Friday 16 January 2015

Chapter Sixty Nine

Back downstairs and sitting in the breakfast nook, Steph Jessie and Jake came in together, they had been in the back yard bouncing around a volley ball, Jake was whining that the other two hit the ball to high over the net so he could not play and had spent the whole time just jumping up and down trying.
"You are not fun, your mean..."
"Jake, lil man you just have to jump higher, that's all" Jessie was teasing him and Steph helped too.
"Yeah, we punched loads low for you, but you missed them, so not our fault little bro..." they were both eyeing each other as they used the term little. I saw Jakes face fall.... and interrupted...
"now, you two stop teasing your brother, you want some hot chocolate Jakey?"
with a forlorn face he came over to me and nodded his head.
"You want mallows and cream too Jake?"
immediately he brightened up, "Yeah...." with a beaming face he stood by Mara as she prepared him his favourite drink. Steph and Jessie sat at the breakfast bar.
Looking at Mara I indicated the look, shall we tell them now, she nodded her head gently while stirring the milk for Jakes hot chocolate.
"Kids," all three sets of eyes looked toward me. "Tomorrow, how you all feel about a family day together?"
All three nodded there heads, but not enthusiastically, laughing I asked, "Don't look so excited will you?"
Steph answered first, "well its not that we are not excited dad, but, well I dunno..." I finished her sentence, "its not cool hanging with your old man right?"
"daddy we love you but I guess it depends what you have planned, right Jessie?"
Jake pulled on my jeans, "I'm happy and excited Daddy..." I stroke his head, I know you are son."
Mara finished making Jake his chocolate and he sat at the breakfast bar either side his bother and sister and quietly drank his drink and spooned out the mallows and cream first...
the older siblings still looked pretty stiff about spending the day with us. Mara winked at me before taking the lead....
"Guy's look it really wont be that bad, after all, we are going to a theme park"
Immediately there faces broke into electric smiles, if we had given them each a new four by four they could not have looked as pleased.
Steph spoke first..." really, well I think I could manage some family time at a theme park... your gonna ride with us though right dad?" laughing I nodded my head, "Yeah, no standing waiting and waving like loons at us guys as we go round or something lame.... that is so not cool..."
"thanks Jessie, I feel heaps younger now.."
"You know what I mean dad"
"Sure, your embarrassed by your old man..." I tried to keep a straight face but failed. he saw and laughed too, "So what time we leaving then tomorrow, we wanna have a whole day right?"
"Yeah that's all planned too, we are planning to leave at 8am... that ok with you Steph?"
"Oh right pick on my cause I'm the girl..... well it so happens I will be ready before you all, you'll see." pouting she looked out of the window with her head in the air.
The banter and noise in the kitchen was music to my ears, I had everything I could want, three wonderful kids, all growing up normal and a beautiful fiancée, and when the house was sold we could go looking for a new family home together. It seemed like an eternity but at last things we beginning to go right.
Mara joined my side, and draped her hand round my back and slid her hand in to my jeans back pocket and gently squeezed my butt, as I looked at her she smiled back at me.
"So tonight then kids, eat in, or out, and where, lets hear it?"
in a milli second all shouted in chorus, "out and Pizza Express."
I looked to Mara," you ok with that?"
"Fine, I'm happy, well as long as I can have a Hawaiian deep cheese filled crust large all to myself , no sharing ok  Bongiovi?"
for someone so slim it was amazing how much of an appetite Mara had, and how much she could eat.... " Not even one slice? Miss Goodward that's mean..."
"no not even one slice.... "
it didn't help we both had the same taste, and I never wanted Hawaiian until Mara had it, and for some reason eating her's always tasted better.
"I'm waiting?" with a cold look in her eye's she stood looking at me, "well?"
"Ok, ok, you got it, you can pig out on a large all to yourself.... " smiling, playfully she smacked my butt as she went to get her jacket, checking the time 8pm, it was time we made a move or we would be to late getting home and that would mean tomorrows plans would be scuppered, Jake put his cup in the sink, and wiped his mouth over his hand, Jessie and Steph were talking I interrupted them " right you three lets get moving,   go get your coats..." All three marched out together and in a minute all three were ready and stood waiting, taking my keys from the worktop, and with Mara's hand in mine we headed out to the car, all on board and buckled up we set off for a lovely family evening.

Monday 12 January 2015

Chapter Sixty eight

Our chasing around the house resulted in us making love to one another for the next two hours, exhilarated and exhausted, we lay naked on the bed together,  Mara breaking the silence to speak about the kids,
"Jon, I was thinking, can we get the kids together tonight and talk with them?"
" Sure honey, but don't ya I think it would be better to wait until tomorrow?, "
"Why?, no time like the present..."
"well I was thinking, maybe we could go out for the day as a family, chat casually so it don't look like its staged or something?" 
"Why staged? I wouldn't grill them Jon?"
"Hey, I'm not saying you would, but kids see things differently to how we do, that's all..."
"but I wanted to talk to Steph about being my brides women?"
"Babe that's great, and you will, all's I'm saying is, lets do it in a relaxed atmosphere, while we have fun." 
Mara moved herself from me to the edge of the bed and slipped her robe on that was laying at the bottom of the bed. and got up and went to the bathroom. "so you think it will be better that way?"
"I think it would be nicer for us all, and I want to talk to the kids too, its just after all they have been through I want this to be as easy as possible, our wedding should create wonderful memories for them, id hate it if they resent us for it in later years?..." Mara answered for the bathroom her voice a little muffled,
" Oh god I agree on that one, jeez, that's the last thing I want to do." walking back into the bedroom she sat on the edge of the bed,
"yeah, ya know thinking about it your right, ok lets do it your way" turning her head she sat grinning at me, a mischievous look in her eyes as she turned and crawled her way back across the bed again, coming to rest only as she laid her head on her hands on my chest.
She was still in a playful mood, that was obvious, as she asked
"So where you suggest we go with them then Bongiovi?"
I smiled at her, I so loved it when she was playful,  and that was something we had not shared for a very long time, it really felt like forever, so I was gonna enjoy every second we had....
"how's about a theme park?"
"Theme Park, Mmmm maybe."
"Maybe? its perfect, the kids will love it... and its our first official outing as a family in public, what's not to like?"
"Well, I dunno, I was thinking about somewhere educational... you know; like the museum?"
"What? over a theme park?, you got a bump on your head? why for the love of god..."   she  could not keep a straight face as she burst out laughing.
"You are joking right?," in between her chuckles and hysterical laughter she nodded her head, "I'm sorry I could not resist. "
"oh really, so you think teasing me is a good idea do you?"
my hands tickled her ribs, as she squealed and rolled around, causing her robe to open and expose her naked body. "Stop please stop..." she was gasping for air, but I would not stop, "So where are we going then?"
"theme Park, the theme Park, so stop already..."

I could not resist a few more tickles before I eased back and sat with my back to the headboard of the bed, and watched sadly as she brought her robe around her body again. She saw my expression and asked,
"What? you want more of me?"
I did not reply but my eyes spoke volumes, Mara picked up on it as she sexily moved up the bed, and sat astride me, the mischievous glint she had quickly replaced with the look of lust too, then with her hands I watched her near breathless as she untied her robe, and slid it slowly over her shoulders to expose her pert naked breasts. Leaning forward and with her eyes half closed she whispered " I love you Jon"  before kissing me deep and gently.

In that moment my heart started to pound and my throat became dry as for the fourth time that day my body was aroused and ached for Mara.

I had never met any women that could turn me on as she could, my body responded to her touch, as slowly I slid down the bed as she sensuously moved her body and her mouth around my exposed naked body.

My head falling back and resting on the pillows, with my eye's closed I allowed my body to be carried away on the exhilaration and ecstasy  I was be being taken too.

Each lick and caress, caused soft moans  to escaped my lips,  her mouth magically playing with my nipples, as she kept on licking and gently kissing down to my happy trail, then making me wait as she teased around my devoid standing ardour, until I thought I would explode.

Raising my head slightly from the pillow, I begged, "Please, baby don't tease me." my voice croaky and dry, I let my head fall back against the pillow as finally she relented of my pleasurable torture and took me in her mouth, each movement was pure heaven, as my body reached higher and higher searching for its ultimate release, but to do that, I knew I had to share it with Mara, opening my eyes I gently pulled her back towards me, then moving her so she was laying on her back, I lifted up my body laid between her legs, my hands caressing her thighs gently, whilst my mouth returned the pleasure by kissing her soft and deep, my hands caressed her naked body all over, watching tentatively as she began to arch her back and moan with pleasure, calling my name to take her, nothing was sexier to me, as with her one hand she took my manhood and placed it inside her. Rhythmically we started moving together, becoming one, she stroked, clawed at my back and nibbled my neck, licking sensuously around my adams apple with her tongue.
as with each thrust we moved faster and faster picking up the pace until we both exploded our release before collapsing either side of one another exhausted again, both of us soaked in sweat and panting loudly, whilst still looking at one another. our moment broken by a knock at the door.

Thursday 8 January 2015

Chapter Sixty Seven

After saying farewell to Richie and the guys, I moved into the kitchen where Mara and mom were stood washing dishes. "Hey aint the caterers here for that?"
"It don't matter, more hands get the job done quicker..." mom stopped what she was doing for a second, "You know I'm so pleased you two are home...." she reached over and hugged Mara and placed a soapy hand on my arm... "You know the physical scars you have both endured, I feel them for you both, and the mental strain will remain with me forever, but knowing you too are safe I can cope with the rest." she gave us a warm smile through eyes filled with tears. All three of us embraced.

Mom broke the embrace and continued with the chores of washing up, and could be heard giving instructions to the waiting staff..." make sure all the food is wrapped and refrigerated, and all the crystal is here to be washed, that needs to be washed by hand not in the dish washer." the waiting staff were a hive of activity as they fetch and carried. Mom was always at her happiest when she was organising.

I gently took Mara's elbow and lead her to the door way so I could talk to her. We both looked around before we spoke, we did not want any of the news breaking in the press before we had time to adjust and start making our arrangements. We both wanted a pretty low key affair with just friends and family and the band,  but if our news leaked we would be hounded day and night and there would always be that someone somewhere prepared to shed more light on events.

I looked down at her beautiful face, the scars of our recent past etched across her elfin features, her eyes still soft despite the body conflict endured by her. stoking her face gently I asked,
"you ok?"
"Yeah, why?"
"No reason just checking..." I smiled my biggest smile, she did the same in return.
"So, did you ask Jessie?"
"I had a long chat with him."
"You did? and?"
"he and the kids are great, they love you and are real happy for us."
"So you spoke to all of them?"
"No, just Jessie, but he knows his siblings..."
"But Jon, I need to know from all of them that they are ok for us to marry?, its not long since, there Mom died, and don't forget I shot her."
"But that was to save my life, it would have been one of us for sure, babe, trust me ok, the kids are fine..."
her face was full of conflict, she nodded her head, but I know she didn't want to. Turning to me she asked, "Can we meet with all the kids, I want to talk to them too."
"Just humor me please..."
"Ok, ok... whatever you want, you know I'm happy for that....." I changed the subject slightly but still in the vein of the kids and our wedding.
"I asked Jessie to be best man?"
her eyes were wide as she waited for me to carry on. " And?"
"He said yes, he's so excited...see, told you everything is gonna be fine..."
"He did?,  that's given me hope...." her smile was broad and she looked relieved to hear the news.
"babes, trust me ok, no one knows the kids like I do." I was trying to affirm and reassure her, I decided I did not want to mention my own doubts I had when talking to Jessie earlier,
"So, can I ask, have you thought about who you would like to be your attendants?"
"I have, but I'm not sharing with you Bongiovi."
"Oh, I see playing like that are we?"
a giggle escaped her lips and she moved out of the doorway and stuck her tongue out at me.
"You better move fast Miss Goodward...?"
"She giggled again as she took off through the house, with me chasing in hot pursuit. No doubt about it that she was fitter and faster than me and more nimble as she ran and made headway in front, with me puffing and chasing behind.
I had to try another tact if I was to catch her, and no one said I had to play fair. I was making the rules... sneakily I went through the guest wing and up the back stairs and round the side hall and down and opened the door to where Mara just rang into the open door.
Laughing I stepped round and grabbed her.
"She was breathless and laughing and fighting my grip, "Hey so not fair, you cheat."
"Yep I am, and?"
"Nothing... still she was laughing and catching her breath, I was laughing too, I enjoying every second I was with Mara.

Monday 5 January 2015

Chapter sixty six

As the last of the guests left, apart from Obie and the guys, me and Jessie  helped my ma to clear away the dishes, "Aint this a women's job pop?" 
I laughed, "don't let grandma here you say that..."
he smiled at me... "Ok.."
"Jessie, there's something I need to talk to you about..." putting the dishes back on the table I turned him to look at me, I needed to do this right, "c'mon lets go to the den..."
I turned and walked away and Jessie walked with me.
"I can really?"
"Sure, but only a real small one..."
"Yeah, I'd like that pop.."
I sort out two small shots for me and Jessie, turning to face him I handed him his drink and sat on the edge of the sofa.
"Jessie, there's a few things I need to talk through with you before I get to the main thing I want us to talk about, ok?"
"Sure pop" his face was puzzled and I could see he was struggling to understand what this was about.
I reassured him.
"Hey its nothing bad, ok, just some things I need to talk with you about and your brother and sister too, but I wanted to talk with you first."
his face broke a smile and it was so easy to see his was my son, his features resembled more of me with each passing day he grew.
"Son, how do you feel about me marrying Mara? tell me honestly... ok don't be nervous..."
he laughed, "really?, pop are you serious, you really want me to answer that?, don't you know already?"
I smiled back, "well I think I know, but I just wanna be one hundred percent sure..."
"well I know that I love Mara, she's great, she has given us back our dad, and no matter what has happened to her, she loves you, anyone can see that, and when your happy so are we..."
I was relieved to know that my thoughts about the kids and their feelings towards Mara were as I thought, but the next question was gonna be a little harder. clearing my throat I asked the question I was dreading...
"What about your mom, no bad feelings about us not being together and how she died?"
Jessie looked at me, he swallowed hard before he answered. "no matter what our mom did, she was still our mom, and part of me will always love her I guess...... but watching what she did to you both, and how she got grandma involved, I cant forgive her ever...... " he stammered as he carried out,  and, and, and,  nearly causing us to lose you through her own hatred, well it kills me inside. I don't blame either you or Mara not in anyway..."
I ruffled his hair, and smiled at him sitting in the chair... now came the time to ask the next big favour...
"Son, thank you, and that's form Mara too, she loves you all so much, you know that right?"
he nodded and started looking puzzled again...
"man I am so shit at this father son stuff.... "
I got up and paced over to the window and looked out...  a hand rested on my shoulder, I turned round to see Jessie stood waiting for me to explain...
"Is it something serious dad? you can tell me..."
"well yeah its serious son, serious cause I was hoping you would do me the honour of being my best man."
Jessie's face broke into a smile as he looked at me and answered..." oh man, wow, really, sure I will, I'd love too....but I don't know what to do, can you help me?"
"uncle Rich can...ok?" He nodded as we both hugged each other and enjoyed the moment of being father and son....
"Jon, Mara came to the door of the den, Obie and the boys are leaving and wanna say god bye..."
I nodded, "Be there in one minute..."
She smiled as she turned and closed the door.
"thanks Son, thanks..."
"For what dad?"
"For everything...."
no more words were spoken as we left the den my arms around my eldest sons shoulders to say goodbye to the guys waiting in the lobby.