Friday 22 November 2013

Chapter 47 - Not running Anymore

Mara, listened to the very end, then she spoke, not to me but to the Detective.
"So, let me check I have this right, Dorothea stabs Jon, so to get let off she concocts this story about him raping her, when in actual fact she rapes him?, Detective; I hold my hands up to not being a cop but does this not alert you to her unstable state of mind?, why even if it is a counter allegation, do you want to call and put Jon, no wait a second , us through all this pain?, Between Dorothea and her mother she burned my house down and nearly killed me. Can I suggest you concentrate on the Arson and attempted murder and stop wasting our time with pathetic counter allegations."  moving to the door, she opened it for the Detective and his colleague to leave.

Detective Ross remained where he was; "Miss Goodward, I am an officer of the law, it matters not how lame you feel the allegations are, inline with Ms Hurleys human rights; I have to investigate. I am sorry for the stress, to you and Mr Bongiovi,  but you must understand I am just doing my job. The case involving Ms Hurley and her Mother is very complex. For us to receive Justice for all parties we have to go through the protocol to reach the other side." then turning to me he added; Mr Bongiovi, thank you for your time and explanation. I will investigate and check with the hospital against the times Ms Hurley has given, and I hope I will not be bothering you again." prompting his assistant, he walked to the door, " We will take our leave, no need to show us the door;  we can find our own way out; thank you for your time." with a nodded acknowledgement to us both he with his assistant left the office; leaving the huge Elephant standing between Mara and me.

I still hung my head in shame, the old Jon of years ago was creeping back into my bones. I felt a total failure. True to me I was hanging on by a thread to the only women I have ever loved with all my heart. I could not think straight on what to do or say next. Mara was quiet and sat on the arm of the arm chair thinking through the events the detective brought to the floor. She sat silent for what seemed like hours but in reality it was only minutes. Lifting her head she spoke, 

"Jon, are you ok?" She forced me to look at her, not allowing me to hang my head, as i looked across to her, she looked beaten and drawn too. I shook my head.
"no, not really. I am so sorry to put you through all of this"
"All of what?"
"Dorothea, me, I-I-I..." the words would not come, but the tears flowed and again I had my head in my hands. As soon as I broke for the second time Mara walked over to me and pulled me to her, she held me tight, and reassured me she believed me and that Dorothea would not get away with what she was doing. I did not know what I did to deserve Mara, but despite what she had heard there was no doubt in her mind I was totally innocent. What really upset her was that i did not share what I had suffered that night at the hands of my ex wife. Once I had fully explained my reasons she softened towards me, i felt more relaxed her knowing too, there was never going to be another situation like this again, or where it could have just been mentioned by accident, I guess in someways the Detective had done us a favor. 
"So, you still on for the day with Rich and the kids?, hes waiting in the nook? Everything is ready."
If i was honest, going off to have a fun time was the farthest thing I wanted to be doing right now ; but I could not give up on my new life and kids, hell they needed me more now than ever, standing straight  i moved across to Mara and gave her a kiss, 
" Well Bongiovi whats it to be?" 
"Yeah, lets go!!"
" and Dorothea?"
" ill sort it, your right, we'll prove her a liar"
"Good, so you ready?"
I nodded and with our arms wrapped around each other we left the office and went to find Richie and the kids and go enjoy our day. 

1 comment:

  1. Now you are talking, Jon. Get up and move forward don't waste your time thinking about that witch anymore.
    All I can say about Mara is. Go Mara!
