Tuesday 4 March 2014

Chapter 52 - Like That!!!

Standing I waited for Chad to make his move, he looked shaken I had broke free of my bonds and lunged at him, and now I was standing and ready to fight, I tasted blood in my mouth from the blows I had taken, I ached from head to toe, my chest was bleeding and I was sore and tired, but adrenaline was pumping round in my body so hard I was ready for the next onslaught, this time I had to be the winner.
Chad eyed me suspiciously, his cocky arrogant attitude remained, his accomplice was no where to be seen and I guessed he had took off when he saw the flashing lights, completely ignoring Chads instructions.

In my mind I was wary having heard there were guns, and scanned around briefly to see if I could see them, nothing caught my eye, so I connected that they were in another room or he was bluffing.

Chad shook his head, then started to walk towards me, "Guess you think that was clever?, you are so gonna pay for that?"
"yeah?, well fuck you, if that was your best shot? you got Jack shit."
"Oh yeah?" his tone was mocking, I paid no attention, deep down I was so pissed off and angry and with my New Jersey upbringing, the rough side of my character came to the fight.
"yeah, you forget one thing, I'm from Jersey man I back down to no-one, least of all a fuck wipe like you?"
"strong words from a dead man, you better be able to back um up Bongiovi, cause I aint the fuck finished with ya yet"
I flew across the floor and delivered the first blow to his jaw, I hit him with such force he flew back across the room and landed on his back, seizing the opportunity I grabbed him from the floor and pulling him to his feet I delivered blow after blow.

My breathing became heavy as I used every single ounce of body strength to beat him, every time I knocked him down I grabbed him back to standing and repeated the blows over and over.
He never had the chance to defend himself, I no longer felt the pain in my own body, set in a trance, my mind focused on protecting Mara and my family from this animal, until he was unconscious or dead I would not, could not stop.

"Please, stop! I give in..." his pleas fell on deaf ears.  I had asked him, no begged him to let Mara go, they were ignored,  his payback was in blood, and with the moonlight giving just enough illumination in the room I made sure I hit my target over and over.

Another blow, as he fell to the floor, a real hard kick to his scrotum,  his sides, and his back, I kicked and punched not letting up for one second the tirade and onslaught to this low life scums body, then I dragged him to his feet again, my hand now around his throat, I squeezed,  and as the anger kept rising. my grip grew tighter. I thought back to the days he had an affair with Dorothea, and how he destroyed my life, then it was back to the events of tonight.  I was out of my mind completely zoned out.

"Jon, please, he's had enough, Jon,"  I became aware of Mara's voice, and slowly I eased my grip on his throat, the veil of red blood anger ebbing away; as Mara's voice broke the spell, My breathing was heavy, and I was panting with the frustration and energy I had used, slowly, I began the come down, I looked at my Mara, blood was seeping from the wounds he had inflicted, wrote on her body was "Bongiovi Whore"
my heart broke seeing those wounds and what was wrote there.
I turned back to look at Chad, he was black and blue, his face was a blooded mess, his eye's near closed from my attack, I let go of him and he slumped down to the floor.  I cared not anymore, I was tired, exhausted and worn out, I needed to hold Mara, so turned and took a hold of her, with her so close to me, complete sadness filled my heart for what she had suffered. I cared not what had been done to me, but Mara had done nothing to deserve any of this.

we stood embracing each other, me with my back to Chad,  I should have realised, never to take my eyes off scum like that, when I realised my error it was as Mara screamed "he's got a gun.".

Bang a shot was fired,  we both hit the floor, I thought we were fine, but could not be sure, I rolled off Mara, and asked "Are you ok?" She nodded but had tears in her eyes, "Oh Jon...." I looked down at my own body, and on first glance, apart from the blood from my knife wounds I could not see anything else. Then the pain in my right arm screamed to be heard, I looked at it and there was a hole where the bullet had entered my body, immediately my other arm placed my hand over the open bleeding wound, we were still laying on the floor, and as  I looked up there was Chad stood over me pointing the gun into my face.
He was shaking, and had trouble focusing, but when he pulled the trigger, at the distance he was standing from me, I knew that would be it.  My heart hammering in my body as I laid waiting for the final shot.