Friday 31 January 2014

Chapter 49 - Anything you say

As the sergeant walked towards Dorothea, an officer called his attention. "Serg, there's something you need to see"
He excused himself and left with the officer. I sat down next to Mara, Dot sat opposite with her head hung down. 
"What did I ever do to you to make you hate me so much eh? My only crime is that I love you? Why is that so hard to see?" 
" Dot, you don't love me, you want to own me and that's not the same. You want to hurt me and my fiancée because were together; you attempt to kill her and you stab me, does that sound like love to you? Cause it sure the fuck don't to me."
" but I was desperate, I love you Jon, please, come back to me? For the kids ?"
" are you insane?, Dot, this is gonna be hard on you but I don't love you, as for the kids they are happy with just me... And Mara, just do yourself a favor and let it go....." 
The door opened and the sergeant entered, we all looked at him as he walked towards the desk, "Mr Bongiovi can I have a word please, in my office, you too Miss Goodwood" 
"Sure, what's it about, " 
" this way please" 
We got up and followed the sergeant into his office, he moved round to his desk and sat, "please take a seat" 
We both sat, puzzled by what he could want. 
"Mr Bongiovi, Miss Goodwood, I can see your wondering what this is about so I will waste no time and get to the point, the officer called me from the room to show me a video" 
"A video? Of what sergeant?" 
" of you and your ex wife during this visit, there are things I've seen that have alarmed me Mr Bongiovi, can you explain the death threat to your ex wife?" Shit I totally forgot that the room had a camera, but I knew why I had reacted to Dot in the way I did, and now I was pissed it was my ass being questioned again, with sarcasm in my voice I answered the sergeants question. 
"Yes sergeant I can, that was directly after Dorothea threatened to kill my fiancée and admitted she would not fail a second time, you must of heard that too, right?"
"Mr Bongiovi, your actions are serious, no matter what Miss Hurley threatened, you cannot just turn vigilante and take things into your own hands."
I thought about what the sergeant was saying and knew what I had done was stupid, but I had good reason, I dropped the attitude but wanted answers too; " Sergeant, I know what you are saying is right, but that women just does not quit. I just wanted to frighten her, she has tried to ruin my life, her kids life and now my fiancée, when do we see justice? eh? don't you think we should be protected not my ex wife?, she has man raped me, tried to kill my finacee, stabbed me, even accused our son of lying, ... when does the truth get told and all this bullshit stop eh? when?"
"I totally understand your upset and your concerns, but you cannot go round making physical threats no matter what the other party has or has not done."
"So will Dorothea be questioned as to her threats against us, or is this just a one way street again?"
"Of course we will question Miss Hurley."
" all I want is to get on with my life, living with my kids and my fiancée in peace, no more hassle, threats violence having to look over my shoulder for what my ex will do next. Can you not find a way to end this nightmare, this is seriously affecting me and my family, including our wellbeing, my kids are wondering what they did to have a mother that can do what she has done to me, and them." 
"Mr Bongiovi, I do empathise with you and rest assured I will do all I can to put a stop to this, and to help me I need to ask you to do something too." 
 " I need you to keep away, no more 
visits, can you promise me that? when you visit and respond to her as you have, well, in her mind it's giving her false hope. "
"False hope in what way, I have told her over and over I will never get back with her."
"You bite when she attacks, to her that is a sign she has won and you want her. her mind is not thinking rationally,  Miss Hurley feels the victim, and no this is not my assumption, this is the professional opinion of the psychologist.
"Sure... but how are you going to stop her?"
"Leave that with me, that is a Police matter."
"What about her threats?"
" The threat Miss Hurley made to your fiancée is on tape and can be used in the trial and should go in your favour, unfortunately, with your outburst that will be shown too and it could go against you." 
I was so frustrated with the whole situation I snapped back at the Sergeant, tired of it all, I just wanted out of there,  
"Whatever, so she wins again,..... so are we free to go now?"
"Not quite I just need to ask Miss Goodwood a question."
Mara looked at the Sergeant, "Go ahead, I'm listening"
"Miss Goodwood, when you were in the interview room with Miss Hurley, did you at anytime prior to her threat feel uncomfortable or in fear in anyway?"
Mara thought hard before she replied. "I guess I did feel intimidated, and when she spat her venom at me, I cannot lie, I wanted to run, her face was evil and totally contorted. I did fear she was going to lunge forward and attack me, thank god she didn't. " 
" why did you not summon the officer on guard at the door?" 
"Because I wanted to be there for Jon,  we are in this together for each other. We are strong for one another, does that answer your question sergeant?"
"Maybe, what's that mean?, I have answered you truthfully." 
"You have, but if you felt that threatened regardless of supporting each other, you should have got the officer on the door, in that way the incident with Mr Bongiovi may not have happened." 
Mara replied sarcastically, "I am so sorry, I left my magic ball at home, sergeant if I had thought for one second Jon would have behaved like that I would have raised the alarm. But i didn't, this is bullshit, so if that is all we will take our leave?" Mara got up to go and so did I, as we reached the door there was another question. 
" Just one last thing, given you have again been threatened by Miss Hurley, Miss Goodwood, do you wish to press charges against her, on top of the attempted murder charge, currently awaiting trial?" 
"I can do that?"
"Yes, that is your legal right," 
" let me ask a question before I answer, if I press charges can Dorothea press charges against Jon? "
"Yes she could, that is her right it's the law"
"What will happen if she does..."
"We will have to visit Mr Bongiovi and go through the procedures"
"Meaning... you arrest him?"
"Yes madam"
"Un believable..."
"When does the law actually favour the victims eh? and I hate the term, but man this judital system sucks, totally sucks!"

1 comment:

  1. I knew Jon's attack on Dorothea was going to bite him in the ass. If I was Mara, I would tell Dorothea if she doesn't press charges against Jon, then she won't press charges for the death threat she made towards her.
