Saturday 16 March 2013

Chapter Nine - Getting Along...

Chapter Nine

The next morning Mara was right on time, ringing my doorbell at ten am. I had been up since 8 o clock and had managed to shower, have breakfast a bowl of cereal, and a hard boiled egg before dressing in my grey sweats, a t-shirt and my new sneakers.

I answered the door to see Mara with a smirk on her face, holding her duffle bag and a newspaper.
It was today's Daily Record, holding out the paper for me to see, the very front page held a photograph and headline of me, "Jon Bon Jovi, comes out of hiding.

I took the paper from Mara and walked to the kitchen table where I could sit to read it. Mara followed and sat next to me.
There was no story just a caption under the the picture, The Missing Bon Jovi singer appears out of nowhere, right here in New Jersey's county, Welcome back Jon Bon Jovi.
Tossing the paper across the table I sat back into the kitchen chair.
"Does this upset you?" Mara was looking at me concern on her beautiful face,
"No, I thought it would but honestly it doesn't, I think I am finally ready to meet the public again".
Mara placed her hand on my knee, "Well losing that awful beard and cutting your hair, your still as handsome as the day I met you back stage."

Blinking at Mara, I asked her to explain, racking my brains I would have remembered a beauty such as Mara, although she had always been familiar to me now I was to find out why.

"You met with me and my Mom after one of your shows, I hid behind my Mom most of the time. You were very kind to me. We had a great time."

Mara looked at me awaiting my reaction to her confession. Like a light bulb suddenly being switched on the
realisation suddenly registered. Of course, I remembered everything, Mara's eye's were the reason she looked familiar. I was drawn to her eye's like a kid to candy, Her eye's were liquid chocolate which behind them lay the perfect soul mate. One which I never realised, that is; until now.

"OMG, that was you? I never would have guessed and managed to obtain the answer as to how or when I had met you, if you had not said."
" My name was Mara Goodward"
"Yeah I remember, you won the contest during our first headliner, you were..... fourteen years of age, yes?"
"Yeah that's right."
"I should have known the very first time I met you again, you really made an impression on me."
"You had one on me also Jon, I was; still am your biggest fan." Mara looked down as she spoke the last sentence and blushed.
"So you liked me?" Do you still like me?" I was nervous as I asked my question, but given Mara's statement I had to know if it was just an idol liking or if it could possibly be more.

"Yeah Jon I like you, ......more now than I ever did as a kid, .........I like the Jon Bon Jovi I am getting to know."
Mara looked at me as she spoke quietly.

"Really, "I moved my chair closer to Mara, I looked into her eye's and finally let my cold heart melt, the hurt the anger and the guilt began melting away, as we Lent forward together our lips met and we kissed each other passionately our tongues exploring each others mouths, my arms envolving Mara into my embrace.

Feeling the warm of Mara's body in my arms set me on fire, nerves that had not been used for years, the dust was exploding from each one, reigniting my body, reigniting me to the man that I once was. At last I was coming alive.