Friday 13 September 2013

Chapter 36 - Yes or No? that is the Question

I had to ask, "Mara Goodward, would you do me the honour of accepting my proposal and becoming my wife?"
Total silence befell me; shit this did not bode well. My heart was pounding at a tremendous rate, when I had married D it was in a late night ceremony in Vegas during my one night off during the tour, with D it was accepted that would happen and my folks knew I'd want a low key affair, this time If Mara accepted I wanted the big wedding, I wanted the works, shit I would even have the press and TV there if she would only say yes. Still nothing, I watched her expression trying to gage what her reaction was, shit was I too early, maybe I read her expressions wrong, maybe she felt pity for me? fuck......
"Jon, you mean it? you really want me to marry you?"
"Yes I do, I don't go round asking every girl I meet, so, I ask again, Mara Goodward will you do me the greatest honour and make me the happiest man in the world and agree to be my wife, Mrs Bongiovi?"
This time there was no hesitation and her arms went round my neck and and she pulled me forward to kiss me. I screamed out in pain as she jarred my shoulder, but I really did not care, she had said yes....
"Oh my god, I can't believe you want me?"
"Babe, I love you, I want to be with you for ever, I want us to have our own family, I want to make you happy as you have me?"
"Oh, Jon, I love you, I have dreamed about you asking me one day, but I never thought you would, I am so happy, as for our own family, I hope your ready Bon jovi because I want 5 kids, are you up for the challenge?"
"five?, laughing, I replied, "Yeah I am up for the challenge are you?"
"Hey Bon jovi I am fit remember," playfully prodding my belly she said, "you on the other hand have been slacking..."
"Hey, I have had other things to occupy my time, my girlfriend, sorry fiancée being in hospital for one."
"yeah yeah excuses.."
" come ere," I pulled her into my arms and pain in my shoulder or not I kissed her deep and passionately, I just wished we were at home alone and I would have taken her to bed and made love to her, but we were in the hospital this time me as a patient.
Pulling back, she laid looking at me, and I looking at her. From the nightmare 6 months earlier I had found the most beautiful girl, won my kids back and had the most wonderful future planned, starring at Mara I was day dreaming, she spoke softly,
"penny for them"
"I was just thinking I am the luckiest guy in the world,"
"Yes you are, and don't you forget it." playfully again she prodded me, just as we kissed again, there was a noise as my mom entered the room.
"Sorry to interrupt you, but what am I missing," the look on my mom's face told me she had guessed, Mara was still laying on the bed in my arms.
"Nothing ma, nothing..."
"Jon Francis, don't try and be a smart ass with me, you know it don't work, so come on, you both look like the cat that has got the cream, what gives?"
Mara and I were like love sick teenagers, we could not stop smiling and grinning.
"Do you wanna tell her or shall I?" Mara was bursting,
"You can hon."
Mara turned to face my mom and sat up,
"Mom, Jon and I, what I mean to say is Jon has asked me to marry him... and well I have accepted and said yes...." her face beaming and her eyes sparkled like the brightest diamond as she watched and waited on my Mom's reaction.
"Oh, babies, I am so happy for you both, Congratulations,  really, I have always wanted a daughter, and now I have my miracle, grabbing Mara from the bed she gave her the Bongiovi hug, "Welcome to the family."
Mara was hugged tight and firm and it left no doubt that she was welcome.
"Hey ma, let her breathe," she released Mara from her grip, a smile beaming on her face,
"So, have you told your mom too?"
"No ma, you are the first to know, we are gonna tell Ruth later, when we both get out of here, so please, I know its a killer but do you think you can keep it to yourself until we have told everyone, including the kids?"
My mom looked at me, "Jon Francis, as if I would spoil your surprise, can I tell Great Grandma Lilly at least? let me have some fun with this fantastic news?"
laughing I agreed she could tell my great Grandma, and swore to her that was the only person. With a sulky pout she agreed.
"So how are you son?, how long are you being kept in for?"
"I dunno, its sore, but I am ok, getting there"
"Has the Dr not seen you?"
"No ma, I aint been awake that long, they are busy, he will come and see me when he can."
"no he won't, you are just as important as the other patients, in fact more so, you are my son Jon..."
"Mom.... drop it, don't ya dare throw the Jon Bon Jovi card, I'm warning ya, sit down already, or go get us all a drink at least."
"But, all I want to know is..."
"Mom, enough,"
"Ok, but we should not be here, we should be out celebrating your fantastic news, god damn that bitch of an ex daughter in law, stabbing my baby and putting him in hospital"
"Mom we will celebrate ok, just relax, the weekend is coming, we can sort things for a celebration then?"
"Really?, of course it makes perfect sense, Mara is being released on Friday, you will be out and we can hold a real Bongiovi celebration party."
I looked at Mara and mouthed the words, "Sorry"
she smiled back and mouthed "its Fine"
Now my mom knew the news I knew that everyone would be told before we had a chance to tell them, but they would be sworn to secrecy and made to look and act surprised when we did announce our engagement. To be honest, I did not really care, seeing my mom happy and Mara agreeing to be my wife, nothing else was going to spoil our precious moment.


  1. Yaay! Jon and Mara are getting married! Carol is so cute wanting to announce to the world her son is happy and in love. Can't wait for the newly engaged couple to tell their loved ones the happy news. Party time!

  2. So happy for jon and Mara now Dot better stay away

  3. Ah, but will Dot stay away, she may at least until after or during the engagement party!!! thaks for the comments ladies.... :) xxxx
