Friday 26 July 2013

Chapter twenty Nine - Misunderstood!

I could not believe what Detective Ross had told me, Dots Mom was the stalker and had possibly committed attempted murder too! "Hey Jon? man are you ok?" breaking back to reality I looked at Richie who had nothing but concern on his face.
"Yeah bud I'm good. just letting what I've been told to sink in. fuck, Richie, part of me wants to go over there and slap her silly, another part of me just wants to know why?, Jeez I provided for Dot and the kids, I know I screwed up but Dot killed my heart first or I never would have done the things I did. If I hadn't I would still be happily married to Dot I guess.... shit I just don't know. This is like a movie, a god damn horror movie at that. What do I do Rich? I can't tell my Mom and Mara about this?"
"Jon, there is nothing you can do, and stop beating yourself up already. This aint your fault, you cannot be held responsible for a deranged psycho and her daughter, leave it to the cops man and don't tell your mom anything. Fact bud, they only have assumption to go on at this time, that detective guy said he needs to make further enquiries. chill bud until you have all the facts, nothing you can do. but I do suggest we get back to mine and get the kids eh?"
Listening to Richie, he made perfect sense. "yeah, your rite Rich, c'mon lets go get the kids and head off on the boat, I need to let my hair down for a while and relax with my kids, I want, no need to forget the last 3 days, c'mon lets go."
Grabbing the keys for the SUV we set off to Richie's place, thanking Richie's house keeper for looking after the kids I slipped her a $100 dollar bill to say thank you, she was most appreciative.
With kids in the car we headed back to my place and to the boat house to collect the boat. We had grabbed food and supplies for the day and we had a great time, for the next five hours my problems did not exist and I was able to enjoy my time with my best friend and my three wonderful kids. returning the boat to the boat house and with the kids in the SUV I drove them back to their mom's Richie came with me.
Pulling on to Dot's, drive she was already out of the house waiting for me and the kids to arrive. Richie wanted to get out and have a word, I stopped him, but thanked him none the less, I told him to just cover my back as I did not trust dot one bit. With his hand on my shoulder he promised to do just that.
I pulled up and parked, the kids got out too and very sombrely walked towards the house. I got out of the SUV and walked beside Steph. "Dad, do we have to stay with Mom?"
"What do you mean steph?"
"I mean can't we come live with you?"
"I wish you could sweetheart, but your mom aint gonna let that happen anytime soon."
"What's it to her where we live. She don't care, most nights she spends her time in the den drinking and looking at your photo, pop if we didn't have pippa we would starve, Pippa does far more for us than Mom."
"Grabbing Steph's arm I stopped her walking, the other kids stopped too.
"Whoa, what the hell is going on, how come you are telling me this now, and who the fuck is Pippa?"
Jesse spoke up"Dad, Pippa is our house keeper, she cleans the house, but she has become like a nanny to us, she does our laundry, feeds us, gets us ready for school, picks us up after activity clubs and stuff, mom has been falling apart for years, and well, we thought you didn't care cos we never saw you, and mom, well she told us that you did not care if we lived or died. In our hearts we knew that was not true and that one day you would come find us all."
"Jesse, Steph and you lil man, please do not ever think I never wanted you, I tired so many times to see you, your mom but a stop to it, telling me she was protecting you all from me, I was in a bad place at the time kids and I was on self destruct and I admit I believed her lies. Now I am on the better side of getting better and I know she was wrong, kids, that's why I met your mom  a week ago to have permanent access to you guys, to build our relationship and get to know you all. I love you all so much."
"Dad, it's ok, we know that, but, we don't need a nanny and we don't like living with mom, can we come live with you?"
I listened in shock at my children explaining the nightmare they had endured, for years with Dorothea, she had painted a perfect family picture to me, showing her in the best light protecting the kids, that however was  as far away from the truth as it could be, she had tried to build poison in to my kids, and did not give a fuck about them. my brain was whirling but I had to act.
"Kids, I've heard enough, go get in the car, you're all coming to live with me", the three of them just stood staring at me, "go now." three sets of feet ran off to the SUV and climbed back inside. Richie stood next to me. "Gutsy decision man, hope your prepared for war, here come's Dot."
"I'm ready Rich, stand by though please bro"
"Sure bud you got it, I'm here for you"
"Jon, just what the fuck, why have the kids got back in your car?"
"Dot, the kids are gonna come live with me."
"The fuck they are Jon, if you think I am letting my kids live with you and that bitch you are screwing think again."
"what?, lets get things straight shall we Dot?, today, I met with a detective and I find out that your mom is responsible for my girlfriend lying in hospital with 3rd degree burns, "Dots face went pale,  she looked at me shocked.
"Don't tell me you knew nothing about it cos I won't believe you Dot, second, you rape me when I stay over, and third my kids have just told me you do nothing for them and have been pouring poison into their ears for years telling them I don't give a fuck about them. Steph just asked me if she could stay with me, jesse joined in and told me, that someone called Pippa has been looking after them while you sit in the den drinking and looking at my photo, now have a I left anything out?"
"Jon, I-I-I-I..."
"Save it Dot, whatever you are gonna say, I  don't wanna hear it, we are through dot and you will be hearing from my lawyer, for now the kids are coming home with me, and for the record Mara is not a bitch, she is a wonderful caring loving person, and let me tell you this, when I make love with her she takes me to places I have never known before, I love her with all my heart, You and I should never have been, the only thing that has been of anything good from my time with you Dot is my kids, now is there anything you don't understand?"
"Jon, you have totally misunderstood me, I need to explain, Can we go to the den and talk please?"
"I am not interested in anything else you have to say, for the last time Dot, IT'S OVER!!!"
I turned and walked away with Rich at my side. Dot kept calling my name, screaming for me to go back, she was crying hysterically by the time we reached the SUV. Rich and I climbing into the SUV we saw her on her knees head in hand crying.
"Shit man that was fucking intense. So how are you gonna do this bro, aint ya gotta go see Mara tonight?"
"Yeah I have, I aint thought that far ahead Rich, I am winging it right now."
"Well look, how bout I sit with the kids, I can order some takeout, watch a movie with um give you a chance to go see Mara and sort some of this shit out eh?"
"Rich man, you are my superman, I playfully punched him on his arm and laughed, seriously bro that would help me so much, are you sure? I don't wanna ruin any plans you have"
"Yeah course I am man, you kids ok with yeah ol uncle looking after ya for a few hours eh?"
Stephaine spoke first, "Yep, no worries unc." she had the pink blush to her cheeks again. I smiled to myself, Richie saw it, "What ya smiling at?"
"Well, as a laugh escaped my lips, I could see the look of shock on Steph's face, "my daughter has a crush on you Richie."
"Daaaaaaaddddddd, how could you?" she scowled and pouted and blushed sitting with an indignant look to her face staring out of the window."
"Steph, I am flattered, really thank you."
She ignored Richie, and continued staring out of the window, not speaking another word until we pulled up on to the drive.


  1. holy guacamole ..... sheat ... I was waiting for something to happen but not this. Seriously Dot you actually think its right all you did and then filing your kids with poison over their dad soooo not cool.... and awwww Stephie has a crush can't wait for more

  2. The ass chewing Jon gave D was long overdue in my opinion. I will never understand how a parent can bad mouth their ex to their children. Its disgusting!

    Wonder what Dorothea will do next now that Jon took the kids from her?.

    Jon, so not cool to out that your daughter has a crush on Richie right in front of her. Bad daddy. Lol
