Saturday 26 April 2014

Chapter 60 - Right side of wrong

The cop held his head looking sheepish, he had not completed things as he should, he never read me or Mara our Miranda rights, and we should have been placed in separate cars, and I had not been offered a phone call, and now I was about to make that clear and make the next discussion with the cops count.
"Sergeant, correct me if I am wrong, aint it law that you read me my rights before you arrest me?"
The sergeant looked up from what he was doing, "Yes sir it is."
"So, can you tell me why me and or my fiancée were not read our rights?"
The sergeant looked at the young cop, who was trying to brave it out. he spoke,
"I did read you your rights, just before you were placed in the car." 
I remained calm, and looked at the young cop, who despite his arrogance was nervous and it showed.
"no you never, you placed cuffs on my fiancée  and me, then put us both in the car while you went to tend to my ex wife."
he looked at me daggers, and shuffled from one foot to the other, still he was trying to be brazen. " you trying to tell me I don't know my job?"
"not at all, but its clear you don't," I turned my head away from the young cop and looked and spoke directly to the sergeant.
" sergeant, I would like to make my phone call now please."
The sergeant had observed the conversation and events held between me and the young cop and remained silent, now I had asked for my phone call the sergeant came from behind the desk and took me into a private office.
As we entered the office he pointed to the desk with the phone,  and remained by the door while I moved to the desk to make my call.
I took my cell out of my pocket and found Byron's phone number, picking up the receiver I punched the numbers into the phone and waited for the call to connect and for my lawyer to answer. Three rings later the call was picked up by the receptionist. Brown, Hall & Calcutt, how may I help you?"
"Byron Hall please"
"Who's calling?"
"Jon Bongiovi, please tell him it's urgent,"
"one moment please...."
I waited on the phone to be connected to Byron.
"Jon, how are you?, what can I do for you?"
"Hi, Byron, I'm good thanks, but I need your help, Mara and me have been arrested, we are at...." I looked at the sergeant to get a place where we were.
"New Jersey South side"
"You get that Byron?"
"Yeah,.... so this your one call eh?"
"Yep, and make a note, I have not been read my rights, and Mara and I were placed in the same car, in truth they have fucked up big time...."
I looked at the sergeant stood at the door, his face was red with the embarrassment, then continued my call with my lawyer.
"Shit, ok, hold fire I am on my way, you and Mara will be out of there before you know it. I should reach you in about 20 minutes. "
The line went dead and I replaced the handset onto the cradle. The sergeant opened the door and I followed him.
"Sergeant, could you provide a room for my fiancée and I to wait please until my attorney gets here?"
He never spoke and simply nodded. I guess he was embarrassed, the young cop called Callaghan had made too many faux pas for him not to be.
As we got back to the reception area, the Sergeant asked for us to follow him, we followed and were led into another office identical to the one I had already been in where I made my call.  As he opened the door to allow us to enter he spoke, " you can wait in here and I will have your legal representative brought to you as soon as he arrives. "
"Thank you."
he simply nodded his head and closed the door, outside we could see another cop standing guard.
Mara looked at me, total confusion on her face, "what is going on?, Jon, I shot Dorothea, how can we be sitting here together like this?"
"Sssssh its because they did things totally wrong, they never read us our rights, we should have been placed in separate cars, babes, they are going to have to let us go..."
We sat in silence as we waited for Byron to arrive, it took him longer than he thought, the mid town traffic was at a peak, but he did arrive, walking through the door, "Jon, I'm sorry, the traffic was a bitch."
he sat down opposite Me and Mara, "ok, right, first things first, how are you?" he asked with a huge grin on his face,  " or do I need to ask, his eyes looking at Mara, still with his grin on his face.
"You ol dog, you kept that one quiet.."
"I did? I'm surprised you didn't know, my mom threw us a huge engagement party and had it splashed in every tabloid going... how did you not know?"  it was an easy answer and I knew what he would say even before he said it. "I don't read newspapers, I am kept busy pretty much 24-7 so no need the criminals to take holidays, you know that, but" he grabbed ours hands, "I am really happy for you both, so when is the wedding?, I hope I am invited?"
"No plans made yet By, but you will get an invite for sure."
he smiled and nodded, then picked up his briefcase and placed it on the table, unlocked it and took out his note pad and pen. "ok, shall we begin, tell me everything from the start, I looked at Mara and she looked at me, then I looked at By and told him everything right from the start.
I must have been talking for hours, as my throat became dry and I started to cough, my side where my lung had collapsed started to ache and I really was not feeling great. I struggled to ask, "Can I have some water please?" Byron went to the door and asked the cop standing there to fetch some water in for me.
I was really struggling to breathe, and began gasping for air, that's the last thing I remember.The next time my eye's opened I was back at the hospital and Claudette was there to tend to my needs, Mara was sat to the left.
My mind wondered and I could not make sense of it all, had I dreamt all of it? Where was Byron?" I looked at Mara, who's face was full of concern, I spoke her name,
"Mara,  but my voice was just  whisper, what happened?"


  1. It was a fucking DREAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. 😁 more coming soon, patience! Hun, patience!

  3. A dream????
    Oh man hope the next chapter comes quick... ;)
