Tuesday 19 November 2013

Chapter 45 - Moving On... or Can we...

After the party everything kind of returned to normal, Mara, bit the bullet and moved in with me full time, Her burns were healing fast, and we were now just waiting on the last appointment for her final skin graft before being fully discharged, me, well, my shoulder had all but healed too, although if I lifted my arm to quick I felt the nip and pinch where the scar was.

It was a reminder to take things slow, something over the last few months I had started to enjoy.

I had begun writing songs again, on my own and with Richie, add into the mix the guys, and you had the re start of a new refreshed older more mature Bon Jovi.
Time was new, and we were taking things steady, we had talked and were working on the album and the possibility of a new tour and prelaunch next year, but not until we were all happy.
The guys had families too now; and being older we all loved spending time with them.

Something we really struggled with at the height of our fame. Getting older meant we were wiser, and definitely much happier, yeah, the kids were happy and everything seemed to be going well, then just as It was getting comfortable and relaxed; something was heading in like a tornado and things were about to change.....

I was in the kitchen preparing the food hamper with Mara when the doorbell chimed; breaking into the tranquillity of our family normality. 

I thought it was my band brother Richie with his daughter Ava, as they were joining us for the day; we had all planned a trip on the boat, now named Secret Dreams by the kids and Mara, we were off to have a picnic and play water games, so on the way to answer the door, I was thrown to find Detective Ross, on the other side.

I'm gonna be honest now, whenever I saw this man my throat tightened and I felt uneasy. The last time I had seen him it was under bad circumstances and I had a feeling this time was not going to go any better.

Trying to hide my shock and discomfort I spoke,

"detective, what bring's you to my neck of the woods on a Sunday Morning?"
"Good Morning Mr Bongiovi, I am sorry to bother you, but  may I come in?"
"What's it about?"
"Questions sir, please, I would rather talk inside and not on the doorstep"
I sighed but held the door open wider to allow him to enter, he walked past me with his assistant into the lobby.  Closing the door I turned to face them.
"What are your questions Detective?"
"they are regarding your ex wife."
"What now?, Detective I have told you everything there is to know regarding Dorothea, what more can I tell you."
"It's not what you can tell me sir, Ms Hurley has made a counter allegation against you."
"A what?"
"Counter allegation"
"What the fuck is a counter allegation?"
"Could we go some where private to discuss this, it is delicate, I am sure you would prefer this to be kept between us and not the whole house." He stood looking at me, waiting for me to speak.
"Can't this wait? I have plans with my family, can I come to the station tomorrow?"
"No, sir sorry I need to ask these questions now. the sooner we get started the sooner I will be gone"

I knew I had no choice, I called out to Mara, she came out from the kitchen, as she walked into the lobby she saw the Detective but never flinched. I am sure she was a stunned as I was to see him there but she never showed it. Casually she spoke,

"Oh, sorry I did not know you were here Detective Ross, I gather this is not a social call?,"
"M'am, no its duty I'm afraid."
" can I get you anything to drink? some breakfast? or juice maybe?"
"no nothing for us thank you, we are fine, I am here as I have some questions for Mr Bongiovi."
Mara walked over to me and stood at my side, she slid her hand around my back and rested it just above my jeans waistline. looking directly at the detective she asked,
"So what is this about then? Dorothea?"
the detective nodded and spoke,
"Yes M'am it is."
"So what is it?"
I spoke, "Dorothea has made an allegation about me."
"For what?"
"I don't know the detective was just about to explain. Right Detective."
"Yes, can we go somewhere private?"
I drew a breath and answered,
"Sure, this way,"

I walked  out of the lobby along the hallway to the office,  the cops followed behind me; with Mara tailing the rear. 
opening the door to my office, we all walked inside. Mara was last but instead of coming in she made her excuses to go be with the kids and wait for Richie, but not before she said to call her if I needed her. leaving me with the Detective; she closed the door. Hearing her foot steps walking away,  I moved round to the side of the desk and sat on the edge, and the detective and his assistant took the easy chairs facing front.

I was really feeling uneasy and a knot was in my stomach, I just wanted this over, Dot had spent so much energy trying to break me, and failed, now she was starting again, I was tired of it all what was it now...  one things for sure, I was going to find out...

Clearing my throat I asked,
"So, what are these allegations then Detective.?"
"Dorothea has said that when you said she man raped you, it was in fact the other way round and you had raped her earlier that day, she claims that what she did to you, with the knife attack was in revenge for the hate she carries and the hurt you have caused her, she also claims your marriage was one full of infidelity and lust, and that you regularly hit her."
"Seriously Detective, that is bullshit, you know it is?"
"Mr Bongiovi, I have to ask the questions when a counter claim has been made, I am sorry."
I stood and started to pace, running my fingers through my hair, I was taking in the ludicrous accusations that Dot had made against me.

"Detective, look, my ex wife and I when we were together I made mistakes. I was an up and coming rock star with women throwing themselves at my feet, there was only so many times, as a man, I could refuse. I hold my hand up to the fact I had a few indiscretions throughout my marriage, hell its public knowledge; but for Christ's sake, I have never laid a finger on Dot in my life ever, period; and I sure the hell have never raped her?. ask anyone, ask my kids, Jesus the night she is saying I raped her I had not slept for 72 hours, I had been at the hospital with Mara. Check the hospital records, I only agreed to stay at her house the night she raped me so I could spend time with my kids, maybe you have forgotten Detective, but Jessie my eldest boy gave you his statement, remember"
"Your ex wife claims, she and her son did not get on well and you paid him to lie for you."
"Mr Bongiovi was here anyone else that could prove attest to your ex wife man raping you, other than your eldest son?"
"No, Detective, there is no-ne else."
My head was spinning, I felt sick to my stomach, I could feel my will crumbling and leaving my body. how the hell could I prove I was innocent. What if Mara believed it...... sitting down onto the chair with my head in my hands I began to cry. Dorothea had won, I was broke.

1 comment:

  1. Don't you dare that bitch beat you down again, Jon! You are far stronger today than you were back when you were with that witch so now is the time to show that damn ex-wife and the world that Jon Bon Jovi is a fighter!
    Can I please just have five minutes in a quiet room with that woman. I swear once I am done with Dorothea she wont be able to hurt a fly. Lol
