Monday 13 January 2014

Chapter 48 - The Visit

I woke first, looking to my right Mara was still sleeping, I moved as gently as I could, edging slowly to the side of the bed and got up, walking quietly and slowly across our room, reaching the door i opened it and stepped out, pulling the door closed behind me I heard a gentle snore and knew she was still asleep.

walking down the stairs I headed to the breakfast nook in the kitchen to make a cup of coffee.
After the visit from the detective a lot of things had ran through my mind and if I am honest I did not sleep that great, I needed to go see Dorothea. Heating the coffee pot I started making plans in my mind for what I would say to my ex wife. I was sipping my second cup of coffee looking out of the window thinking on the visit when loving arms slipped round my waist, turning round Mara starred back at me, reaching up she kissed me,
"good Morning handsome, have you been up long?" 
" good morning , no not long, half hour maybe,....
"That looks good, anymore?"
I poured Mara a cup of coffee and we both stood at the kitchen window looking out at the lake.
"So what's our plans today?"
I remained quiet for a few seconds before answering, I was not looking forward to how Mara would feel about me seeing my ex....
"now don't go nuts but.......I'm planning to go see Dorothea," Mara's response totally shook me....
"Good idea, I'll come with you"
"Babes this is my fight, I've gotta sort this out with her one to one"
"So you don't want me and think you can fight her alone right? she aint done nothing to me has she, I don't have a right to speak to her do I?"

there was a dangerous amount of sarcasm in her voice.....of course Mara had a right to see Dorothea, holy fuck she had near killed her....

"Baby I don't want to fight you...but I want no need to put a stop to this once and for all... and of course I want you, Jesus I love you, but I don't want you any more hurt than you are, dot is playing dirty and dangerous... she has already shown she really don't give a shite about you or me...I want this over with..."
I softened my voice,
"so we can plan our wedding and get on building our lives together, no longer having to look over our shoulders."
I reached out and pulled Mara into my arms, with her head buried in my chest I kissed the top of her head. she pulled back and looking up at me she spoke;
"Ok, I understand your thinking but hear me out ok?"

With our coffees we both moved to the stools and sat at the breakfast bar facing each other. 

"Let's get everything into perspective, for years your ex wife made your life hell and you were a recluse depressed over weight on self destruct mode, you get yourself focused after meeting me and start the long haul back to regaining your life. Your mother in law and your ex wife torch and burn my home to the ground for which I spend months in hospital, you get your kids back and Jesse bares witness to your ex wife raping you? oh, and don't forget she stabbed you trying to get to me to kill me, so I ask ya Jon, How the fuck can she hurt me more?"

I could not argue, Mara had a strong point, maybe her meeting with Dorothea would not be a bad idea after could give us closure and help with Mara's healing. I admitted defeat.

"Ok, your right," I held my hands in the air...
" after what she has done, you have the right to see her too.... let me go ring the detective and get clearance."

I left the kitchen and headed to the den to make the call, with the way I was feeling and now Mara, it was going to be hard to hold everything together and not launch forward and immediately slap my ex wife... I had never been a violent man ever, but my blood was now beyond boiling point....thoughts were still running through my head as I spoke to the detective. He agreed I could see Dorothea, but he would have to ask Dorothea if she wanted to see Mara. I could not believe my ears..... I was about to launch into an argument but held back, as the Detective would have heard my anger and that would have stopped any visit. I had to wait , I was told There would be an answer when we reached the front desk check in at the jail.

Walking back into the kitchen, I decided to not mention to Mara about Dorothea being asked if she wanted to see Mara so stayed quiet.
"It's good."
Jumping off her stool she walked and stood next to me.
"Right let's go shower then shall we, let's not keep Miss Hurley waiting.... "

1 comment:

  1. After everything that Mara has been through since she started seeing Jon I believe she has every right to go with him and face Dorothea. Maybe seeing them together will finally sink into Dorothea's head that her ex has moved on.
