Saturday 26 April 2014

Chapter 60 - Right side of wrong

The cop held his head looking sheepish, he had not completed things as he should, he never read me or Mara our Miranda rights, and we should have been placed in separate cars, and I had not been offered a phone call, and now I was about to make that clear and make the next discussion with the cops count.
"Sergeant, correct me if I am wrong, aint it law that you read me my rights before you arrest me?"
The sergeant looked up from what he was doing, "Yes sir it is."
"So, can you tell me why me and or my fiancée were not read our rights?"
The sergeant looked at the young cop, who was trying to brave it out. he spoke,
"I did read you your rights, just before you were placed in the car." 
I remained calm, and looked at the young cop, who despite his arrogance was nervous and it showed.
"no you never, you placed cuffs on my fiancée  and me, then put us both in the car while you went to tend to my ex wife."
he looked at me daggers, and shuffled from one foot to the other, still he was trying to be brazen. " you trying to tell me I don't know my job?"
"not at all, but its clear you don't," I turned my head away from the young cop and looked and spoke directly to the sergeant.
" sergeant, I would like to make my phone call now please."
The sergeant had observed the conversation and events held between me and the young cop and remained silent, now I had asked for my phone call the sergeant came from behind the desk and took me into a private office.
As we entered the office he pointed to the desk with the phone,  and remained by the door while I moved to the desk to make my call.
I took my cell out of my pocket and found Byron's phone number, picking up the receiver I punched the numbers into the phone and waited for the call to connect and for my lawyer to answer. Three rings later the call was picked up by the receptionist. Brown, Hall & Calcutt, how may I help you?"
"Byron Hall please"
"Who's calling?"
"Jon Bongiovi, please tell him it's urgent,"
"one moment please...."
I waited on the phone to be connected to Byron.
"Jon, how are you?, what can I do for you?"
"Hi, Byron, I'm good thanks, but I need your help, Mara and me have been arrested, we are at...." I looked at the sergeant to get a place where we were.
"New Jersey South side"
"You get that Byron?"
"Yeah,.... so this your one call eh?"
"Yep, and make a note, I have not been read my rights, and Mara and I were placed in the same car, in truth they have fucked up big time...."
I looked at the sergeant stood at the door, his face was red with the embarrassment, then continued my call with my lawyer.
"Shit, ok, hold fire I am on my way, you and Mara will be out of there before you know it. I should reach you in about 20 minutes. "
The line went dead and I replaced the handset onto the cradle. The sergeant opened the door and I followed him.
"Sergeant, could you provide a room for my fiancée and I to wait please until my attorney gets here?"
He never spoke and simply nodded. I guess he was embarrassed, the young cop called Callaghan had made too many faux pas for him not to be.
As we got back to the reception area, the Sergeant asked for us to follow him, we followed and were led into another office identical to the one I had already been in where I made my call.  As he opened the door to allow us to enter he spoke, " you can wait in here and I will have your legal representative brought to you as soon as he arrives. "
"Thank you."
he simply nodded his head and closed the door, outside we could see another cop standing guard.
Mara looked at me, total confusion on her face, "what is going on?, Jon, I shot Dorothea, how can we be sitting here together like this?"
"Sssssh its because they did things totally wrong, they never read us our rights, we should have been placed in separate cars, babes, they are going to have to let us go..."
We sat in silence as we waited for Byron to arrive, it took him longer than he thought, the mid town traffic was at a peak, but he did arrive, walking through the door, "Jon, I'm sorry, the traffic was a bitch."
he sat down opposite Me and Mara, "ok, right, first things first, how are you?" he asked with a huge grin on his face,  " or do I need to ask, his eyes looking at Mara, still with his grin on his face.
"You ol dog, you kept that one quiet.."
"I did? I'm surprised you didn't know, my mom threw us a huge engagement party and had it splashed in every tabloid going... how did you not know?"  it was an easy answer and I knew what he would say even before he said it. "I don't read newspapers, I am kept busy pretty much 24-7 so no need the criminals to take holidays, you know that, but" he grabbed ours hands, "I am really happy for you both, so when is the wedding?, I hope I am invited?"
"No plans made yet By, but you will get an invite for sure."
he smiled and nodded, then picked up his briefcase and placed it on the table, unlocked it and took out his note pad and pen. "ok, shall we begin, tell me everything from the start, I looked at Mara and she looked at me, then I looked at By and told him everything right from the start.
I must have been talking for hours, as my throat became dry and I started to cough, my side where my lung had collapsed started to ache and I really was not feeling great. I struggled to ask, "Can I have some water please?" Byron went to the door and asked the cop standing there to fetch some water in for me.
I was really struggling to breathe, and began gasping for air, that's the last thing I remember.The next time my eye's opened I was back at the hospital and Claudette was there to tend to my needs, Mara was sat to the left.
My mind wondered and I could not make sense of it all, had I dreamt all of it? Where was Byron?" I looked at Mara, who's face was full of concern, I spoke her name,
"Mara,  but my voice was just  whisper, what happened?"

Tuesday 8 April 2014

Chapter 59 - What goes round comes around

The window on the drivers side shattered, my eyes struggled to focus.
Mara was stood outside of the car with a rifle in her hand.... I took in everything around me, I was covered in blood, but it was not my own, I then looked at the drivers side and to Dot who was slumped over the steering wheel, the gun still held loosely in her hand.
The car was pulled up right outside a diner and people had gathered at the windows inside and were watching as everything unfolded. They must of witnessed it all.
Finding my voice I spoke, "Mara, how?, I mean where?, shit, where did you get the rifle, how did you get out of the trunk?"
She was trembling and shaking, " oh god what have I done?" unbuckling my belt I opened my door and climbed out and walked round to Mara, first thing I did was take the rifle from her hands; and laid it on the ground, she did not fight me and stood in a trance completely frozen in fear of what she had done.
"Hey come here,"
taking her into my arms I tried to soothe her nerves, I stroked her back and kissed her over and over on her head as she relaxed into me with her head on my chest.
"I guess I owe you for saving my life again"
she looked up at me, tears falling from her eye's
" at what cost though, I've killed the kids mom, oh Jon, what have I done? I'll go to jail, this is the last thing I wanted..... but when...."
"sssh, it'll be ok, you acted in self defence, babe it's gonna be fine"
" you think so, look," she pointed at Dorothea's lifeless body slumped over the wheel,  "she's dead, I killed her"
"I know, but trust me ok,  remember witnesses saw the erratic driving and Claudette saw Dot at the hospital, I'm sure she knew something was wrong."
" Yeah and those people saw me shoot Dot...this is a mess Jon a total mess" she laid her head back into my chest and started to sob again. I carried on soothing her as best as I could,
" trust me, I am right, you'll see."
In the distance I could hear sirens, and as they got closer they got louder. I guessed someone in the diner had called them, time to face up to what had happened although, I really was not sure myself.
The squad car pulled up a few feet from the SUV, the cops  jumped out and took the stance and pointed their firearms at us.
"hands above your heads, walk away from the vehicle"  I wanted to try to explain, but it would be of no use now, it was safer to do as we were instructed.   
Mara looked at me, as we raised our hands and began the walk towards the officer.
As we neared the cops partner went over to the SUV and checked on Dot.
And we were grabbed and cuffed and placed in the back of the squad car.
looking out of the window, we watched the scene before us as the cops spoke to witnesses that had been in the diner at the time of the shooting, we watched as they tended to Dorothea.
An ambulance arrived and Dorothea was taken from the SUV and driven away with sirens blasting.
Mara was the first to speak, 
" she's alive? " I allowed the events to sink in and my eye's to transmit the data to my brain before I spoke, 
"I guess so, or they would have sent the meat wagon"
"Then I didn't kill her?"
"I guess not."
I was still trying to figure how Mara had escaped the trunk,
" can I ask how did you get out of the trunk? and where did the rifle come from?" 
"When Dot pulled up so sharp, the trunk popped, she was ranting at you, with daylight in the trunk as I was getting out I saw the rifle sticking out of the blanket it was wrapped in, I did not think I just grabbed it and after getting out of the trunk, I walked around to the drivers window, all I was gonna do is scare her with it, I promise you.... but when I saw her pull back on the gun she  had in her hand and I just reacted the same and aimed and fired......  you know the rest..... "
"So, it was in the car?"
"Yeah, I thought it was yours?"
"No way?, I would never have a rifle, I hate guns, you know that....... it was wrapped in a blanket?"
"Yeah a red and green plaid style"
"Well as god is my witness I have no idea how that got into the trunk, "
"Hey, I believe you..." Mara looked at me and smiled, I smiled back and held her hand, and remained silent until the cops came back and got into the car, they did not speak to us and just looked back to check we were still where they had put us, before they started the engine and drove at speed to the police precinct. 
We arrived ten minutes later, Mara was taken out first and then me, I was pushed roughly into the foyer and front desk,
"What ya got there Callaghan?"
"Shooter Serge"
"you know who you got there don't ya?"
"I've just told ya,"
"But you have no idea who this guy is?"
the cops temper was wearing short, "No I have no fucking idea why?"
"that's Jon Bon Jovi?"
"Aw right, your to young to remember the best rock band of the eighties?"
"no, I remember alright, my dad had the records, but this guy don't look anything like him?"
"well have you asked him his name?"
sheepishly the cop faced me and asked,
" what's your name?" 
"Jon Bongiovi"
"Yeah right, now your real name."
"That is my real name, my full name is John Francis Bongiovi."
"Ok, smart ass, enough, bad enough he's ribbing on me, tell me the truth."
"I am telling you the truth, check my id in my wallet, my drivers license is there."
I was turned around and my wallet pulled from my jeans pocket, he opened it up and saw that I was telling the truth.
"So what? am I suppose to not do my job cause you are some has been rock star? you have committed a crime."
"No sir, you assume I have committed a crime. what happened to innocent before being proven guilty? "

Monday 7 April 2014

Chapter 58 - Hallelujah!

All that was left was trying to reason with Dot,
"Look, why are you so fucking hell bent on harming Mara and me?, whatever it is, just talk to me?,"
"Talk, talk? now you wanna fucking talk?, why now?..... well, I'll tell ya why? cause now I have your attention and your scared shitless..."she laughed and her eye's gleamed as she loved the power she held over me, over both of us. She was right but I had to keep trying.
"But now is the prefect time, c'mon Dot, just pull over at a diner and lets just go talk, you and me, what ya say? Dot? "
"Fuck you assole, sweet pretty boy, just man up and accept what's coming..." she turned her head back to the road; hands tight and her knuckles white from her grip around the steering wheel.
Her focus would not be broke.
Another bang in the trunk as Mara was being thrown around again, I glanced at the speedo, Dot was driving erratically, and at high speed.
"Dot, slow down for the love of god, Please.........." She turned to look at me briefly before responding,
" just shut the fuck up Jon, I'm sick of hearing you whine, or maybe you'd like to ride on the roof?."
I shook my head and turned to look out of the window.
The sun was high in the sky and everyone on the streets were going about there own business, no one was aware of the danger Mara and me were facing and going through, all they saw was a car being driven at speed, but then why would they?, no we were on our own. I forced my mind to think, how could I get us out of this?, nothing... all I had was my reasoning, and so far that had failed.

My concentration was broke as the in car phone rang, I looked down at the handset and saw it was my home number. looking at Dot I asked, "Can I take it? it could be the kids?" she nodded and pointed at the handset.
could this be Dots downfall, I prayed it was, and silently I thanked god in my mind...
I clicked on the handset, "Hey,"
"Dad, where are you?" Jesse voice was heard, and was music to my ears,
"Hey Jesse, were driving right now bud"
"When will you be home pop, there's lots of people here waiting for you?"
it broke my heart hearing my sons voice knowing I may never hear or see him again, and now his last memories would be that I lied to him too."
"Soon son, soon, hold the fort for me, ok? we are on our way"
"Ok,  one second pop... " I could hear Steph in the back ground, then Jesse spoke again, "Dad Steph wants to talk to Mara, can you put the phone to her ear, its about your surprise...."
I looked at Dot who rolled her eye's and gritted her teeth and held a facial expression resembling a snarl.
"its difficult Jesse,"
"Why? just hold the phone to her ear..."
"I can't Jesse, ok, we will be home soon enough ok, tell her to wait till then..."
"Dad, what's going on?" Steph spoke on the phone,
"nothing sweetheart, Mara is just concentrating on the driving..."
"Well put me on loud speaker? dad?"
I was running out of excuses so did as I was asked.
"Mara, its Steph, you ok?"
Dot looked at the handset but did not speak, she returned her eye's to looking ahead at the road.
"Mara?, what's wrong, don't worry I won't say anything to ruin things, just say hi, you guys should have been home ages ago? we are worried, what's taking so long? Mara? "
still Dot was silent. how can she ignore her daughter?,  I clicked the phone off speaker phone and spoke to Steph,
"Baby girl just know that we love you ok?, no matter what happens just remember that we love you, we love you all ok?"
suddenly Dot pulled the car over to the side and stopped the car dead. then she spoke and let her venom flow as she spat,
"jeez, what is fucking wrong with this picture eh? my fucking daughter thinks more of your whore than she does of her own mother." I still had the phone to my ear,
"Dad is that mom,?"
"Dad just answer me yes or no, do you want me to get the cops?"
"Ok, stay calm dad, help is on the way, I'll leave this line connected and go use the office line, I'll be back, just tell me is Mara ok?"
the phone was rested on the counter and I heard her voice fading as she headed off to the office. Jesse picked up the phone,
"pop stay calm ok?"
I swallowed hard and replied, "I will "
Dot turned off the ignition and pulled the phone from my hand, she held the phone to her ear and spoke.
"Jesse James Bongiovi, Stephanie Rose Bongiovi, Jacob Hurley Bongiovi, put the phone on loud speaker, tell me when your all there?  and tell me when its done."
"Jesse spoke
"its done."
"Right, Well listen up and listen good, I'm with your dad," her first sentence was soft and just like I remembered when she spoke to the kids when we were a family, then her character snapped, " NOT HIS WHORE OK? TIME TO SAY GOODBYE KIDS CAUSE HE AINT COMING HOME EVER!!!!!  AND HIS WHORE AINT EITHER... THE NEXT TIME YOU WILL SEE THEM WILL BE AT THE COUNTY MORGUE!!!  before Jesse could answer she clicked the line dead.

she laughed, " you think your opinion scares me? GET THIS JON, AND GET IT GOOD, .....I HAVE NOTHING TO LOSE AND FOR THE RECORD YOU HAVE BEEN DEAD TO ME FOR YEARS, IM DOING ALL THIS FOR FUCKING FUN"  her eye's were black, like I was dealing with the devil himself. I had not one shred of doubt she meant every word she spat.
 then her personality changed again, to one showing hurt,
"you broke my heart Jon, its totally shattered, ..... I tired to win you back when Mara was in hospital, I gave you a bed for the night, and gave you a shoulder to cry on, did you thank me?...  hell no; you fall asleep. so I tired to stimulate you to wake you to make love to me, but you could not be roused..... well part of you was, ....." her eye's started to roll in her head as she carried on, then another personality change, angry rising again,
"then you go and fucking report me for fucking rape? ....... bet right now you wish you were still with me eh? then your little whore would be safe with her mom....  and you and me could have been real happy.... but NO,  you have chosen your road, you have chosen the way you want things to be, and I'm very happy to accommodate, remember the old saying?"
"what old saying?"
"the saying that goes, if I cant have you, no one is gonna have you?" she reached into her purse and pulled out the gun she had pointed at Mara earlier, she pulled back the trigger and pointed it direct at my heart, for the second time in weeks I was getting ready to face my maker again, this time I held eye contact with Dot, I was no longer scared and just waited for fate to deal its cruel hand of fate....