Friday 15 March 2013

Chapter 8 - Mara

Chapter 8

Mara wasn't coming to train me until tomorrow. I didn't know what to do with myself for a whole day without her. It was only yesterday we took our stroll along the boardwalk, but I was itching to see her again.

My self induced suffering had seemed  to take a back seat in my mind when I was with Mara. She was easy going and easy to be with, and she made it easy for me to forget that I had been a recluse for the past seven years.

This morning waking up renewed and refreshed with a new zest for life I decided to fore go my accustomed dismal routine of sulking in my recliner all day, I was gonna go get a new cell phone and a haircut and rid myself of the offensive beard.
Now I was feeling better about myself the unruly and shabby look and to go.

Mom had already made coffee by the time I was out of the shower, and she was in the process of making a veggie omelet when I entered the kitchen. It was apparent by the smile on her face that she was pleased to see me up showered and dressed so early. I gave her a quick kiss on the cheek as I grabbed a mug to pour my coffee into, I took the opportunity to apologise;

"Mom, I'm really sorry about the other day. You really don't need to stay and be my personal chef. I can fend for myself, I am a grown man."
"Well you haven't been acting like one."
"I deserved that. "I'm sorry."
I poured my coffee and one for my Mom too, and taking two plates from the cupboard I split the omelet she had made into two.
"C'mon Mom, please sit and have breakfast with me today."  both of us sitting I carried on,
"Mom, I'll really make an effort this time to move on from what happened. I guess I did let it go on for way to long."
Mom looked at me surprised.
"What's brought  this on all of a sudden?."
" I think I realised that my sulking was not gonna change my past. I'm still crippled with guilt but this time I really want to try Mom, move on and make my life better happier and be more positive."
"OK, Son, I will support you and be here for you."
"Mom, that's just it, you really don't need to watch over me 24 hours a day and nurse maid me, honestly, go home and if I do not carry on as I have said you can move back in and whip my ass. Deal?"
"Well if you are sure?"
Mom looked a little sceptical at my sudden transformation, but she agreed just the same.
Breakfast done, we cleared the table, with a clear head I left the house, climbed into my Mustang and headed to town.

First thing I needed to do was find a barber to bring my face back to life by removing the dead hair I had used to hide away for so long.
In days gone by I had only ever had the best stylists toil with my hair, but today I was looking for an old fashioned  barber to cut my hair and of course give me a close shave.
Driving through the town I saw the perfect place just off Sparta Avenue, so parking my car I went in.

The barber was pleasant looking, old white haired man who looked like he had just stepped out of a barbers quartet. In fact the whole barbers shop could of housed the barbers quartet finals.  Looking about my surroundings it was like I had stepped back into the 1950's. I sat waiting as the old time barbers chair was occupied with a guy having his hair clipped.
The chair I was sat in was a wooden antique, but comfortable it was a calm and relaxing place.
My thoughts were positive thinking about Mara as I awaited my turn.

"What can I do for you?" The pleasant barber joked after seeing his previous client off. "I don't suppose seeing you here before, have I?"
I gave a silent chuckle at the man's speech.
"No, I've never been here before. I haven't been to see anyone about my hair in some time, as you can see." my hand making gestures to my face and hair to exaggerate the fact.
It was the barbers turn to chuckle. "I suppose not. why don't you take a seat over here and I'll lower your ears." Mr.Barber chuckled to himself again. "My names Sam. Whats yours?"
"Do you live round here?"
"Yeah, not far away, just south past the boardwalk, next to the lake."
"Ooh fancy." Sam continued with his pleasantries while he cut my hair and shaved my face. I asked Sam to keep my hair just to shoulder length, layered giving me a fresh look that would not be conservative. Sam abided and cut my hair, just below my neck, and keeping the layers long and front just below my eyebrows. A little shorter than what I had been used too, but when I caught a look of myself in the mirror it was a look that I was comfortable with.
My face was an altogether different matter. I had not seen my face in years. I may have kept up trimming my bears, but I hadn't been clean shaven in a long time. I wasn't expecting to look almost my age. there were small lines jutting out from my eye's that once were hidden by my beard. I couldn't hide the lines that had started to appear around my jaw too. It all stood to reason I guess, that even though time stood still within my walls of my home, my body would start showing the signs of my thirty-eight years.

I thanked Sam for his conventional service and warm conversation and headed out to find myself a new pair of sneakers. I was suddenly in the mood for jogging again, something I had not thought about for years. Mara, was the reasoning I figured.

Down the road, as luck would have it I found a store called Sneakers n Boots. I pulled into the lot and parked. there were so many sneakers on the shelves; I didn't know where to begin. Thinking I said to myself I should of bought Mara with me. My mind had just begun thinking of Mara when my thoughts were interrupted by the sales assistant.
" Excuse me, but are you Jon Bon Jovi?"
The question took me by surprise as it was something I had not heard in a very long time. Bringing my hand to my chin, it was smooth and I realised I no longer had the mask of my beard to hide behind anymore.
Not in the habit of lying about my identity, I responded truthfully.
"Um, yes I am. I'm looking for some sneakers."
I figured by jumping into why I was in the store in the first place, I could ward off any unnecessary questions as to where I had been lately. It worked. The assistant asked me what I was looking for and I told her; I wanted a pair of shoes for running and a pair for working out. She measured my size ten foot, got me two pairs of sneakers that fitted what I intended them for, I had to admit it was completely painless; after paying I was soon on my way.

Now for the not so painless part - actually putting on the sneakers and attempting to break out into a jog.
Not an easy endeavour for a five foot, ten inch, two hundred pound man. But I did it.
I walked for five minutes like Mara had instructed and then stretched my warmed muscles.
After that I jogged until I was breathing hard and heavy, then walked again until my heart rate slowed and repeated the pattern about five times. It was challenging but it was so invigorating.
It felt good moving my body in that way.
I just hoped my positive mood would last, but reasoning with myself one day at a time.


  1. jeeeej!
    Might sound stupid, probably does but I like sad depressed, getting back on his feet Jon :)

  2. Yep and hes gonna get better and better! Thanks hun x
