur to look after you guys?, he's probably gone for cigarettes or something, I'm sure there is an explanation."
"Doc, you really don't wanna know my thoughts, and yeah I do think you would get some Doc that aint qualified or has been struck off cos it means saving you money, you are a tight ass fucker, all you see with us is money. Well I tell ya no more, we are through with you. so get your stuff and get the fuck outta our sights, but know this, if you have caused any serious damage to Jonny, I mean it man I will sue your fucking fat ass."  making my point, I went outback and joined Jon in the ambulance. On route I made notes of whom to call, did I ring Dottie Jon's wife or his Mom, tough call.

Minutes later we arrived at Robert Wood Johnson Wood University Hospital, New Brunswick, NJ. 
pushing me out of the way the medics took Jon straight into ICU.
Before anything else I had to find a payphone and make Jon's family aware of what had gone down. Finding the payphone I made the call to Mrs B first, then tried  ringing Dottie. She did not answer and I did not wanna leave bad news on the answer phone, so I hung up. Mrs B was the first to arrive. she told me she had tried getting hold of Dot too but could not reach her yet.
Mrs B, looked drained and she was scared to death that her son in her words had been shooting drugs.
I don't why, but fuck I felt guilty at that moment. I could not answer Mrs B so stood but said nothing.
As for the fucking so called Dr that had been pumping Jon's body full of the drugs, he never did return.
Now all we could do was stand and wait for news good or bad, a worried Mom and Pop and me, waiting for news on Jon..... united in our fight that Jon would be ok.....

1 comment:

  1. Very powerful chapter. Hope someone finds the scumbag doctor Doc hired to give Jon those damn shots and beat his ass. Doc too!
    Wonder why no one can reach Dorothea?
    Jon better be okay or heads are gonna roll.
