Saturday 13 April 2013


Chapter 11

"Well that certainly felt good," I uttered as I walked into the living room. Mara, smiling as she looked at me, She completely took my breath away with her beauty.
While I was showering and dressing Mara had taken her ponytail out letting her shoulder length hair fall full around her face. Her lips were shining a pretty pink colour and her face had a rosy hue to it. It appeared that Mara was doing a little primping of herself too. this sudden awareness sent a shiver through my veins. Could Mara be attracted to me as I was to her? I certainly hoped so.

"You look good Jon, I like your hair, it really suits you" "Thanks I'm thinking of streaking it again, you know capture the eighties look?" then I laughed, "Nah then again that's the old me."
"Either way you would look good." Mara blushed, but she didn't stop talking. "it's good to see you looking yourself again."
"Yeah, well I'd like to feel like myself again. I no Mara had made coffee but I suddenly felt the urge to go for a drive, I wanted Mara to join me."So Mara Whadda say,lets get outta here,"
"What? I can't Jon, I have another client at 4pm."
"but that's 2 hours away. If I promise to have you back in plenty of time for your next appointment will ya come, I just feel  as thought I need air in my lungs, well?"
I was practically begging, but I couldn't help myself. Mara, thought and then answered,
"Ok, but your driving?"
"I wouldn't have it any other way"
we left the house and walked across to my 5 cars, I had purposely grabbed the vette keys as we left. If I'm honest it was one of my faves. It was a bright shade of poppy red. it was one of the luxuries I indulged myself in when I became famous.

My cars were the one thing I still had a burning passion for, I walked round to the passenger side and open the door for Mara to climb in, running round to the drivers side, I leapt into the air and into the drivers seat.
"Impressive Mr Jovi, but what can you do for an encore" Was Mara really beginning to flirt with me, or was I imagining it.

Mara's sweet smell was almost overwhelming as she sat so close to me in the passenger seat. She smelled like cinnamon and pears. While I was driving, I actually closed my eyes a couple of times to inhale her scent.

I turned on the radio just in  case the silence became awkward, no sooner had the radio come to life it was playing an old Bon Jovi track. I suddenly had a bitter sweet taste in my mouth and could feel my mood changing.
When it came to my old life, I missed it, yet it was exactly that lifestyle that had ruined my life, destroyed my mind and demolished my heart. It was hard to look back fondly on the old golden days. Fortunately Mara had interrupted my thoughts.
"Jon, does it bother you to hear your old songs played on the radio?"
"no, not really, why do you ask?"
"the expression on your face changed when you heard the song",
"I guess it was a shock, and it brought back memories of how that time in my life came to destroy me as a man, but no it does not bother me, the song was great back then."
"Still is." Mara interjected, "Hell I would sing along, If I wasn't in Jon Bon Jovi presence." Mara laughed.
"Sing away, I'd love to hear you sing my song"
"Nah, trust me Jon you wouldn't, it would bear no resemblance to the song at all."
Being with Mara was so right, she sat with me comfortable and without wanting anything. Well almost.....
"So where's the nearest Starbucks round here, we never did drink the coffee I made us Jon," damn,
"about two blocks east Ma'am I will take you there now" I drove steady to Starbucks and parked, Mara jumped out of the car and into the store to get 2 coffee's to take out. Back in the car, I started the engine and pulled away and headed for a great spot where we could sit and talk,

finally I felt the time was right to explain the reason for my withdrawal from public life and it wasn't all about being found in my marital bed with another women. I had made my mind up, I wanted Mara to be with me. I wanted Mara to know the whole truth.

1 comment:

  1. Does this mean we finally get to find out why Jon became a recluse? Loving this story.
