Friday 19 April 2013

OMG!!! Really?

Chapter 13

I sat for a moment taking in the words that Mara had just said, total relief flooding through my veins.
This gorgeous beautiful woman wanted to be with me, not the rock star Jon Bon Jovi, but the fat, fucked up outta shape Jon. I still could not believe my luck.
Mara was my Angel after all.

Finally I spoke. "wow, you believe in me?...... but I'm fucked up Mara, I've got a long way to go, and I am sure being me, I am bound to fuck up some more on the road back to me, I can't give you any guarantee's but honestly, I will never intentionally cheat on you or hurt you. That Jon left many years ago"
I looked at Mara the whole time I spoke, I needed her to know, I was a risk, but by helping me I would do everything to make her happy.

 Mara spoke softly; " Jon, ever since I was a little girl I used to dream about you, .....what you were like. Now I can see; you are a man filled with hurt and raw emotion, as I said you made bad choices, maybe your fault or the life you were leading; you hung onto your guilt for seven years Jon, torturing yourself, I can't say that was wrong I did something similar with Brad,  but you are a wonderful man, and together I want to help you change all that, we deserve to be  happy Jon ...." then with her new  found courage Mara moved in really close and gently pressed her lips to mine.

I felt my loins tighten and harden at her touch, and my mouth responded to her gentle kiss. my dead body was alive and I had an urgency building that I wanted to show Mara, pulling her closer to me and wrapping my arms around her, my tongue sort her mouth and she responded willingly, our kiss becoming more passionate.
Mara's hands had began to explore my body moving under my shirt and up my back, breathlessly I had to pull back from our kiss, sensing where this was going to go, I sure as hell did not want to make love to Mara on a dirt walk track;  hoarsely I whispered, "not here... you are really special, Mara;" then taking her hands we rose to our feet, and turning to head back to the car Mara placed her hand in mine and left it there as we walked.

Reaching the car I opened the door for Mara. I walked to my side and got in. Starting the engine the Radio came to life playing a Bruce Springsteen song, "Born in The USA" Mara smiled and hummed along as I drove the car back to my house.

Pulling up on the drive, I asked Mara if she would like to come in. She turned to face me with a sad look on her beautiful face "Oh, Jon I would love to, but I have my next client waiting, can I take a rein check ?" deflated in one swoop!

Trying to keep the disappointment out of my voice I said "Of course you can," Thinking fast, I was desperate to see Mara again as soon as possible," would you like to join me for dinner tonight? "I can pick you up after your last client?"
"I have a better idea Jon, why don't you join me at my last class, its a spin class its 45 minutes are you on for a challenge?"
"You have gotta be kidding me. I can barely last a mile jogging, and you expect me to last forty-five minutes in a spin class?"
"Well of course. you would go at your own pace. You wouldn't have to follow what the rest of us are doing. There are beginners in every class I teach. It's a good bunch of people, how about you give it a try?"
Laughing I submitted; "ok, I will give it a go, but not tonight. Give me a little time to get used to being out of the house."
"Sure, but I am going to hold you too it." Then she gently put her hand on my arm just above my elbow. "Thanks for the coffee, I had a lovely time."
"I did too. Thanks for Joining me."
"I'll see you Friday. And if you go for one of your jogs, why don't you put on a pair of sunglasses and a baseball hat? maybe you'll avoid your picture in the paper this time."
"Yeah, I'll do that, "I chuckled. "See you Friday."

The next several weeks with Mara were wonderful. Oh course she kicked my fat ass, but it was starting to feel good. The soreness in my muscles was actually a good reminder for me to stay on track. Every time I felt an ache, or a slight pain in my arms or legs, I knew I was working to hard to blow it by eating the wrong food or beverage choice.

Each time Mara and I finished with our training sessions, we would go to Starbucks for our skinny lattes.
I was so comfortable with Mara and if I was not mistaken she was more at ease and comfortable with me too. Life was getting better. Jon Bon Jovi was coming back.

1 comment:

  1. Way to go Mara! I enjoy the talks between them because it shows Jon is really trying to change on the inside as well as the outside. Still on team Mara.
