Friday 15 November 2013

Chapter 42 - Tonight is the Night!

Tonight is the Night!

It took us next to know time to arrive at my mom's, tony and I talked on the way about him becoming a dad. It was very clear that he wanted that more than anything, Jenna was scared. Having giving my bro some tips on what to do, I was sure they would work it out, one way or another.

Pulling up on the drive my mom had gone over board, one things for sure she never misses a chance to celebrate with style. The driveway was lined with lights hanging from the tree's, and  huge arch was formed at the front door with a banner that had Jon & Mara across the top. A little too much fuss and cheese for me, but I decided to just go with it.
Tony looked at me "See what I mean?"
I smiled at him and nodded. We walked through in to the lobby; there were matre'd's, standing waiting to hand out the champagne and strawberries to everyone as they arrived.  after refusing myself, Tony took too glasses and disappeared. looking around the chaos I could hear my mom shouting instructions to someone in the near distance. Then as if by magic she was at my side.
"Sweetheart, your here, good, now the fifth bedroom upstairs is for the boys and you can use the annex to change,"
"hi mom, nice to see you too..."
"Oh, hi, sorry sweetheart; I'm a little busy right now, do you need anything? cause I need to go check on the marquee at the back its wonderful, go drop your bags off and come check it out..."
with that she took off to carry on what she was doing... and knowing my mom as well as I did, that meant bossing everyone around.
Jessie, Jake and me made our way to our rooms and dropped off our bags, Jessie and Jake decided they wanted out until they were needed and grabbed the remote and sat down to watch MTV in their room; I had no such luck and taking a deep breath I headed back downstairs to the tide of activity and out the back to check out my moms handiwork.
As I walked in my mom was shouting again, "No, no, no, just follow the table plan, I want happy people here tonight, I want them to mingle, not tangle... can you follow those instructions?, can you read?"
Touching her shoulder I made her jump, "Take it easy Ma,"
"Ooh Jon, that's not you want me to have a heart attack, making me jump like that...." catching her breath she continued," What do you mean, take it easy?, I am taking it easy, but there is still so much to do....where is that man, that you call a father, I have not seen him for ages... he was suppose to be...."
"What? eh? Why did you say that?"
"mom, relax a little, eh, it's just a party, and before you snap at me, it all looks great and I love what you have done, but Mara and I don't care about the dressings and stuff, as long as our family are here and have a good time and are happy for us, well that's alright by me.... now why don't you let the caterers do there job and go and start getting ready, I'll go find Dad... "
"but... I "
"No but's go...."
I pushed my mom gently in the direction of the stairs and watched as she went off to her room to be pampered.

The hard work she had done was amazing, really a mom at her best.....walking round the house she had thought of everything.  walking through to the garden I saw my dad, sat on the bench smoking by the Cherry tree."
"Can you believe this shit?, your mom is unbelievable, if this is for your engagement, god help you when its your wedding... its been like this for days, thank god I have my own place to escape. Matt and Tony are at breaking point too. She never knows when to stop. Tony wants to talk with me, but every time he tries your mom appears out of no where and gets him doing other stuff.... I just had to escape her before I did something I would regret."
A few words of talk and already my pop was grating on my nerve " Yeah and your so fucking perfect right?, sure mom is intense, but fuck, you were married to her so should know better than any of us......" trying to calm down I took a breath and carried on, " She is just happy for Mara and me and wants us to see how much she loves us and wants us to have a good time, so let me tell ya, you better not spoil it ok?"  I looked at a blank uncaring face, one that said he was not taking advice from his son, true to pop, he changed the subject.
"So, whats with Tony, Has he spoke to you?"
"Yeah, he has, but its not for me to say, finish your smoke and go find him, move your ass and find out for yourself"
"right like that is it now; no respect for your ol man,"
"what do you want me to say? eh?, Please pop and all that shit?,  I can't lie, to you or me, and pretend we have a great father son relationship when we don't. You saw to that"
"I brought you up to know respect."
"No, you beat me up to show you respect, that aint the same thing... and you know what, I don't wanna get into it right now, lets leave this for another time ok?." I turned my back and started to walk away, I always got a knot in my stomach when my pop started in on me, I was not gonna let him spoil Mara's and my night.
 "ok, ok, steady, eh, you and I, we have a lot of bridges to build don't we?,"
"Bridges, are you kidding me?"
"Yeah, I'm holding out a branch here?"
"I don't want ya branch, now or ever.... what you did to me, Tony and Matt,.... well it's unforgiveable...... they may forgive you pop, I can't...."
"Look alls I want to say is, I know you don't think it, but you are my first born son and no matter, I love you Jon......... " He waited for  my reaction that never came, then he continued...." you know I never liked dot, but I have met Mara and she seems like a great girl, and... well... I like her... I'm happy for you son.. really happy" I felt numb inside and went through the motions of being polite so just said,
being honest, I really did not care if my pop was happy for me or not, he had been anything but a father too me, inside I had no real love or feelings for the man at all. He had a cruel streak that no one should see, but that was the past, I had to tolerate him for one night, taking a real deep breath I psyched myself up to do just that, this night was about Mara and me; not John Bongiovi snr.

Walking back through to the main house, I checked the time, 6.30pm, time for me to go and get ready.
The evening had to be perfect, as I headed to the stairs the doorbell rang, the staff answered and in walked my band mates, Tico, Dave and Richie., Seeing me on the stairs they raised there hands in salute to me. I was shocked that Richie had managed to get the guys to agree to perform for me, the plan was for me to sing to Mara after the proposal, I know I could have used the house band my mom had booked but I wanted to do it right and with my band to back me, I knew it would be.
"Yo, Richie, have some drinks, and find a seat I'll be right with ya" Richie nodded and the guys followed suite and took the Champagne being offered, while I went on up to my room to get ready.

Standing in the room I checked out my reflection in the mirror, I looked ok. checking my pocket for the ring, I was set and headed for the door.

Walking down the hallway I knocked on the boys room and told them it was time to get ready. Jesse said ok, closing the door I walked to the stairs just as my mom came out from her room, she look amazing wearing a lilac dress, her hair pimped to perfection, with a corsage, shoes and bag to match, her makeup was flawless and she was beaming....
"Ooh another scare, twice in one day, Jon Francis...."
smiling, I bent down and kissed her on the cheek, "Sorry mom, and you look beautiful."
"Do I?"
I nodded my head in approval, offering her my arm I said
"Shall we?"
she smiled at me, and took my arm as I escorted her down the stairs. Neither of us noticed the gathering guests in the lobby and were both stunned as they gave us a round of applause. My mom loved it, she was glowing and I knew this really was as much about it being her night as it was for us.


  1. Not liking John Sr. very much at the moment. Sounds to me like maybe Jon needs to keep his distance from his dad. And Mara and the kids.

  2. yeah, his dad is a real tyrant in my story Cyn, no love between them.... :)
