Monday 24 March 2014

Chapter 56 - Have A nice Day

Jon had been in hospital for 8 weeks, or there abouts; during that time, he had grown strong and his lung had re inflated, Although he still had to take it easy,...  he had been left with a cough, which was normal, but would stop the stronger his lung became, add that together with the police; who would not leave Jon alone to recover fully, before hounding him for his statement, nope; first chance they had they came into the hospital to take our statements. Two full days were given, as they came back four times and went over things again and again, the good news was, Chad had been charged with attempted murder, breaking and entering with aggravated assault, and even better was Jon did not even have to face him in court, as he had admitted the crime.
For once something was in our favour.
The house however had been a mess and a crime scene for two weeks, and it had taken  all six more to straighten it out, the house now looked as good as it could given the traumatic events that had taken place there. The only thing was the blood stain in our bedroom from where Billy; Chad's accomplice and it turns out his son; was shot dead by the cop. I did not want to live with the stain or Jon to see it, so a plant holder was covering the stain until the new carpets were fitted a week tomorrow.
I was serious about us finding somewhere else, after what had happened every day walking into the house was a real struggle for me, I suffered flash backs, the phone calls and the lights going out. when dusk hit, every light was lit in the house, and lighters and candles were in every room in case they failed or were tampered with again.
I guess it was my security blanket. 
I know I was being silly and childish but it was the only way I could control my fear and make myself live there with the kids.
Richie, Jon's band brother and friend, had been a great support to me, and had offered and stayed over while Jon was in hospital, he slept in the guest room and completed  the security checks on the house every night before we went to bed. I hadn't realised just how badly I had been affected by the break in and attacks, but poor Richie found out after I got him out of bed nine times in one night.
Hearing noise after noise, I had been kept awake, so climbing out of bed, and with my heart hammering in my chest, I took the short walk to Richie's room, reaching his door, my arm raised ready to knock, I tried to talk myself down, but more noises put paid to that and after yet another creak, I knocked and entered his room. He was sound asleep, and had not heard me at his door, I had no option but to wake him. I shook him gently, but had no response, so had to shake him a few more times before he woke..., it took him a minute to focus, when he did he totally understood my panic, and was gentle, understanding and so kind, and he made sure I was totally fine and safe before he again checked the house over from top to bottom.
I guess for that reason knowing how I had been affected, I knew I could never feel safe in the house again, and why I took the bull by the balls and started searching for properties, registering our details with a realty agents, I even went as far as having valuations carried out to see how much our home was worth too.
I needed Jon to know how serious I was, and why.
Although I had no real idea how he would feel about it. I prayed he would not kick off, and would agree we really needed a fresh start.
There was no denying that Jon's home was gorgeous, with the lake at the end of his yard, the boathouse and the few apple tree's that lined the drive, the size of his house was magnificent and stunning, and given normal circumstances, I would have been happy to settle here, but not any more.
The road to recovery for Jon was a long one,  I so missed him being with me. when he woke with the ventilator in his throat the look of panic on his face, was sheer terror, my heart went out to him, he had no idea what it was.
A lot of reassurance was given till he eventually accepted it and had no option but to go with the flow, he was mighty pissed too as he could not talk, he had to use  a chalk and board, which frustrated him and a lot of words with the  letter F was wrote for a week or two.
When he could talk, the Dr's asked him if he could tell them what happened; but he could'nt  remember being shot, his temper showed as he struggled to recall the event, all he could remember was the fight and Chad standing in front of him and pointing the gun at him, he had no recollection of walking up the stairs to the bedroom, his brain just refused to re live the horror.
I was deeply concerned too, but the Dr said, it was mild amnesia and that was the body's way of saving itself from the trauma, and was nothing to be concerned about, he was more worried if it returned years later and that when or if it did it would be in flashbacks, which could mean he would need counselling.
Jon being a easily led negative guy, I had to push him to not dwell on what may or may not happen in the future, but to just work hard to getting well and back home,  he was not one hundred percent fit, yet, but we were at the 85% marker, which brings me to today.  Forward present time and I was in the car on my way to the hospital to collect him, and waiting back home were the kids and a big welcome home surprise party.
Leading up to Jon being given his discharge, the kids had asked if they could do something nice for their dad and I was even more excited when they wanted to include me in their plans, his brothers were coming and his ma, John snr was officially out of the country on vacation with his new girl friend, but the guys from the band were coming with there families too. Richie had helped with everything too, taking the kids to get the streamers and such. As I left this morning to go get him, Richie was left with ma to finish the final touches.
 It was so sad to know that Jon's pop had little time for his son, unless it suited him, the differences between them were oceans apart, sure, John Snr and Jon, in facial looks the resemblance in physical features was remarkable, but that's where it ended.
My Jon was a gentlemen, kind and honest, strong and wilful when needed, but always had compassion and love in his heart, he listened and cared about everyone, yep even his pop, even though there was no love last between them, I'm sure Jon hoped one day there would, he was his pop after all.
His pop was pushy and cared not one jot who he upset or offended.  Jon had only been off the ventilator for two hours when he upped and left, announcing casually he had a vacation booked and his plane would not wait, he kissed Jon on the head, and ma on the cheek, and nodded his head at me as he left.
Ma just looked at me, and shrugged her shoulders in apology, I smiled and shook my head to let her know it was not needed and I understood.  Sometimes apologising for others does not work, and I always say you should never have to apologise for anyone, if there conduct is that bad.... well... fuck um... and move on.....

Arriving  at the hospital I parked in the parking lot, then walked the short distance to the elevator, i got on and pressed to go the the reception floor where Jon was being cared for, off the elevator i checked in at the desk, Tanya was sitting there this morning, we exchanged pleasantries talking about the weather and other mundane things, before I went off to see Jon and help him get ready to come home.  
  reaching his room all the nurses and Dr's that had tended to Jon during his stay had congregated  together, it looked like a hospital party, as I entered I asked... "not interrupting I am?" Dr Meeker smiled and waved me into the crowd gathered there. the chattering and banter was flowing between them all, and at the front of the crowd was Jon's favourite nurse. Claudette, she was talking to him and telling him how she wished all her patients were as good as Jon, he had been a model patient for her. I had learnt a lot about her during my visits, Jon had always praised her, for instance we knew that she had struggled to make ends meet, but had always wanted to be a nurse, so had worked all sorts of small paying jobs to put herself through training. and  now she was qualified she was proud to say she did it on her own. and in her words "Was living the dream"
Jon saw her fire and determination, and said he saw himself in her at times, which was what made them strong friends. She had certainly brightened up the long hours when Jon was alone, her chatter, and humour keeping him going, and maybe even helped to speed his recovery.
As a surprise Jon decided, as a thank you when the band played later in the year for their come back gig she would be given VIP tickets and a back stage pass to come meet the rest of the guys in the band and join the party after too.
As I neared the front of the crowd Jon had just told Claudette about her Thank you surprise, her eyes were as wide as saucers as she screamed above the clapping and cheers, "shut up, are you serious man"
"Yah I'm serious.... why wouldnt I be?"
" cause good things like that never happen to me?"
"Well they do now..."
She grabbed Jon so fast, she took his breath away and made him cough.
" shit man im sorry,"
Between the coughing jon was laughing and raising his hand to let her know he was fine.
" thank you, really thank you man, im touched "  more hugs, this 
Time not as tight and no coughing from Jon.

Finally I reached his side, he smiled at me and our lips met briefly for a kiss before I took a seat next to him on his bed, 
The festivities continued for another thirty minutes before he called time, Claudette asked him to wait while she got him a chair, ignoring jons pleas that he could walk to the elevator and to the car she, mumbled for him not not even think about trying and she would return. 

The other Drs and nurses said there good buys and left one by one untill it was just Jon and me left on our own, waiting for Claudette with the chair. 
We were talking about taking a vacation when we were interupted by a voice, "nice to see your recovering well Jon"
We both turned our heads to look at the voice and from who it came from, our smiles dropoing like flies as stood in the doorway was Dorothea.


  1. Who let that witch out?! How dare she show her face around Jon and Mara after what happened to them. Mara, you need to kick her ass!

  2. Agreed. Dot has balls to go there. Kick her butt Mara!! Hope this the last time For darkens their days!

  3. thanks guys... Dot is in for a surprise.... :)

  4. Ah honey it would of been great to have seen Jon's recovery. Like when he was writing on the board and writing all the "F's" on it when the cops were asking him questions. I know you don't like writing that but one chapter for fill in. Just saying. It would of been funny. Otherwise this was really good and great ending. So Dot did have something to do with all of this. Hummmm?
