Thursday 26 September 2013

Chapter 38 - Ring Ring

The next morning after our first night back home, I was up at 6am, and rang my mom and arranged to go and collect the ring early so I could have it polished with Garrard jewlers before our engagement party. Steph was awake and sat with me at the breakfast nook.
"Dad, does Mara know you have a ring for her?"
"No, sweetheart she doesn't, I am going to surprise her tonight at Grandmas."
"That is sweet, Mara is lovely dad and I am so happy for you both; you deserve to be happy, and dad.... I love you thank you for coming and rescuing us from mom's"
"Thank you baby girl, and I love you, and I didn't rescue you Steph you guy's rescued me." Steph stared at me through her blue eye's, they became watery as she looked away and changed the subject...
"Do you think Mara will allow me to be her flower girl?"
"Flower Girl?, you are not 6 years old, and I don't know sweetheart, that's girls talk between the two of you, why don't you chat with Mara later?, she would love that."
"Yeah, I guess, and you know what I meant,"
I laughed, it was good having my kids back with me, I really wanted to give us and Mara a new start to life and erase the bad memories of there awful childhood with Dorothea and me. I know I could not make the past right, but I know I could direct all our futures together. It was great too they all loved Mara. They met her one time in the hospital and within seconds a bond was formed between them all. Mara is an incredible person and I was so lucky to have her. No we were all lucky to have her.
"have you guy's set a date, I was thinking summer would be cool eh?"
I laughed at Steph's excitement,
"not yet, give us time we have only been engaged for 24 hours.... Breaking for a second, I continued..." I'm pleased your keen and proud of you  Steph."
"Proud? of what?"
"Of you for being you, for helping me see the light and for coming back into my life, and allowing me to become your dad again...and for accepting Mara, it cant be easy for any of you?"
Steph walked over and hugged me. We always wanted to be with you, but Mom would never let us. We were all trapped with her, and cos you never really contacted us we all thought you did not care about us. I am so glad we now know the truth and we are all together. and Mara, she is really lovely, I like her, really like her"
Silent pause while we embraced each other, then Steph spoke again. 
"So, have you thought where you want to get married?, and please don't choose somewhere tacky like Vegas."
"Vegas is not tacky. and it will be both our choice and we will discuss it with you guys first too."
"umm, you really aint planned this well at all have ya pops,?" rolling her eyes to the ceiling.
"Well, no idea of what is a romantic proposal, no idea of venues, honestly, when I meet the man of my dreams he better do things real romantic.... I want to be whisked to Paris, and have a one knee proposal up the Eiffel tower, I want our wedding in Hawaii..."
Whoa, steady on Steph, you need a boyfriend first.... and I think you will need to hint about what you want, guy's don't think in flowers and paint." She punched my arm, then continued;
" by the way dad, engaged is so last year, its now a couple commitment party. Shall I tell Grandma?"
"well, thanks for that information Steph, but I am an old fashioned guy and we are engaged. and no, don't tell Grandama"
Steph rolled her eyes in exasperation.... Rolling her eye's was becoming a habit, I guessed it was to do with being a teen...
"whatever oldie... so, what time you going to Grandma's?"
"just having my coffee, then I'm outta here why?
"Can I come too?"
Of course you can, but I think you need to wear something warmer than your PJ's"
A quick look down at her clothes she giggled and took off upstairs, leaving me to drink my coffee, I was deep in thought looking out over the back yard and admiring the autumn colours and the leaves falling from the tree's; when another idea struck; Maybe having my daughter with me we could stop at Mandre's a beautiful designer gown shop in Town, Steph could help me choose as another surprise for Mara. A fantastic gown to wear for our engagement party. 
Within minutes Steph was back dressed in her Jeans and t-shirt with sweater and wrap and knee length boots.
"You look nice sweetheart, you want breakfast before we go?"
"Nah, I'm not really hungry, I'll take some fruit for later."
Grabbing fruit from the bowl she slipped them into her purse."
"Ok, I'm ready pop."
"Listen Steph, how would you like a new gown to wear for tonight, and I was thinking, what would you say to helping me choose one for Mara too?, as a surprise?"
"Wow, really, yeah that would be great, you are talking about calling at Mandre's right?"
"Yeah, so whad ya say? or am I entering dangerous territory?"
"Nah, its a great idea pop, but I think you should choose a gown for Mara, but then when we get home tell her she needs to go try it on, then if she does not like the gown you have chosen or it don't suit her she can try something else. "Getting more excited Steph carried on. "Maybe I could go with her and we can have a  bit of us girl time, after all she is going to be my new Mom?" with a beaming smile she looked at me.
"That sounds like a great idea." Walking from the breakfast nook into the lobby, opening the door I gestured for Steph to leave. " after you ma'am"
Buckled up and in the car we headed off to my mom's to collect the ring. I made a call to Garrards on route and confirmed that I would call in and drop off the ring to have it cleaned and polished.
"the boys, what will they wear tonight, all our good clothes are still at mom's?"
"don't worry sweetheart, I'll ring Buckleys and get the boys an appointment and we can hire them tux's for the night."
" tux's? really do you think they want to be dressed up like a waiter? people may mistake them for the hired hands " Steph threw back her head laughing.
"ok, miss smarty pants, do you have any better idea's?"
"Yeah I do, give Jesse your credit card and let him out shopping with it... no limit.. I could go with them too , just to make sure they don't get the wrong thing."
I looked at Steph who had her beaming mischievous smile.
"I don't think so Miss, but nice try... Its back to plan A",
 Picking up my cell I rang the store, the appointment was booked for 2pm, another call to Jesse and we were pulling up at my ma's house.
Walking into her lobby I gave her a hug and thanked her for everything. She was beaming and it was so evident she was over joyed for both Mara and me. Following my ma though the house to the kitchen my pop walked out of the den.
"Congratulations Son, I'm real happy for you. so, she aint just your trainer after all eh?" he smiled and winked at me; Dad being dad could always be relied on to be coarse and vulgar. I just smiled and nodded at my pop and carried on walking with my mom to the back room to collect Mara engagement ring.



  1. The ring is absolutely gorgeous! Mara is going to love it. Stephanie is so cute the way she interacts with her dad reminds me of how our daughter used to be with her daddy.
    Awesome job!

  2. I love this partner .... love Stephie ... great job ... ring is gorgeous ...happy for Jon and Mara ...
