Saturday 9 November 2013

Chapter 41 - Getting Nearer To The Party



antique photo
Mara's Ring
Jon relaxing...
Mara got up and went to shower first, we had spent most of the afternoon in bed together, but with the party now only a couple of hours away it was time to get things moving. The hair and make-up team would be here in fifteen minutes for the girls, walking back from the bathroom after taking Mara her body douche, as I sat on the bed, there was a knock on our bedroom door.
"Dad, you in there?"
I opened the door to find my very excitable daughter with a list on a clip board and a pen, pushing past me she headed straight into the room.
"Hey dad, right,... oh where's Mara,?"
"in the shower, do come in..."
"Sorry, look, I have been thinking and this is what I'd like to do. I want tonight to be really special so I have arranged with grandma that you and the boys will get ready at hers, that means Mara and I can get ready but you won't see Mara until the party, I want it to be a surprise. You have chose the dress and stuff now leave it to me and the professionals to do our job" pausing for a second she continued... "If that's ok?"
I smiled at my daughter, "Of Course it's ok, but I need to get my stuff together before you kick my ass outta here ok ma lady?"
"Sure pop, I'll go tell the boys, ... oh and dad, the car will be here in thirty minutes to get you..."
"Car? what car?..."
"Grandma organised it, you and the boys are being picked up, by Uncle Matty or Uncle Tony, I can't remember which..." waving her hand in a flippant manner she shot off in search of Jesse and Jake.
 Closing the bedroom door, I walked across to the suit bag hanging on the closet door, my evening suit and shoes were there ready for tonight, sliding my hand into the suit pocket I checked on Mara's ring, taking it out I looked at it again it shone and sparkled in the light from the window, A smile spread across my lips as I played out in my mind how I was going to propose tonight and give Mara the ring. closing the lid I returned it to my suit pocket and re zipped the bag, content in my mind how it would go,  just as Mara came into the bedroom wrapped in a towel and looking delicious...
"Hey gorgeous are you ready for round five....?" walking over to her I slid my arms around her and kissed the tip of her nose..
"I don't think you have the energy Giovi, I do... but I think I'll give you a break... don't want you collapsing on me tonight do I?"
"Sometimes Mara Goodward I think you need a spanking..."
"Mmm as I say, you need your energy," Laughing she walked over to the closet and grabbed her robe, then went in search of Steph for a little girl talk, all alone I entered the bathroom and took a shower. 

All fresh and clean I dressed in jeans and t shirt and was finalising my speech and proposal for tonight when Steph came and knocked on the door again, "Dad, can I come in?"
a head appeared round the door, "Erm just thought would let you know, Mara is in my room and the makeup team and stylists are here, and dad, Uncle Tony is on the way to get you and the boys."
"Ok, thanks sweetheart."
Steph smiled as she closed the door and went back to her organising.
Leaving our room I headed down the hallway to Stephs room and gently knocked on the door,
The door opened. "Listen babe its nearly time for me to go, so I just want to say goodbye for a couple of hours, but know that I love you and can't wait to see you again tonight, I really am a very lucky man, thank you..."
Looking into my eye's she slid her arms wrapped around my neck and lent in for a kiss goodbye, parting from our kiss, I paused for a moment before I reluctantly let go of her; dropping her hand I walked over to the door, I turned to look back before blowing her a kiss and closing the door and heading back to my room to collect my suit.  Suit collected and back out of the room and on the landing, I looked over the stairway into the downstairs reception area and could see a hive of activity, Jesse had been given a haircut, and Jake was sliding up and down the stair bannister, Steph was in and out checking things off on her clip board.

I started down the stairs just as the doorbell rang, I shouted out; "I'll get it" as I approached the door I could hear my brother on the other side,
"jeez hurry up its freezing already..."  I opened the door  and Tony burst through, wrapped like it was winter in Siberia.
"Yo, what's with the clothes?, it's not that cold?"
"Oh right smart ass you think, its three below out there, but hey when your loved up I guess you forget mundane things like the weather eh?"
"nice to see you too bro."

Tony moved through the lobby and headed straight to the kitchen and mumbled under his breath "Whatever" something was not right, normally out of the three of us, he was the calm unflustered one, what was eating him, I followed him into the kitchen.
"So come on give, what's up?"
"Oh nothing, I'm sorry man, but.... well... it's mom, for days all we have had is Jon this, Mara that, don't sit here, don't use that, man it's like the house aint a home anymore... and well, I guess I am just sore and a little pissed at it all, when Jenna and I got together there was nothing.... she barely glanced at us, no congratulations no nothing..."
"Tony, you know Mom, she either gets over excited to this state or its nothing, she don't mean anything, wait until you tell her your getting married she will flip just like she has with us..."
"I know your right, but its more than that."
"Look if I tell you, don't tell anyone ok, I mean not a soul."
I gestured with a cross over my heart, " Ok I swear, give"
"Jenna, she's pregnant...I'm gonna be a dad"
"Congratulations, so what's with the secret?, this is great news you should tell mom... shed be stoked"
"No, Jon, thing is Jenna does not want the baby, she wasn't  a termination."
"Oh bro I'm sorry, have you talked through your feelings about it?"
"Yeah I've tried, she won't listen... she don't know if I am the one, I mean two fucking years and I aint the one?"
" how long have you both known?"
"week or more, not long."
"ok, this is all new to Jenna, her body is gonna go through some serious shit, man, I know your pissed right now, but give her space and time, trust me, it will all work out and before long we will  be having another celebration... ok? trust me I'm your big brother"
I slapped him on the back and walked over to the bourbon that was sitting on the counter, grabbing a shot glass I turned to him and asked,
"so what time are we to be at ma's, what are her orders..."
"my orders were to call and collect you and the kids and hurry back..."
"Look we have a few minutes right?," Tony nodded, "Right here drink this?" I poured him a shot of bourbon, and handed it to him.
"I can't man, I'm driving..."
"Its a small one, c'mon, I'll drive there,  no one will no, go on, it will take the edge off, lessen the stress of the day, besides you look like you need it."
he took the scotch and poured it down his throat. handing me the shot glass he thanked me.
"no worries bro, you good now?"
a smiled broke his tight lips as he nodded and grabbed me for a hug. "Right lets get this posse on the road."
"yeah, Jesse, Jake?"
"yeah pop right here,"
"you guys got everything?"
"Yeah, think so..."
"Go check please,"
The kids went off to double check on their bags for tonight and the weekend, just as Steph was heading upstairs to Mara with the stylists and makeup artists.
As she turned to look at me, I waved up to her, "See you later ok?"
"Ok dad, now go already" with a final goodbye and the boys in check we headed out to Tony's car and set off to my Mom's ready for the party.