Monday 30 September 2013

Chapter 39 - Is there anybody out there looking for a party!!!


With the girls dresses chosen and the makeup and stylist booked to call and give the finishing touches, I had received a call from Garrard's to say the ring was ready. Making my excuses I left the girls upstairs talking. I had arranged with the Manager of the store to also set by a diamond encrusted necklace earrings and bracelet, another gift surprise for Mara.
The boys had their tux's and they were content either listening to music in there room, or were out back kicking a ball around.
Pulling up at the store, I parked and went inside. I was greeted by Maurice the store Manager.
"Mr Bongiovi, how very nice to see you, this way please sir I have your items for you."
Shaking his hand I followed him to the far end of the store and behind the velvet curtain to look at the ring and the set the manager had chosen to set aside for me.
He cleaned the glass top of the display case and then went to the safe and brought out the set and Mara's ring. The case holding the jewelled set was a black velvet box with Garrard's wrote on the opening lid. Placing the box in front of me he asked,
"Would you like me to show you sir?"
"Yes, please do."
He opened the box and there before me was a beautiful diamond encrusted necklace, that would fit as a choker style, dropping to a teardrop in a 2 carat diamond to the centre of the pendant, with bracelet and earrings to match. The dress I had chosen for Mara was a beautiful midnight blue silk gown with silver filigree jewel encrusted belt,The choice of jewlery was perfect.    
"Sir? is everything to your satisfaction?"
"Yes thank you Maurice, could I see the ring?"
"Of course, moving aside the pendant set he brought forward a blue velvet box again with the name Garrards on the front, on opening the box there was Mara's ring, brilliantly polished and clean and ready to be placed on Mara's hand tonight..
I nodded my head in acknowledgement and following Maurice I paid the bill and left the store.  Maurice had extended his congratulations, I guess he was hopeful of my returning when it was time to choose our wedding rings.
Climbing into my car I started the engine and began to drive. I had planned with the kids that I wanted them to be a bigger part of the engagement as possible, so Jake was going to walk up and open the ring box as I was proposing for the second time, this time on one knee, Steph had given her orders!!! oh she daughter that must be obeyed, so in swap I had asked her to present Mara with the pendant set to wear for the party; happily she agreed, and with Jesse to do the announcement to get everyone's attention, and get the ball rolling;  all that was left was for me to go collect my suit from the shop and head back home.

if I said I was not nervous, Id be lying, this was a private affair and although I am a perform artist, if its performing that's fine I am comfortable with that, but when it's my private life, well I like to keep it private. Steph and my ma argued that every women deserves to feel extra special when the guy of her dreams proposes to them, they ganged up on me and agreed asking her in the confides of a hospital room was not romantic, following with, they were surprised she said yes. So I have been bullied and coerced by my nearest and dearest to conform to what they want, but if it makes Mara realise just how special she is to me and how much I love her, then I'll go with it.

Parking outside the suit shop I ran inside and collected my suit, then jumped back in the car and set off home.
Back home opening the door I was greeted by my younger brother Matt.
"Yo, bro, so you have fially found the right one eh?, Congratulations bud."
"Cheers, what is going on?"
The house was a hive of activity, bodies here there and everywhere.
"Did ma and steph not tell you?"
"Tell me what?"
"the photo shoot?"
"What photo shoot? for fuck sake Matt what gives?"
"Ma said you knew?"
"well obviously I don't?"
"Ok, let me go find Ma, be right back."
With that Matt took off leaving me stood in the middle of the chaos going on around me. then out the corner of my eye I saw my ma walking towards me.
"Jon, baby, is that your suit?"
"Yeah, ma what's going on, Matty said something about a photo shoot?"
"Yes baby, now don't get upset, ok, but Ruth and I wanted to mark this special day by having a family photo shoot, we thought as my house was manic and being got ready for the party; we would come over here and use your's"
I looked at my mom and I could not stop the stink eye that followed.
"Jon Francis, stop looking at me like that, it won't work. How can you deny us our wish uh?"
"Wish, ma, you have taken over... its too much... does Mara know? or is she in the dark like me?"
"No she does not know, we wanted to surprise you both."
"Ma its not a surprise its a god damn shock and circus. I am really not happy about it."
"Oh you are mr spoil it all, how can you begrudge your mom and new mom a lil pic perfect for our family album."
As always my ma had got me wrapped around her little finger, reluctantly I gave in and headed through the team preparing the house for the shoot and upstairs to Mara who was with Steph being made over ready for the party.

Outside the door I knocked lightly," Mara?"
"Yeah come in, were decent." followed by giggles, Stephs voice was heard from the other side of the closed door.
Gently I pushed the door open and saw Mara sat at the dressing table, with a stylist behind styling her hair. She  stopped the stylist for a moment and turned to look at me;, with a beautiful smile on her face.
"Jon, you should not be here, I wanted to surprise you tonight, and by the way thank you for the gown its the most gorgeous dress I have ever seen, I really love it." her eyes held my gaze, as I dropped down to my knees, to explain and apologise for the situation with our moms and what we had got to go do for them.
She was totally un fazed and happily agreed to the photo shoot, and as I got to my feet to leave, Mara followed and walked me to the door; leaning in she whispered in my ear,
"just have fun this is our day everything will be fine, lets make our families as happy as we are inside," then planting a kiss on my cheek I  was pushed from the room and the door was closed.

Stunned I stood staring at the closed door, not sure what had actually happened, I was brought back to reality when Jake tapped my thigh.
"Hey, Buddy what's up?"
"nothing pop, just wondered what time I had to get ready for tonight?"
I looked at the time and after telling Jake he had hours he shot off outside to go kick his ball around with one of the kids from over the lake.
looking over the stair bannister I could see the photographer had about finished setting up his equipment and camera and I knew it was minutes before we were all called to have our picture taken.
Sure enough two minutes later my mom was calling me.
"Jon, Jon, oh there you are, get ready sweetheart the photographer is ready for us, hurry now and please bring Mara and Steph too, Jon stop just staring at me and move, c'mon."
shaking my head I went off to our bedroom and dropped my suit on the bed, then walking along the landing I knocked on the girls door and called them out for the photo shoot.
Almost immediately Mara and Steph opened the door, Steph shot passed me and down the stairs to her grandma, but Mara stood before me beaming the most radiant smile I had seen, her whole face was glowing. She wore a simple pair of jeans with a cream sweater but she looked like a model, she was stunning and I was so lucky to have this women in my life and agree to marry me. linking her arm in mine she asked,
"Shall we?"
I nodded kissed her cheek and we headed down the stairs together.

Thursday 26 September 2013

Chapter 38 - Ring Ring

The next morning after our first night back home, I was up at 6am, and rang my mom and arranged to go and collect the ring early so I could have it polished with Garrard jewlers before our engagement party. Steph was awake and sat with me at the breakfast nook.
"Dad, does Mara know you have a ring for her?"
"No, sweetheart she doesn't, I am going to surprise her tonight at Grandmas."
"That is sweet, Mara is lovely dad and I am so happy for you both; you deserve to be happy, and dad.... I love you thank you for coming and rescuing us from mom's"
"Thank you baby girl, and I love you, and I didn't rescue you Steph you guy's rescued me." Steph stared at me through her blue eye's, they became watery as she looked away and changed the subject...
"Do you think Mara will allow me to be her flower girl?"
"Flower Girl?, you are not 6 years old, and I don't know sweetheart, that's girls talk between the two of you, why don't you chat with Mara later?, she would love that."
"Yeah, I guess, and you know what I meant,"
I laughed, it was good having my kids back with me, I really wanted to give us and Mara a new start to life and erase the bad memories of there awful childhood with Dorothea and me. I know I could not make the past right, but I know I could direct all our futures together. It was great too they all loved Mara. They met her one time in the hospital and within seconds a bond was formed between them all. Mara is an incredible person and I was so lucky to have her. No we were all lucky to have her.
"have you guy's set a date, I was thinking summer would be cool eh?"
I laughed at Steph's excitement,
"not yet, give us time we have only been engaged for 24 hours.... Breaking for a second, I continued..." I'm pleased your keen and proud of you  Steph."
"Proud? of what?"
"Of you for being you, for helping me see the light and for coming back into my life, and allowing me to become your dad again...and for accepting Mara, it cant be easy for any of you?"
Steph walked over and hugged me. We always wanted to be with you, but Mom would never let us. We were all trapped with her, and cos you never really contacted us we all thought you did not care about us. I am so glad we now know the truth and we are all together. and Mara, she is really lovely, I like her, really like her"
Silent pause while we embraced each other, then Steph spoke again. 
"So, have you thought where you want to get married?, and please don't choose somewhere tacky like Vegas."
"Vegas is not tacky. and it will be both our choice and we will discuss it with you guys first too."
"umm, you really aint planned this well at all have ya pops,?" rolling her eyes to the ceiling.
"Well, no idea of what is a romantic proposal, no idea of venues, honestly, when I meet the man of my dreams he better do things real romantic.... I want to be whisked to Paris, and have a one knee proposal up the Eiffel tower, I want our wedding in Hawaii..."
Whoa, steady on Steph, you need a boyfriend first.... and I think you will need to hint about what you want, guy's don't think in flowers and paint." She punched my arm, then continued;
" by the way dad, engaged is so last year, its now a couple commitment party. Shall I tell Grandma?"
"well, thanks for that information Steph, but I am an old fashioned guy and we are engaged. and no, don't tell Grandama"
Steph rolled her eyes in exasperation.... Rolling her eye's was becoming a habit, I guessed it was to do with being a teen...
"whatever oldie... so, what time you going to Grandma's?"
"just having my coffee, then I'm outta here why?
"Can I come too?"
Of course you can, but I think you need to wear something warmer than your PJ's"
A quick look down at her clothes she giggled and took off upstairs, leaving me to drink my coffee, I was deep in thought looking out over the back yard and admiring the autumn colours and the leaves falling from the tree's; when another idea struck; Maybe having my daughter with me we could stop at Mandre's a beautiful designer gown shop in Town, Steph could help me choose as another surprise for Mara. A fantastic gown to wear for our engagement party. 
Within minutes Steph was back dressed in her Jeans and t-shirt with sweater and wrap and knee length boots.
"You look nice sweetheart, you want breakfast before we go?"
"Nah, I'm not really hungry, I'll take some fruit for later."
Grabbing fruit from the bowl she slipped them into her purse."
"Ok, I'm ready pop."
"Listen Steph, how would you like a new gown to wear for tonight, and I was thinking, what would you say to helping me choose one for Mara too?, as a surprise?"
"Wow, really, yeah that would be great, you are talking about calling at Mandre's right?"
"Yeah, so whad ya say? or am I entering dangerous territory?"
"Nah, its a great idea pop, but I think you should choose a gown for Mara, but then when we get home tell her she needs to go try it on, then if she does not like the gown you have chosen or it don't suit her she can try something else. "Getting more excited Steph carried on. "Maybe I could go with her and we can have a  bit of us girl time, after all she is going to be my new Mom?" with a beaming smile she looked at me.
"That sounds like a great idea." Walking from the breakfast nook into the lobby, opening the door I gestured for Steph to leave. " after you ma'am"
Buckled up and in the car we headed off to my mom's to collect the ring. I made a call to Garrards on route and confirmed that I would call in and drop off the ring to have it cleaned and polished.
"the boys, what will they wear tonight, all our good clothes are still at mom's?"
"don't worry sweetheart, I'll ring Buckleys and get the boys an appointment and we can hire them tux's for the night."
" tux's? really do you think they want to be dressed up like a waiter? people may mistake them for the hired hands " Steph threw back her head laughing.
"ok, miss smarty pants, do you have any better idea's?"
"Yeah I do, give Jesse your credit card and let him out shopping with it... no limit.. I could go with them too , just to make sure they don't get the wrong thing."
I looked at Steph who had her beaming mischievous smile.
"I don't think so Miss, but nice try... Its back to plan A",
 Picking up my cell I rang the store, the appointment was booked for 2pm, another call to Jesse and we were pulling up at my ma's house.
Walking into her lobby I gave her a hug and thanked her for everything. She was beaming and it was so evident she was over joyed for both Mara and me. Following my ma though the house to the kitchen my pop walked out of the den.
"Congratulations Son, I'm real happy for you. so, she aint just your trainer after all eh?" he smiled and winked at me; Dad being dad could always be relied on to be coarse and vulgar. I just smiled and nodded at my pop and carried on walking with my mom to the back room to collect Mara engagement ring.


Sunday 15 September 2013

Chapter 37 - Free To Go

After speaking with the Doctor about my shoulder, I was given my release papers and made to promise no heavy lifting, anything strenuous and no guitar playing until the wound had fully healed. I was given an appointment to return in 14 days to have my stitches removed, thanking the Doc and the nurses that had looked after both Mara and me, I headed off to find my beautiful fiancée.
Arriving at her door I poked my head round,
"Hey beautiful are you ready?"
"Nearly, just give me a second."
"You know what, you never gave me an answer to my question?"
"About what?"
"About moving in with me?"
"didn't I?"
I moved inside the room and walked over to Mara sliding my hands and arms around her waist, she spun round to look at me.
"well, that's so bad of me," with a big grin on her face, I knew this was not going to be a simple yes or no... she continued to play....
" Do ya wanna know now?"
"well that would help, I need to know where I am going."
" mm mm let me see..... my mom's or with you? it's a tough call I'll be honest with ya.... mom or you...."
"ok, stop teasing already, what's it to be smart ass..."
"I'm thinking..... don't push it Bongiovi..." she prodded me again, these prods were getting frequent, I just pulled her in tighter, mindful of my shoulder.
"A little room to breathe please..."
"uh uh, not till you tell me..."
"please babe I can't breathe..."
"Tough, tell Goodward soon to be Bongiovi..."
laughing she gave in...
"Ok, ok ok, I wanna be with you..."
releasing Mara from my embrace, I smiled....
"now that wasn't so hard was it?"
She slid her hands around my neck and pulled me in for a kiss, and answered; 
"no not at all."
we were so wrapped up with each other we never heard our Mom's enter the room. My mom wasted no time in clearing her throat to let us know we were not alone.
Breaking from our kiss with Mara still in my arms, I looked across to the doorway to my mom and Ruth standing there.
The look on Ruth's face told me my mom had already told her our news.
"Hey guy's, I've got it covered, Mara is moving in with me."
"Really Jon; is she?" Ruth asked with a beaming smile on her face.  
"You don't mind do ya mom?"
"Mind why would I mind, but is there something else you want to tell me?"
I watched my mom who was backing out of the door,
"Mom, where are you going, come back here."
What, I was just giving Ruth more room, nothing more?"
"Really?, Mom you've told her?"
"I don't know what you mean."
Guilt was wrote all over her face, and she was crimson in colour.
"C'mon Mom, give, you have told Ruth our news... Right?"
sheepishly she held her head down and nodded.
"mom, you promised...."
"I'm sorry babies, It just kinda slipped out when I invited Ruth to the celebration party tomorrow, she asked what it was for, and well I'd said engagement before I could stop it leaving my mouth, and then the secret was out...."
"mom, what am I gonna do with ya, so who else knows and no lying, give?"
"no-one, I promise, it was just Ruth and Great Grandma Lilly,  you said I could tell her..."
"Ah hah, who else."
both Mara and me sat on the bed watching my mom, shifting first from one foot then the other.
"C'mon Mom who else"
"your dad, how could I not tell him... but that's it I swear.."
"not buying it Mom, c'mon give, were going no where till you tell..."
"no-one else honest.."
"Mom, I'll find out..."
Carol, tell them....Ruth prompted my mom.
"well, just Matty and Tony, well they are your brothers........."
"but you promised you would let us share our good news?"
hanging her head in shame, she looked remorseful, Mara looked over at me and mouthed "don't be to hard..."
I rose from the bed and walked over  tilted her chin to look at me.
"I'm sorry both, I was, am so excited I could not keep it in... I never meant to spoil the surprise."
"it's ok, I knew when you found out that you could would not keep it to yourself." kissing the top of her head I made it good between us.
"So what time do you need us tomorrow?"
"8pm and don't be late... its gonna be special" the sparkle returning to her eye's, now I needed to ask my mom a favour.
"mom can I talk with you outside?"
"why I said I am sorry..."
"no, its not about that, please, there's something I want to ask you?"
"oh, ...ok..."
Excusing ourselves from Mara and Rut we walked out near to the main reception so we could not be over heard.
"Do you still have Great, Great, Grandma Edwina's engagement ring?"
"of course why?"
"Could I have it from you?"
"Oh my god, you want to give it to Mara?"
"Yes I do, Mara and I were talking about engagement rings and she has said she loves the old antique rings, I knew we had great, great, grandma's ring and thought it would be perfect, its size is small too and I think it would fit perfect on Mara's hand."
"Oh baby, that's a beautiful idea. when do you want it?"
"tomorrow night when I announce it officially; I want to put it on Mara's hand."
" oh that's so perfect."
"what's perfect," Mara and her mom were right behind us,
"you are, just making arrangements with my mom for tomorrow, so you ready baby?"
"Yeah all ready, and discharged."
carrying her bag, we left Arlington Hospital, my mom and Ruth headed off to there car and us to mine.
Bag in the trunk, and both buckled up we set off to go home, to our home....

Friday 13 September 2013

Chapter 36 - Yes or No? that is the Question

I had to ask, "Mara Goodward, would you do me the honour of accepting my proposal and becoming my wife?"
Total silence befell me; shit this did not bode well. My heart was pounding at a tremendous rate, when I had married D it was in a late night ceremony in Vegas during my one night off during the tour, with D it was accepted that would happen and my folks knew I'd want a low key affair, this time If Mara accepted I wanted the big wedding, I wanted the works, shit I would even have the press and TV there if she would only say yes. Still nothing, I watched her expression trying to gage what her reaction was, shit was I too early, maybe I read her expressions wrong, maybe she felt pity for me? fuck......
"Jon, you mean it? you really want me to marry you?"
"Yes I do, I don't go round asking every girl I meet, so, I ask again, Mara Goodward will you do me the greatest honour and make me the happiest man in the world and agree to be my wife, Mrs Bongiovi?"
This time there was no hesitation and her arms went round my neck and and she pulled me forward to kiss me. I screamed out in pain as she jarred my shoulder, but I really did not care, she had said yes....
"Oh my god, I can't believe you want me?"
"Babe, I love you, I want to be with you for ever, I want us to have our own family, I want to make you happy as you have me?"
"Oh, Jon, I love you, I have dreamed about you asking me one day, but I never thought you would, I am so happy, as for our own family, I hope your ready Bon jovi because I want 5 kids, are you up for the challenge?"
"five?, laughing, I replied, "Yeah I am up for the challenge are you?"
"Hey Bon jovi I am fit remember," playfully prodding my belly she said, "you on the other hand have been slacking..."
"Hey, I have had other things to occupy my time, my girlfriend, sorry fiancée being in hospital for one."
"yeah yeah excuses.."
" come ere," I pulled her into my arms and pain in my shoulder or not I kissed her deep and passionately, I just wished we were at home alone and I would have taken her to bed and made love to her, but we were in the hospital this time me as a patient.
Pulling back, she laid looking at me, and I looking at her. From the nightmare 6 months earlier I had found the most beautiful girl, won my kids back and had the most wonderful future planned, starring at Mara I was day dreaming, she spoke softly,
"penny for them"
"I was just thinking I am the luckiest guy in the world,"
"Yes you are, and don't you forget it." playfully again she prodded me, just as we kissed again, there was a noise as my mom entered the room.
"Sorry to interrupt you, but what am I missing," the look on my mom's face told me she had guessed, Mara was still laying on the bed in my arms.
"Nothing ma, nothing..."
"Jon Francis, don't try and be a smart ass with me, you know it don't work, so come on, you both look like the cat that has got the cream, what gives?"
Mara and I were like love sick teenagers, we could not stop smiling and grinning.
"Do you wanna tell her or shall I?" Mara was bursting,
"You can hon."
Mara turned to face my mom and sat up,
"Mom, Jon and I, what I mean to say is Jon has asked me to marry him... and well I have accepted and said yes...." her face beaming and her eyes sparkled like the brightest diamond as she watched and waited on my Mom's reaction.
"Oh, babies, I am so happy for you both, Congratulations,  really, I have always wanted a daughter, and now I have my miracle, grabbing Mara from the bed she gave her the Bongiovi hug, "Welcome to the family."
Mara was hugged tight and firm and it left no doubt that she was welcome.
"Hey ma, let her breathe," she released Mara from her grip, a smile beaming on her face,
"So, have you told your mom too?"
"No ma, you are the first to know, we are gonna tell Ruth later, when we both get out of here, so please, I know its a killer but do you think you can keep it to yourself until we have told everyone, including the kids?"
My mom looked at me, "Jon Francis, as if I would spoil your surprise, can I tell Great Grandma Lilly at least? let me have some fun with this fantastic news?"
laughing I agreed she could tell my great Grandma, and swore to her that was the only person. With a sulky pout she agreed.
"So how are you son?, how long are you being kept in for?"
"I dunno, its sore, but I am ok, getting there"
"Has the Dr not seen you?"
"No ma, I aint been awake that long, they are busy, he will come and see me when he can."
"no he won't, you are just as important as the other patients, in fact more so, you are my son Jon..."
"Mom.... drop it, don't ya dare throw the Jon Bon Jovi card, I'm warning ya, sit down already, or go get us all a drink at least."
"But, all I want to know is..."
"Mom, enough,"
"Ok, but we should not be here, we should be out celebrating your fantastic news, god damn that bitch of an ex daughter in law, stabbing my baby and putting him in hospital"
"Mom we will celebrate ok, just relax, the weekend is coming, we can sort things for a celebration then?"
"Really?, of course it makes perfect sense, Mara is being released on Friday, you will be out and we can hold a real Bongiovi celebration party."
I looked at Mara and mouthed the words, "Sorry"
she smiled back and mouthed "its Fine"
Now my mom knew the news I knew that everyone would be told before we had a chance to tell them, but they would be sworn to secrecy and made to look and act surprised when we did announce our engagement. To be honest, I did not really care, seeing my mom happy and Mara agreeing to be my wife, nothing else was going to spoil our precious moment.

Chapter 35 - In Gods Hands

I sat with the cop at my side waiting to be assessed. The pain was excruciating and I was feeling dizzy from loss of blood. He was talking but I just could not focus on anything except the pain. My patience snapped...

"For the love of god, will you just shut the fuck up already.. jeez where is the Dr, I feel real dizzy..."
I was really struggling to stay awake, I never saw the cop leave my side to get help, but the next thing I knew I was on a gurney being taken to x ray, and then back to a cubicle and to a Dr.
I was drifting in and out of consciousness and was aware of people talking but I could not string together what was being said.

I was aware of my jacket and t shirt being removed, and then the pain I felt it seared through my soul and I heard screaming not realising the scream was actually me; as the Dr removed the knife,  then a heavy weight, followed more pain. When I awoke; I was in a bed; in a room, I could hear the Dr's and nurses outside at their station..... adjusting my eyes,  a familiar voice spoke, turning my head I saw Mara,
"Hey sleepy head..."
"Hey, what time is it?"
"A little after eleven."
"really?" I tried to move but the pain was to intense and I screamed out loud.
"Shit, man my arm".
"Yeah, rest easy, do you need some meds I can call the nurse?"
I shook my head, "no, its ok,"
"Jon, can I ask you something."
"Sure, babe anything shoot, though not literally; a stabbing in one day is enough.." I laughed...
"Don't joke , please; she could have killed you..., I really cannot believe she did that to you?,"
"I'm sorry... bad I forgiven..." holding her gaze her eye's softened and she nodded in response.....
I smiled and taking Mara's hand I needed to know what she wanted to ask,
"what do ya wanna know?"
Mara paused before she answered.....
"Well, ....  did she really come here to get to me?"

After being scolded  the last time for trying to protect her, I decided honesty was the best policy so answered truthfully....

"Yeah she did, baby, I'm sorry,  she went to the house first and threatened Jesse, he rang me to warn me. her behaviour shook him up for sure, but he's ok thank god."

I could see the shock on Mara's face,

"Oh my god; really is Jesse Ok?"

"Yeah he's fine, a strong fighter like his dad......  but are you ok?"

"Yeah I guess, I never had anyone hate me and want to hurt me before, it's new to me....I'm adjusting"

Being in the public's spotlight I adjusted to things like stalkers, threats, hell I had excellent lawyers to deal with that kinda shit; but this was different it was my ex wife trying to harm my girlfriend, I had to reassure her....

"It shouldn't be something to adjust too or get used too, and baby, I will take care of it all I promise, ok? you do trust me right?"

" You have protected me with your life Jon, that's why your laying here now.... how can I not trust you. I would prefer you let the police do the protecting though and you stop being a hero. I want you alive not dead" 

The look of love wrote across her face told me she loved me unconditionally as I did her;  I spoke,

"Mara I would give my life for you, because I love you, more than I have ever loved anyone, you are my world Mara,... I can never imagine my life without you in it? I never thought I would meet my soul mate but I have and I never want to lose you,"

Swallowing a lump that had formed in my throat I continued..

"earlier today when you ask me if I wanted you, I was shocked you asked me that? I really thought you knew me. for months you have known how I think, shit when you ask that question it stung babe, I don't mind telling ya...."

"Oh, god I was such a bitch, especially after everything you have done for me, I am so sorry..... I guess now is a good a time as any to explain my outburst...."

Tears were pricking the back of her eye's, as she looked at me; but I nodded for her to continue;
Taking a deep breath and exhaling Mara began....

"ok, when you asked me the question about moving in with you, genuinely for that moment I responded I thought you were asking me out of pity," I know, I am stupid.... but given everything I was being told, by the Consultant,.... my job... my senses left me for a short time....."
I interrupted,

"I thought you had enough of me, and I can't blame you with all this shit, hell; ever since you have hooked up with me its been one disaster after the other."

"Jon, please, can I finish before you speak, this is hard for me...."

"I'm sorry" I stayed quiet and listened...

"Good, ok, earlier, yes I was reminiscent of Brian too, I only had a short time with him, but yes we lived a whole life times worth of love together, and naturally I miss him, and part of me always will. I can't deny my feelings for him, or switch them off.  I loved him, hell I still love him. but now the love is for what we shared then and not now. does that make sense?.

I nodded, I did not want to interrupt again, I wanted to understand,  and I could see Mara was opening up her feelings to me.

"when Brian died in the 9/11 attacks, no one can imagine the pain I felt watching the south tower collapse, knowing that my husband was there at work because of me wanting to delay our vacation by one day. It matters not that terrorists took down the towers, my selfishness killed him. My heart halted and stayed in my mouth as I watched in horror my husband falling to his early death. I guess what I am saying is, your mom in law burning my house.  was this my punishment for killing Brian?, and Dorethea trying to get to me, was that another punishment to say I do not deserve a second chance at love?....... see, my head has been all over the place today, and when I said I did not know, I really meant I did not know, not that I did not want to be with you.... I just had to sort it out in my head....."

"But baby, Brian dying was a coincidence, a terrible one, it was not your fault. no one could have pre ented the attack that day, and of course its not your punishment, and no one I know more deserves a second chance at love more than you....."

she looked down at me, and tears falling she smiled....
"Thank you,"

I wanted to hug Mara, reassure her everything would be fine, but the pain from my shoulder I could not move, she was sat beside me, her head bowed down looking into her hands.
I reached out and took her hand and brought it to my lips and gently kissed her hand. My actions I hope speaking louder than my words for a change.

She raised her head and looked into my eye's. "Jon I am sorry for hurting you, please can you forgive me?"
"there is nothing to forgive."

Mara smiled fully, for the first time in a very long time, her eye's crinkled and sparkled, as she lent into me and we kissed.
It was now or never, I had to ask her,

"So Mara Goodward, will you do me the honour of..........

Sunday 8 September 2013

Chapter 34 - Dorothea

Two months had passed, in that time, Mara had had her 3rd skin graft and was healing really well, The detective had Dorothea’s mom in custody with no bail, and I still had the kids and Dorothea seemed resigned to the fact and had ceased all communication. Deep down inside though, I knew the calm would not last and it was rising ready for a storm. I was just not prepared for the storm when it eventually arrived....

 I was sitting with Mara, my Mom and Ruth chatting about nothing, when one of the Drs’s looking after Mara walked in.

"Ah, Jon, Mara," he nodded acknowledgement to my mom and Ruth.
"I am glad you’re all here together.”

 Standing at the foot of Mara's bed, he had a smile etched across his face as he spoke...

"Well young lady your third skin graft has gone exceptionally well, and your body has healed at a tremendous pace, we are delighted with your progress. So much in fact, we are discharging you from our care on Friday. There is just one more graft to have but that’s it. What do you say to that?”

Mara smiled, and tears of joy rolled down her cheeks, “really?” she beckoned for the Dr to move forward and as he lent forward she pulled him in for a hug. "Thank you, thank you so much..."

"Dr, the final skin graft, will that be by an outpatient appointment?"
The Dr pulled back from the hug and addressed my question,

"Yes Mr Bongiovi it will, I just need to finalise a few things but I will return with all those details before Mara is discharged. ...She will have to come back in for the graft and stay for a short spell to recover once it is in place, but no more than a week or so.
We won’t be looking at doing the final graft for about 6 months or maybe more. We will write you when it is to be.
Given how well Mara has recovered we have decided the next part of her recovery needs to take place at home. “he smiled as he turned back to face Mara.

“When can I return to work Dr?”

“Not for some time I’m afraid, your skin is very delicate and could tear very easily.
I’m afraid you need to give yourself at least 12 months maybe more to heal fully before resuming your work.”

“twelve months? But I am a fitness instructor... I can’t not work Dr?”

From a high, Mara hit a low, her career was her life, and she loved helping people.”

“Well from now on, it will be standing and watching only.... and desk work....” seeing the disappointment on her face, he softened a little...”  look; we will access your progress as we move on, ok? If you’re ready before we will tell you. Deal?”

Mara smiled weakly and nodded her head.

So, are there anymore questions?” silence, as we just shook our heads...
“ No? Ok, I'll leave you all too it then, but if you need anything else just ask” 
“Thank you Doc. “
Acknowledging us he turned and left the room.

Ruth spoke first,

"Oh Mara sweetheart, that’s fantastic news, you can come home..."

"But I don't have a home anymore mom, it was burnt down, all my personal belongings gone forever, things I can never replace.
Mara put her head down and tears of sadness began to fall onto her cheeks.

“I know sweetheart, but your alive, material things are trivial against your life, right?”

“I guess so, but the pictures I had, mom, my graduation certificates, pictures of Brian, my school projects, those things are priceless and no against my life they are worthless, but they were like pure gold to me... and now they are gone...” she continued to sob......

“Honey, I have some of those things you mention, especially Brian’s pictures, and some of your reports and exam grades, and your graduation things, we had copies done remember? I can get copies for you, not everything is lost.” Touching her daughters arm and rubbing gently she waited for Mara’s reply.

It never came, Mara just raised her head, and touching Ruth’s hand she smiled. Mother and daughter sharing a moment, as only mother and daughter can.

I felt guilt in my heart, guilt not because I had caused the fire and Mara’s home to burn down, but because of me, my mom in law for whatever reason decided to take revenge by trying to kill my girlfriend. That was something I was living with daily. I knew what I had to do and what I really wanted so I spoke next...

"You have a home Mara, with me, if you want too? “

I waited for Mara to reply; when she did I was not expecting what came out of her mouth....

Looking up at me, and wiping her tears from her face, her eye's held my gaze as she spat her reply...

"Live with you Jon? are you sure you want that, I am no beauty anymore, well I never was, but I'm even less so now.... do you really want this...." she gestured over her features and body as she spoke....

I was stunned and shocked...

“How can you say that? I thought you knew me, I thought you understood me? I love you Mara. Nothing on earth could ever stop that, nothing... yes, I do want to be with you, I want to be with you forever.... but do you want to be with me? ”

“I don’t know Jon, I think I just need time to think...  her voice had softened but not much, “it has been a big day, and I guess I just need to take it all in.”

“Do you want me to go?”
“Yes, please, I do”
Rising to my feet I headed to the door, “Just a minute Jon.... “

“Mara, what has come over you? Don’t treat Jon like that, he has been nothing but kindnesses to you.... what an earth are you thinking? Take it back and apologise at once”

“Leave it mom, please,” rolling on to her side facing away from us, “can you all leave... just leave me alone... I need time, time to think.... I have lost a lot and I just need to re-adjust to it all in my head, 24 hours that’s all... please....”

We all left Mara’s room; outside her door we just stood in silence, all of us unsure what had just taken place.
I looked at my Mom, and Ruth held her head in shame.
“I am so sorry Jon; I have never seen Mara behave like that before. That was totally out of character for her. I know she didn’t mean it. You won’t hold it against her will you?”

I shook my head, “Never in a million years, I love Mara, I want to make her happy as she has me... God Damn it, if I could turn back the clock and make it all right I would... but I can’t Ruth, I can’t... I am so sorry.... sorry that Mara is a victim in all of this..... “

“Stop Jon, you did not light the match and do those awful things, you saved Mara, you have covered her medical bills. I know you love my daughter. Just hang in there ok? She will come good, you will see.”

As we stood not knowing what to do, I was aware of my cell ringing in my pocket, reaching in I took the phone and answered the call....
"Jesse, what’s up buddy?"
"It's mom dad, she is on her way to the hospital, she is drunk Dad and raging.... she came here looking for you..... Dad, I'm sorry I had to tell... she got so mad.... I didn't want to but I had too...."
"calm down son, it's ok, when was this?"
"she left here 10 minutes ago..."
" was she driving?"
"Yeah, I think so..."
"which car did she have?"
" Erm... I don't know "
"ok, don’t worry, are you and Jake and Steph ok?, she didn't hurt you did she?"
"No pop, it was just me, the others are out back in the yard by the lake, I don't think they knew she was here, I'm just shaken ... but I’m ok?"
"So, what happened?"
“I was fixing some food for us in the kitchen, we were going to eat out back by the lakes, and the doorbell rang.  I opened it and Mom just walked right in, she spat in anger asking me to go get my low life cheating son of bitch father ;I told her you weren't home and she flipped, she started smashing things, then she picked up a letter opener off the kitchen side and held it to my throat, she demanded to know where you were, that's when I told her where you are... I'm sorry pop..."
"Jesus Jesse, are you ok?”
“Yes, I’m ok pop, just shook up? Mom scared me; I have never seen her like that before”
“But you’re ok? No cuts or anything? You sure?”
 “Yeah, I’m fine, honest, no cuts nothing... as soon as I told her where you were she dropped the letter opener and left....will you be ok? She looked like she could kill dad?”
“Yes, I will be fine, listen Jesse, you guys just stay safe ok, lock the doors and don’t let anyone in till I get back ok?

“Ok pop, will you be long?”
“Not too long I’ll ring when I leave Ok?”
Hanging up from the call, I spoke to Ruth and my Mom,
“Its Dot Mom, she is on her way here to the hospital, I know Mara wants to be alone but we can’t leave just yet. Can you sit outside her room, I’m gonna go call Detective Ross, shit to all hell, I knew something like this would happen.”

My mom and Ruth agreed to go sit outside Mara’s room and make sure that Dot did not get in; I made the Dr’s aware and then stepped outside to call the Detective.
It went straight to answer phone, I tried twice more same thing. In total frustration I left a message asking him to call me as soon as possible.

I paced up and down outside the hospital waiting for the Detective to call me back. My patience was all but worn out.
Eventually Detective Ross called; he apologised that he missed my calls and after me telling him about what happened to Jesse, he was sending a squad car to watch out for Dorothea and arrest her. He told me it was being despatched with the utmost urgency. I told him I would wait outside the hospital for the officers.

I stood waiting, watching everyone coming and going to and from the hospital, all the time watching for the cops and for any sign of Dorothea.

Soon enough the police arrived. They said their presence outside the hospital would deter Dorothea from coming so they were going to move their car out of view and sit and wait.
I was not comfortable that they were going to be out of view so agreed I would stand guard. The police confirmed they could see me and when I raised my hand they would move in and arrest my ex wife.
I stood waiting for over an hour when finally I saw her walking towards the hospital, she saw me outside and started to run towards me shouting as she ran.

“Jon, you low down lying cheating son of a bitch, I want a word with you, where is the tart that has destroyed my marriage, eh where is she?”

“What are you going on about?”

“The bitch, where is she?, eh? You can’t protect her? How could you do this to me?”

“Do what to you?”

“Cheat on me again eh? I keep forgiving you and you keep on cheating why? Tell me why?”

“I aint cheating on you,  cause we aint married anymore remember,”

“Yeah I remember cause of that could you? Eh and in our marital bed?”

“Dot? What are you taking?”

“I’m taking nothing you fucking assole...”
Her words were slurred and her breath stank of alcohol. I managed to raise my hand and summon the cops, but they did not respond.  With each word Dot tried to get nearer to the hospital and through the doors to head to Mara’s room.

“Dot, your drunk, let me call you a cab eh, go home”

“who the fuck are you to tell me what to do? You left me for that bitch... and .... and you have taken my kids away from me... are you poisoning them against me too, eh are ya?”

“Dot, I have not left you, I did not sleep with Mara in our Marital bed, I am not married to you and haven’t been for seven years, as for the kids they have chose to live with me cause they are sick of your drinking. I want our kids to be normal and happy.  Dot and that is something you have not provided for them for a long time. Now I will call you a cab and I want you to go home.”

I went to get my cell from my pocket as she lunged forward and stuck something into me. I looked down and saw blood oozing from my shoulder, dropping the phone I looked at Dot, she had her hands to her mouth and total shock on her face at what she had done, as she was backing away to run the police grabbed her and cuffed her, putting her in the back of the car, the other officer walked me back into the hospital to get treated. In my shoulder was a long 9 inch kitchen knife. I was in shock as I was led to emergency for treatment.

“What the fuck just happened? How the hell am I now sitting here in hospital with a knife in my shoulder?, I raised my hand where the fuck where you guys?”

“I’m sorry Mr Bongiovi, we could not make a move until you ex wife tried something.”

“Right, so you wait until she stabs me eh? Did Detective not tell you about this case?”

“No sir, we were just sent to prevent an incident occurring in the hospital, the sketch we were given was brief.”

“No fucking shit, it was brief...”