Friday 12 April 2013

Two become one

Chapter 10

Gently pulling back from our kiss, we were both breathless. Neither of us spoke, there was no awkwardness or tension, it was right and both of us were content in each others company.

Mara broke the silence "so shall we continue with your work out?" I looked at Mara, speechless, damn the last thing I wanted was to work out, what I really wanted to do was to take hold of this wonderful women and take her to bed and make love to her. My body was on fire from our kiss and I wanted to taste her and bury myself deep inside her.

Mara looked at me waiting for my response. Suppressing my desire and my aching loins I finally answered, "sure" walking towards Mara I lent my hand gently on her lower back, I was aware of my body reacting to the touch of her body.

Every inch of my being was screaming at me to tell her, then the Jon of the past few years returned reasoning left and doubt began creeping in clouding my judgement.

You can't do this, You kill everything You touch. I was talking myself down and out of making the next move which should have been natural with Mara, our kiss, I felt it, she felt the same didn't she?

Inside the gym, Mara started the workout with warming up, starting on the treadmill ten minutes, looking over she said "today we start your weight training."
Even in my most energetic days I had never weight trained; well not to the degree Mara was talking about, my exercise was running around on stage. I hoped I wouldn't embarrass myself too much today, thinking about the kiss we shared I was beginning to wonder if I should have done that.

"Ok, Jon your done on the treadmill, lets start over here on the bench". Mara was talking about a bench with a perpendicular bar sticking out of it, with another bar that sat across that bar. I walked over to it and sat down.
"This is the bench press, it'll help to make your chest muscles really strong."

" No really?" I was being sarcastic. I at least knew what a bench press was.
Mara smirked, "Don't get smart. I don't know what you know and what you don't. you said you have never really lifted weights before so..... "
I interrupted. "I'm just kidding." she was so cute when she was frustrated. "Show me what to do."

"Lay on the bench. Place your hands on the bar right here." Mara had her hands on the bar where I was to hold. I was looking up at her, while she was looking down at me. She was beautiful. I had to swallow a lump in my throat, before I took the bar.

"Now take the bar off the rest and bring it to right above your chest." I Did. "Now slowly lift it up straight." I did. "And bring it back down" I did. "Your first bench press. Now nine more"

"What?!, but, I did it nine more times like she instructed. truth is it felt good.
"Good job. Take a sixty second break."
"Sixty seconds? Then what?"
"Another set."
"Holy cow, are you trying to kill me?" it didn't feel that good.
"It wasn't to heavy was it? you looked steady when you lifted; I thought it was just right." Mara looked concerned that I might be hurting,
"No it was ok. I was just teasing again. You are so easy to tease." she was easy to look at too;
"Well stop teasing and start concentrating. You need to focus when your training.
No fooling around "but then she smiled. "Well, you can fool around, just don't do it while your holding the weight. I don't want you to get hurt."

Ok, I'll focus" and for the next hour, I did focus. I focused on the sweat that was fell on my brow and the ache that permeated my muscles. I was beat, Mara told me that I would feel worse tomorrow.

Why was I doing this? I didn't have an answer, except that having Mara as my personal trainer was the only way to keep her around right now.

After Mara finished kicking my out of shape ass into shape, I asked her if she would like to accompany me in having a cup of coffee. Ever graceful she accepted, and even offered to make the pot while I showered and changed.

I hurried off to my quarters and showered, finishing my shower I towel tried my body and ran a blow dryer through my hair. looking in the mirror, I noticed that although it had only been one week since I started eating healthy and exercising I was already looking thinner in the face, my body was beginning to come back to life and the grey mist that had enveloped my eyes had lifted  my eyes were blue once more, I was getting a healthy glow back. Mara was responsible for resurrecting the Jon Bon Jovi that I once was, an older Jon, but not old.

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