Sunday 15 September 2013

Chapter 37 - Free To Go

After speaking with the Doctor about my shoulder, I was given my release papers and made to promise no heavy lifting, anything strenuous and no guitar playing until the wound had fully healed. I was given an appointment to return in 14 days to have my stitches removed, thanking the Doc and the nurses that had looked after both Mara and me, I headed off to find my beautiful fiancée.
Arriving at her door I poked my head round,
"Hey beautiful are you ready?"
"Nearly, just give me a second."
"You know what, you never gave me an answer to my question?"
"About what?"
"About moving in with me?"
"didn't I?"
I moved inside the room and walked over to Mara sliding my hands and arms around her waist, she spun round to look at me.
"well, that's so bad of me," with a big grin on her face, I knew this was not going to be a simple yes or no... she continued to play....
" Do ya wanna know now?"
"well that would help, I need to know where I am going."
" mm mm let me see..... my mom's or with you? it's a tough call I'll be honest with ya.... mom or you...."
"ok, stop teasing already, what's it to be smart ass..."
"I'm thinking..... don't push it Bongiovi..." she prodded me again, these prods were getting frequent, I just pulled her in tighter, mindful of my shoulder.
"A little room to breathe please..."
"uh uh, not till you tell me..."
"please babe I can't breathe..."
"Tough, tell Goodward soon to be Bongiovi..."
laughing she gave in...
"Ok, ok ok, I wanna be with you..."
releasing Mara from my embrace, I smiled....
"now that wasn't so hard was it?"
She slid her hands around my neck and pulled me in for a kiss, and answered; 
"no not at all."
we were so wrapped up with each other we never heard our Mom's enter the room. My mom wasted no time in clearing her throat to let us know we were not alone.
Breaking from our kiss with Mara still in my arms, I looked across to the doorway to my mom and Ruth standing there.
The look on Ruth's face told me my mom had already told her our news.
"Hey guy's, I've got it covered, Mara is moving in with me."
"Really Jon; is she?" Ruth asked with a beaming smile on her face.  
"You don't mind do ya mom?"
"Mind why would I mind, but is there something else you want to tell me?"
I watched my mom who was backing out of the door,
"Mom, where are you going, come back here."
What, I was just giving Ruth more room, nothing more?"
"Really?, Mom you've told her?"
"I don't know what you mean."
Guilt was wrote all over her face, and she was crimson in colour.
"C'mon Mom, give, you have told Ruth our news... Right?"
sheepishly she held her head down and nodded.
"mom, you promised...."
"I'm sorry babies, It just kinda slipped out when I invited Ruth to the celebration party tomorrow, she asked what it was for, and well I'd said engagement before I could stop it leaving my mouth, and then the secret was out...."
"mom, what am I gonna do with ya, so who else knows and no lying, give?"
"no-one, I promise, it was just Ruth and Great Grandma Lilly,  you said I could tell her..."
"Ah hah, who else."
both Mara and me sat on the bed watching my mom, shifting first from one foot then the other.
"C'mon Mom who else"
"your dad, how could I not tell him... but that's it I swear.."
"not buying it Mom, c'mon give, were going no where till you tell..."
"no-one else honest.."
"Mom, I'll find out..."
Carol, tell them....Ruth prompted my mom.
"well, just Matty and Tony, well they are your brothers........."
"but you promised you would let us share our good news?"
hanging her head in shame, she looked remorseful, Mara looked over at me and mouthed "don't be to hard..."
I rose from the bed and walked over  tilted her chin to look at me.
"I'm sorry both, I was, am so excited I could not keep it in... I never meant to spoil the surprise."
"it's ok, I knew when you found out that you could would not keep it to yourself." kissing the top of her head I made it good between us.
"So what time do you need us tomorrow?"
"8pm and don't be late... its gonna be special" the sparkle returning to her eye's, now I needed to ask my mom a favour.
"mom can I talk with you outside?"
"why I said I am sorry..."
"no, its not about that, please, there's something I want to ask you?"
"oh, ...ok..."
Excusing ourselves from Mara and Rut we walked out near to the main reception so we could not be over heard.
"Do you still have Great, Great, Grandma Edwina's engagement ring?"
"of course why?"
"Could I have it from you?"
"Oh my god, you want to give it to Mara?"
"Yes I do, Mara and I were talking about engagement rings and she has said she loves the old antique rings, I knew we had great, great, grandma's ring and thought it would be perfect, its size is small too and I think it would fit perfect on Mara's hand."
"Oh baby, that's a beautiful idea. when do you want it?"
"tomorrow night when I announce it officially; I want to put it on Mara's hand."
" oh that's so perfect."
"what's perfect," Mara and her mom were right behind us,
"you are, just making arrangements with my mom for tomorrow, so you ready baby?"
"Yeah all ready, and discharged."
carrying her bag, we left Arlington Hospital, my mom and Ruth headed off to there car and us to mine.
Bag in the trunk, and both buckled up we set off to go home, to our home....

1 comment:

  1. I love how Carol couldn't keep the engagement a secret and told Ruth as well as her family.
    Mara is going to love it when Jon slides his great great grandmothers ring on her finger.
