Monday 31 March 2014

Chapter 57 - Double Down The Devil

It took a minute for me to gather my thoughts before I spoke, my head trying to comprehend how Dorothea could be standing before Mara and me.
"What the Fuck are you doing here Dorothea?"
"Seeing how your progressing of course?, did you enjoy your visit from Chad?, bang out of order that his son got shot, but then he did a mans job and paid the price,.... what was your song.... oh yeah, Shot down in a blaze of glory..." she sniggered and looked at the floor as she spoke...
"So you organised this?, you wanted me dead?, what the fuck is wrong with your head woman, cause whatever it is, aint no little thing for sure..."
"now now, don't take on so Jon, I warned you payback was a bitch... and that I had my sources, and when Chad visited and saw the marks on my neck, he wanted to give you his payback..... and I was very happy to fill in the missing pieces for him." She paced around the room an arrogance about her that could not be denied, she was loving every minute of the attention she commanded.
Mara rose to leave the room and get help but Dorothea stopped her... "And where are you going to? I want you to stay for the finale."
"Get out of my way Dorethea, or I swear I will knock you senseless."
"You think so do you?" she reached into her purse and pulled out a gun, "now sit down bitch and do what I say or else," Mara looked over at me, I nodded my head for her to do as she was told, she looked defeated but came back and sat on the bed next to me. She slid her hand in mine, and I took comfort in holding her hand right back, not tight just enough to let each other know we were in this together.
"have you lost your ever freakin mind Dot?" this is a hospital what do think your gonna do here?"
Who said it would be here? oh no, I have a place in mind," she lent in close and spoke in a low tone, "Just you wait and see... its perfect..." she pulled back and slid the gun back inside her purse as
Claudette came into the room.

Claudette had no idea who Dorothea was, and was polite when she saw her thinking she was another visitor; Dorothea played the part real well, so well it scared me just how much she could fool people and change her personality like switching off a light...  anything was possible with this women and she would stop at nothing until I was dead. a sadness filled my heart knowing what I was thinking was the truth. I watched Dot closely as Claudette parked the chair at my bedside. "All ready to go then Jon, hop on board your chariot awaits... " she helped me get in, and placed a blanket over my legs, then wheeled me out of the room and over to the desk to collect my discharge forms, before taking me across to the elevator. Mara and Dorothea followed just behind.
The chatter we had shared earlier had died and the atmosphere was heavy with tension, no-one spoke about it though and silence remained during the ride to the basement and the parking lot.

As we exited the elevator Claudette was the only one to speak,  "Which car?"
Mara spoke up and indicated where she had parked and led the way, with Claudette pushing me in the chair behind.

we reached the SUV and Mara unlocked the doors and raised the tailgate for my bag, Claudette took me to the passenger side door and helped me in. She smiled at me and gave me a hug, then folded the chair and waved as she left us to return to the ward and her other patients. "now remember Jon, take it easy ok?, and no more fights, let your body recover first..." I nodded my head and smiled at her as she left.
Mara had placed my bags in the car, and was now climbing into the drivers seat, when Dorethea pulled her out, " I'll drive, get in the trunk."
"you heard in the trunk"
Mara looked at me, then bowed her head and walked round back of the vehicle and climbed in the trunk as she had been told to do. the car rocked as Dorethea slammed the tailgate  shut.
then she climbed in next to me and started the engine.
"All buckled up Jon?" she reached over to check, and sneering she said... "that's good, here we go, hold on tight..." she slammed the car into reverse and hit the gas so hard the tires squealed as she drove away to the exit of the parking lot, out on the highway she dodged traffic from lane to lane, her eye's were fixated on the road ahead as she threw the car where she wanted it to go. I sat silent taking in street names we passed, and thought about Mara in the trunk, with no belt every sharp pull left or right I heard a bang and knew Mara was being thrown around in the back.

Just how the hell did we keep running from one nightmare to another........ and god damn it how would we get out of this one.....


  1. Ill be interested to in knowing how this is going to play out.

  2. there will be a bloody end! not decided on who it will be yet!!!

  3. Dorothea has lost it big time! Please don't hurt Jon or Mara. They deserve a happy ending.

  4. Thanks Cynthia, two more chapters to read to catch up and another in progress! There is a twist, I think you will like!
