Tuesday 11 March 2014

Chapter 53 - Tell my Maker He Can Wait.......

I laid there staring down the barrel of a loaded gun, I was at peace inside, and was ready to meet my maker,  I closed my eye's ready for the shot.......Bang.... the door flew open, followed by another bang, a gunshot, I opened my eye's and apart from the searing pain in my right arm, I seemed to be ok, Mara was sat at my side, so I assumed she was ok, I turned my head and everything went into slow motion as Chad was dragged to the floor and cuffed, laying on the floor in the entrance was a young cop, he was alive but moaning and crying in pain, he had been the one Chad shot. then behind all the cops and the mayhem was my best bud Richie. He came straight to my side, "Jon, you ok?" "I think so, but I've been better, what are you doing here?"
"It's all over the radio and the news how Jon Bon Jovi is being held captive in his home..."
"What? how they know?"
"The silent alarm, it tripped when the intruders got in...like always there are pap's down by the gate, they saw the alarm flashing and the lights went out, they reported to there editors and news casters and boom the story was headline news....."
" then the cops arrived lights flashing... and here we are, soon as I heard I drove straight over... so what happened?"
just as I was about to tell my story I was helped to my feet by a medic, Mara too and we were taken to the Ambulance to be checked over. Richie stood back waiting patiently, I surveyed the events unfolding and it was like something out of an action movie.
the medic inspected my chest and tended to the wounds, and covered them with a dressing, the gunshot to my arm looked worse than it actually was, it had skimmed through and was called a flesh wound the bullet was not in my arm, it still hurt like fuck as it was cleaned and dressed though, Mara sat as her wounds were dressed too, she made no sound even though I knew the saline solution they were using to clean and cleanse felt like acid being poured on to the skin, it burned like hell.

All wounds dressed, the head of the operation came over to talk with us, we were still sat on the tail Gate of the ambulance. "Mr Bongiovi?" it was a question rather than a statement, " aha, that's me." "can I have a few minutes of your time to ask what happened?,"  I looked at Mara, she was trembling and shivering, we were both exhausted. I reasoned I could buy us some time so asked, 
"look, I'm tired can we do this tomorrow sometime, name the time, we'll be there, both my fiancee and I need to rest, we are totally exhausted."
"sir, I understand what your saying but, we need to get an understanding of everything that has happened while it's fresh in your mind" I looked at the law man standing before me and gathered his age to be around thirty five years, he stood, an arrogance in his stance, and although he was polite it was obvious he was not going anywhere till I told him what had taken place. There was no choice but to comply and get it over with. "Ok, but can we go somewhere warm, it's freezing out here,?"
"sure, we can go to the station, after I'll have one of my men drive you where ever you want to stay"
"can't we just head back inside, now you have the intruder?"
"no, sorry sir, it's a crime scene, they should be done in a day or two,  you may want to find somewhere else to stay for a few days in the meantime." 

Richie was stood directly behind, he spoke out... " hey you can stay with me bro" I nodded my head in acknowledgement, then looked to Mara, " you ok with that?" She weakly nodded her head. "Ok, officer," 

" Detective, it's Detective Monroe" " right, Detective before we go anywhere, I need some clothes, and a shower as does my fiancee, you will allow us to shower and dress right?"  " Sure I will have an officer escort you both" he summoned a young cop over," please escort Mr Bongiovi and his fiancee into the house for them to change and shower, please stand guard until they return" I mumbled a weak Thanks and assisted Mara to her feet and back into the house. as we entered she turned to look at me, her trembling made worse as we re entered. " Jon, I'm serious, I want this house sold, I have a real bad feeling and I really don't know why, promise me.... please...." " I promise,"  pulled her close to me and kissed the top of her head as we climbed the stairs to our bedroom. Raching the door, the officer opened the door, as I stepped into the room, another gunshot was fired..... 


  1. Huh???? Another gun shot? Oh wait....... Chad wasn't alone..... YIKES!
    Move, sell the house... Get outta there!

  2. Yep the accomplice wasn't caught!!! Has he shot Jon x

  3. OMG! I forgot all about the accomplice.

  4. Will it be the end for Jon?????
