Friday 17 January 2014

Chapter 48 - Anytime At All.......

With both of us ready, we headed out and got into the car. Starting the engine I drove us the half hour journey to the jail house. Neither of us spoke on the way over , each of us playing over what we were going to say to Dorothea in our minds, it was only as I parked up we started talking. Mara spoke first;
"You good?"
I nodded and answered "yeah, you?" Mara nodded too " yeah , shall we go do this?" 
Again I nodded, getting out of the car we met at the back, with each of us holding each other's hand we walked to the jail entrance.
Inside we were met by the desk sergeant, "Good Morning Mr Bongiovi, I understand your here to see your wife?"
"Ex wife sergeant, and my fiancée also, I was told there would be an answer when I arrived."
"let me check for you..." the sergeant went out back to check, Mara looked at me totally puzzled, but she never asked why, I did not volunteer the information she was looking to me for either, we would know soon enough.
The sergeant returned, "Yes Mr Bongiovi, your ex wife has agreed that she will meet with your fiancée too. if you could just sign in here please..... and I will take you to a private room and have Miss Hurley escorted along to see you both."
We followed the Sergeant and walked into a dimly lit empty room for the exception of 4 chairs and a desk. the room felt cold inside, Mara shuddered so I put my arms around her shoulders to keep her warm. making our way to the chairs we both sat down.
Mara immediately turned to me and spoke the question she had been wanting to ask since we arrived...
"Dorothea was asked if she would see me?"
"Yeah, the detective said it was her decision, something to do with her human rights...... I wanted to kick off but decided against it. my reasoning was when we got here we could sort it then....I'm sorry  babe but it was out of my hands..."
"Yeah I know that, I'm not blaming you, but why didn't you tell me?"
"What was the point? there was nothing I could do until we arrived, what good would it have done if you knew?"
"none I guess.... but its crazy don't ya think? I mean she can do all this to try to harm both you and me and she has more rights than us....We have to ask; who are the victims for Christ sake..."
"yep, that's justice for ya... or lack of "
no sooner had I said the last sentence, the door opened and Dorothea was brought into the room. The officer shut the door and stood on the other side keeping guard. 
Dot casually walked over to me,
"Jon, thank you for coming... it's good to see you...are you going to get up then and give me a kiss... I am your wife after all...."
I got up to stand eye to eye with Dorothea and spoke...
" I am not here to see you socially Dorothea, I am here to make things crystal clear once and for all, to stop you playing your bullshit games, hurting me, and your kids, you do remember them right?  and Dot, I am not your husband anymore, we are divorced; now sit over there and stop with the crap I watched her as she moved to take a seat facing opposite us.... with a twisted snarl she spoke "oooh who's got out of the wrong side of the bed then?"
"Drop it dot, I am really not in the mood for your bullshit" She eye'd me over and dropped the sarcasm, but continued glaring at us both, first looking at me, then Mara, when she finally spoke again it was with venom in her voice
" So what do you want?"
I wasn't gonna sugar coat it so asked out right...
"Dot why are you lying and telling the cops I raped you, and why are you bringing our son into your lies, you know very well what Jesse saw; Do you hate me that much you want to see our kids without a dad too, bad enough your sitting in jail, you want the same for me?" the venom built inside her as she spat,
"You deserve everything that's been done to you sweetheart its called revenge...." with a twisted smirk on her face she continued, "as they say pay back is a bitch....then with a laugh she carried on; "then you go screw another one..." as she spat the last sentence she looked directly at Mara.
Mara sat quiet and had watched everything so far, to support me she had rested her hand on my knee.  Dot saw what she did but said nothing, her glare spoke volumes. 

Mara had now heard enough, taking a deep breath she cleared her throat and spoke.
"What gives you the right to destroy peoples lives Dorothea?, are you that twisted and sick you enjoy seeing others suffer.... suffer to the point of death?"
"No one died here sweetheart.."
"Oh but I nearly did Dorethea, your Mother burned my house to the ground, with me still in it, I spent months in hospital recovering from burns, and Why? what had I ever done to you?" 
"Pahh you exaggerate bitch..."
"Right lets get things straight shall we, first off my name is Mara, second, I am not a bitch and third, why do you think you are sitting in jail, to get a beauty treatment? you are in here together with your mother for attempted Murder.... wake up and smell the coffee....sweetheart"
Dorothea smiled, then leaning forward on the desk she spoke, 
" so you want to know what you have done to upset me, mmmmm let me think, rolling her eyes to the ceiling then back to looking at Mara she spoke, "we'll stealing my husband for a start, ..... Then my kids, all of our friends, oh it just never ends with you does it. Jon didn't need rescuing from you, that was my job, I was gonna get him well and get us back together as a family, and in my time. You should have just stuck to training him, he is mine and always will be, we have three children together. What can you give him? Nothing other than sex, and that is something he gets bored of, once your flavor has soured you will be history and he will come right back to me. You will see" 
"You tried to kill me because Jon and I are together? You are DIVORCED, Jon does not want you. The games you played destroyed him emotionally and physically. He wanted to die when I met him, what kind of women are you?"
"I'm your worse enemy and I'm the kind of women who wins, so a little advice, stay away from Jon and my kids or next time...... Well it won't be attempted murder, rest assured I won't fail twice"
I had sat listening to the conversation between Mara and Dorothea, anger rising I kept quiet until Dot threatened Mara, then I rose from my seat without holding back any longer my anger flowed , 
"Have you lost your ever friggin mind? What the fuck are you taking? Listen up Dot and listen good, I don't want you, I never will, we have great kids together and that is where it ends. Sitting here in your precence now you make me sick, you are a pyschotic murther fuckin bitch, how dare you threaten Mara,? Huh how dare you, I'm telling ya babe you better make the most of being in jail cos hear me and hear me good," my anger was beyond any reason as I grabbed Dorothea from her chair and pinned her by the throat to the wall;  " if you don't retract your lies and come anywhere near me Mara or the kids, I swear I will fucking kill you Dot," pushing hard on her throat I asked again " you got it ?" Her eyes were wide with fear, meekly she nodded, as my anger died a little and I released my grip on her throat she sunk down the wall and sat.  I too moved back to my side of the desk sat in my seat, my breathing heavy I asked, "so shall I get the sergeant and you can retract your statement?" Dot remained quiet and nodded. Mara got up and went to the door and spoke to the officer on guard, he radioed front desk for the sergeant. Mara returned and sat back down next to me. While we waited a tearful and woeful Dot apologised to me and Mara, we both looked at each other knowing it was anything but real. 
A knock on the door and the sergeant entered, " you asked for me?" "Yes sergeant Dorothea, Miss Hurley has something she wishes to say...... 


  1. Jon, you made a huge mistake when you grabbed Dorothea by the throat. I bet she tells the Sergeant he attacked her.

  2. Yep I bet she does too ... Jon Jon you need to calm that temper of yours not only that .... They always have videos in there ... so they have documented proof but then again ... she threatened Mara and their family again which is again documented

  3. Jon possibly did make a mistake but understandable, you are right Shawna the camera's did see everything, but could it all be heard, we will see.... :) thanks for the comments ladies...

  4. Those places always have sound .... so it will be heard ..
