Friday 15 November 2013

Chapter 43 - She took my breath away!



As mom and I got to the bottom of the stairs, my mom removed her arm, placed a kiss on my cheek and went off to check that everything was as she wanted it to be.

I walked over to Richie and the guys, after thanking them for coming I showed them where we would set up, I explained my plans and they were all good with it.

"you nervous?"
"Hell yeah..."
"mm thought so...."
"you know me to well Rich"
"Yeah, I do like a brother, I know tonight really aint the time, but you know that detective that's investigating Dot and her mom?,"
"Yeah, what about it?"
"He came to see me."
"He did?, what's he want?"
"To know about your relationship with Dot, why you split and stuff,... man I gotta tell ya, I was not comfortable answering those kind of questions."
"What questions?"
"he wanted to know how many times you had cheated on Dot, if I had ever seen you hit her?, don't worry, I told the truth, but I think you need to contact him Jon, seems like he is digging deep for something."
"yeah, thanks, I will.. strange... I'm guessing Dot has given him some bull shit story and he has to follow up on it, thanks for telling me anyway, Ill talk to him tomorrow "

I thought over what Richie had told me and I was concerned, why was Detective Ross investigating me?, I shook my head, and pushed it to the back of my mind, tonight was not about Dot, her mom or the case, tonight was about Mara.
Richie touched my shoulder, making me jump.
"Relax bud you will be fine, we are right here to support ya."

I smiled at my band brother, just as my attention was caught and I looked to the stairs, to see Jessie and Jake coming down, dressed in their evening suits they looked great. making my excuses I left the guys and headed over to my son's.  Jesse spoke first,
"Hey pop, will we do?"
"Do?, with you too dressed like that I Gotta be careful you don't steal Mara away from me..."
"Where's grandma?"
"out back in the marquee bossing... again I guess... hey you guys want a glass of champagne?"
Jesse and Jake nodded, I summoned the Matre'd over and took two glasses and handed them to Jessie and Jake.
Jake took a mouthful and spat it out....
"Yuk, that's grosse, can I have coke instead?"
I laughed, sure go find Mandy in the kitchen and she will sort you out Jake, and stay clean ok, no running round in the yard."
As he went off to the kitchen he either didn't hear me or chose to ignore me. I stood with Jesse while he sipped his champagne.
"Mmmmm you know I could get used to this..."
I laughed, "Well don't, one glass and the toast ok?"
he nodded,
"You know pop; none of us have had a great life so far, and well... I just want you to know that I am; no we are all real happy you have found Mara and we know that you will be really happy together. I guess what I am saying is, we love her too and if you want it, we give our blessing to you marrying Mara."
A lump formed in my throat, my teenage son had grown into a man right before my eye's. "Thanks Jesse, that means the world to me."
he smiled at me, I stood looking at my son and I knew that my relationship with Jesse was one based on trust and love, he respected me, and I respected my son; a far cry away from my own father.

lost in my own world I was brought back to earth as Richie came over,
"Jon, Mara and Stephanie are here." he pointed over towards the entrance as Mara walked in;
I found myself catching my breath as she took it so quickly from my lungs.
she wore the evening gown I had chosen for her and it fitted like a glove, her hair was hung in a side pony tail with a jewelled encrusted head band around the tail, the jewels on her gown shone and sparkled and fitted round her waist perfectly showing off her trim svelte figure, her make up was flawless kept fresh and simple highlighting her total beauty that shone from within. Jake was tugging my jacket which broke my attention,
"Yes lil man."
"The necklace, can we give it to her now?"
"Five minutes ok, I'll wave you over" he nodded he understood. I walked across to my finance.  Watching her as I walked, I could see her eye's were alive and shone and sparkled, all the drama and upset and distress of the last few months totally forgotten, her face was totally happy and relaxed.  reaching her side; I lent in and gently kissed her lips, and whispered  "You look stunning and beautiful, I hope you know how much I love you" as I stood back my eye's continuing to feast on the vision standing before me, as she replied,
"well you don't brush up bad yourself; and for the record, I love you too" I was totally mesmerized by Mara, for the second time tonight a tugging on my jacket got my attention, looking down to an impatient Jake scowling at me, " Now?"  I laughed, "Yes ok now."
Clearing his throat, he looked up at Mara with the biggest grin on his face, then without any prompting from me  he held out the velvet box containing the pear drop diamond necklace that I had bought as a gift for her to wear with her gown, 
"This is for you, from Dad, Jesse and Stephanie and most importantly me. Welcome to the family, Mara, we love you."
Looking down, her eye's melted and filled with tears as she took the box and opened it. she bent down and gently kissed Jake who blushed from his head to his toes, but had a grin the size of Wyoming on his face.
"Thank you Jakey, I love my gift and I love all of you too, and most importantly... she lent further in to his ear, and continued, but I love you the most." his grin spread even wider and he got redder, but he refused to leave until he had completed his task and had helped put the necklace on.

I lifted him up so he could secure the clasp around Mara's neck, all done and putting him down standing tall; he told her how amazing she looked, then went off to get himself another coke and something to eat. That left me standing with Mara, she looked at me and mouthed silently" Thank you, I really love you."

Taking her hand I lead her over to meet the family and the guests that had arrived for the party, and I introduced her to the rest of the guys in the band, they were all getting on and having a great chat, the guy's had set everything up earlier, and were just waiting for my lead. Now it was time; making my excuses I left the guys and went to search out my mom, I found her laying into my pop again, taking her elbow I managed to calm things down and let her know that I wanted to make a start.
"so, I will go and make our family announcement, then you can come over and make the acceptance speech and then the proposal."
"Yeah, so you good?"
"Yeah I'm good, ... and Jon.... "
"I'm so proud of you..... and I am really happy for both of you, I love you both... with all my heart..."
"I love you too mom..." I hugged my mom, as she finally broke free and headed to the stage to make the announcement. I returned to Mara's side and taking her hand I made sure we were at the front of the stage for my mom.
Picking up the microphone, and tapping it to ensure it was on, causing it to squeal, proof it was working my mom began....
"Ladies and Gentlemen, can I have your attention please....."
Silence fell on the room as the guests listened to my mom...

"thank you for coming tonight and at short notice; as you may be aware my eldest son Jon, yes the gorgeous blonde one that takes after his mom; she paused hearing dimmed laughter through the marquee, then continued " has finally met the women of his dreams and has asked her to marry him, thankfully this young women has been brave enough to take him and the rest of Bongiovi brood on and I just want to say, Mara, welcome to the family and congratulations babies, ladies and gentlemen please now raise your glasses to Jon & Mara."
 Their were echo's and applause as everyone repeated "To Jon and Mara" I watched Mara the whole time and she was glowing, now with my hand in hers I lead her to the stage, the guests watched and a few whistles were heard followed by, "don't do it hon, have me."

Mara eye's were totally focused on me, taking the microphone in my hand I walked us into the middle of the stage then turning to face Mara, I dropped to one knee,

"Mara Goodward," she looked down and I saw her face was slightly blushed...
"the start of this year I was on a self destruct road to hell, I had no reason to live and was wallowing in self pity, then a light emerged at the end of a very black tunnel, and standing in that light was you. as the months have gone on the light has gotten brighter and my love for you has gotten stronger, you rescued me from my self loathing, and have taught me about trust and real love, you and you alone, have brought meaning back into my life, and I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart. Mara, to make my life perfect and complete, together with my children I ask, will you do me the honour of agreeing and accepting my proposal to be my wife and marry me?" reaching inside my pocket I produced the ring and in traditional style held open the ring box whilst waiting for an answer......


  1. You know I really hate when people leave it there!

  2. The proposal was beautiful made my heart stop when Jon got down on one knee. Now do we get to see what the ring looks like?
    Why is the detective asking so many questions about Jon's relationship with Dorothea? What is that bitch up to now?

  3. Thanks Ladies, sorry to stop it just as he asks, but I was late for work lol, Cynthia picture of the ring on chapter 41. :)
