Monday 12 August 2013

Chapter 31 - Little Things Mean Alot

Chapter 31

Pulling out of the drive turning left, checking my rear view I could see four sets of arms waving at me as I drove off the drive to go see Mara in hospital.

The drive was uneventful and I was grateful; as more than once my mind wandered thinking over all of the events that had taken place over the last few days.

Pulling on to the parking lot, I found a space, stopped my car and got out. my mind was thinking over and over, how the hell could I explain this to Mara. Should I explain about the detective and my former mom-in law?, I knew I could not tell her about what Dot had done, hell even I was struggling with that one... no keeping quiet was the best solution. Mara's safety was my everything, she had suffered enough. I would tell her about having the kids, at least a bit of good news for her, but that's it, until she was fitter and well on the road to recovery. My mind at last content with my decision.

Walking into the hospital I wound my way round the corridors on the way to Mara's room.
As I reached the door, from the outside I was aware of voices talking, opening the door and walking in I saw Detective Ross and his colleague, my mom and Mara's; sat by the side of her bed, with Mara's hand being comforted by her mom.

"Hey, what's going on? Mom? Mara? tell me please?" I walked over to Mara and gently kissed her forehead and waited for an answer, keeping eye contact with the Detective the whole time.

"Oh baby, they have called to tell us they have charged someone with arson.... and attempted murder...... Jon, sweetheart,.... it's Dorothea's mom."
"You have charged her Detective?"
"Yes Mr Bongiovi, that is correct."
"What the fuck are you doing coming here then?"
"Miss Goodward is the main victim and legally has a right to know Mr Bongiovi, this is all related to her recovery and well being."
"What the fuck? are you a Dr?"
"No Mr Bongiovi I am doing my job."
"Your job, your job was to go through me, I was the one that would explain, not you." I was so pissed but I had to continue....
"Detective, I thought we had agreed you were going to keep me informed, what has changed from that discussion?"
"Mr Bongiovi, as much as I understand your concerns for your girlfriend, I have a responsibility to do my job. if that upsets you I am sorry."
"your sorry? fuck, why didn't you just drive a god damn fucking truck through here and roll it right over her eh? it would be less painful than what you have done. Detective can I speak with you outside. There are things I need to discuss with you that I do not want to say in front of my family, please"

The detective looked at me, but granted my request, he said good bye to Mara with acknowledgement to Mara's mom and mine. Stepping into the corridor outside of Mara's room I lead the Detective  to the entrance of the hospital far away from  Mara's room.

"Detective, I am worried for Mara's safety."
"Mr Bongiovi, your Mom in law is behind bars and will be for some time..."
"no, detective, it's not my mom-in law I am worried about. it's.... my ex wife Dorothea, Detective I have my children staying with me at home, Detective my ex wife is unstable and I cannot guarantee what she will or will not do right now. I am afraid she will try and make her way to the hospital here in Arlington and harm Mara."
"What makes you think this Mr Bongiovi?"
"Detective, I can't explain now, but please trust me, she is behaving oddly and doing things far from normal. My kids have told me about her excessive drinking, they have told me she is obsessed with getting me back. Detective, I cannot say she will do anything but I am honest to god scared right now."  
"what are you asking Mr Bongiovi?"
"Fuck, do I have to spell it out for ya? I want an officer or guard on the hospital door 24 hours a day until Mara is discharged, no one to go in or out without I.D, with just me my mom and Mara's mom as visitors, would you do that for me Detective?"
"Mr Bongiovi, I feel you are extremely anxious, but this is a main hospital, you cannot just walk in and out and commit a crime against a patient, this is not the movies..."
I felt my frustration building, and that the Detective was ridiculing me."
"Detective, don't fucking patronise me, can you arrange that or not?"
"Mr Bongiovi, I do not have the power to offer that service for you, and we do not have the man power available to spare an experienced officer to sit outside someone's hospital door. I am sorry. Please excuse me, we will be in touch again"

Detective Ross left leaving me standing fuming with just my frustration for company. I needed a cigarette, something I hadn't done for four years, I searched for a vending machine to calm my need, I was out of luck, there were none. I found a coffee machine so purchased a coffee instead. I paced around the door of the hospital thinking. Grabbing my cell I made a call...
"Pop, yeah, listen.. do you still have Phil Bowdrys number? great can I have it?"
"What's this about Jon?"
"Can I have the number Pop I'll explain later."
My pa gave me the number and I rang it immediately,
"Yo Phil, it's Jon... Jon Bon Jovi...


  1. This is getting really good. Who is Phil?

  2. I like where this is going and how Jon is thinking of Mara's safety too. Curious as to who Phil is?
    Looking forward to reading more soon.

  3. All will become clear cyn!!! your gonna love it!!! Pauline patience my friend all will become clear!
