Saturday 30 May 2015

Chapter Eighty One

I was stunned in one way and not another, my pop and me had always had this love hate relationship, now I understood it to be a jealous hate relationship. the one thing I couldn't do was tell Mara, It wasn't right to ruin her moment because of my ass of a pop. No, I reasoned with myself, when we got home after the honeymoon was soon enough.
leaving my ma drinking her coffee, I took a two fresh cups of coffee, one for me and one for Mara together with some fruit and slice of toast for breakfast on a tray. I wanted to start the day right. We were leaving in a few hours for our honeymoon and I was going to fix my attention on Mara and my kids, although I had an idea playing in my head, but didn't want to say anything until I had ran through the scenario fully in my own mind first.
Reaching our bedroom door, I knocked and opened it calling her name, "Mara, sweetheart, time to wake up..."
she stirred in the bed, "mmmm What time is it?"
"A little after seven,"
I sat on the bed and placed her breakfast next to her. she smiled as she asked, "For me?"
I nodded, "she took a slice of toast and bit into it, "mmm delicious..." with a wicked glint in her eye she continued,  "the best toast I've ever tasted" she was teasing, "alright Mrs Bongiovi, knock it off" I was smiling and loved our little play fights, "so why are you wearing that robe Mr Bongiovi?"
"erm, we have other guests in the house, including the kids... I would not wanna scare them mentally would I?"
"Not physically either..." she giggled as she spoke, and continued " but you don't need to wear it now do you?"  still laughing she gave me a look still with a twinkle in her eye..." standing I slipped off my robe, and slid into the bed right next to her. "that better?"
"Much, she settled down after placing the tray on the floor and lay her head on my chest. holding her with one arm I stroked her hair gently with my free hand and kissed the top of her head, for a while as she lay silent I let my mind wander to the idea that came to me as I was walking up the stairs. I didn't hear Mara for a second until she gently nipped me in my side, " hey, are you listening to me?" coming back to the moment I answered guilty,
"What, no sorry babes, I was thinking of something else..."
"So that's how its gonna be is it..." this time she sat astride me, is this what I have to do to get your attention?"
laughing back at her I answered, "Could be..."
she lent forward and kissed me, pulling back she spoke softly, "thank you for marrying me, I love you Jon with all my heart...."
I smiled back at her and answered "Ditto"
Jumping off the bed, she raced to the bathroom, "I'm showering first, unless you'd care to join me. in a millisecond I was in the bathroom with her.
Both refreshed from our shower together, we helped each other towel down, we both dressed. Back in the bedroom she picked up her breakfast tray and munched the cold toast and ate her fruit, drinking her coffee, she moved around the room collecting clothes and accessories to pack in the cases. I watched in amusement.
"babe, we're not emigrating just going on honeymoon."
"Yeah, well I don't wanna be without my essentials, tell ya what, why don't you go wake the kids and let me finish up here?" she smiled the sweetest smile, but it was clear I was being dismissed. "are you trying to get rid of me? Mrs Bongiovi?" turning to look at me with a scarlett silk scarf in her hands, she looked up to the ceiling then back at me as she considered her reply, "Erm, how can I put this..... Yes, now go, or we will miss the flight"
I laughed, "ok, I'm going, but I could not go without stealing a kiss, I moved over to her side and stole a moments passionate kiss, "Oh babe, by the way, just to give you the four one, one, we won't miss the flight" she looked at me, "but you need to check in two hours before departure, don't you?"
"Yeah on a commercial jet you do," I moved back in close again and held her gently, " but it's a little different when you own the jet..." I tapped her behind as picked up my coffee and headed out the door,  leaving her to pack in the room, while I was off to go wake the kids.  I was smiling to myself Walking along the hallway. Taking a drink of my now luke warm coffee I met my ma, who had just come upstairs "Jon are you ok?"
"sure, why wouldn't I be?"
"well after telling Mara." I held up my hand, "whoa there mama, I aint told Mara, and I aint gonna."
"But what if she hears about it else where? you cant leave this hanging like a noose?"
" how is she gonna hear it from anyone else ma? Huh? How? The only people that know are you me and him., and why can't I leave it?, why do I want to spoil my honeymoon, to much time has been spent on that ass, no more ok, I'll sort it when we get home..." "but sweetheart..." No, Stop mom, Please drop it ok,, Ive told you, I'm going on honeymoon with my wife, all this shit stays here, you got it?" my ma shook her head, changing the subject she asked, "want me to help jakey pack"  calming down I shook my head, "Yeah please" feeling a little remorseful I bent down then and kissed her head to show no anger, I loved my ma, and everything she had done for me, but sometimes she just didn't know when to let go.

Friday 22 May 2015

Chapter Eighty

The day after the wedding I awoke at stupid o'clock, I looked across to my wife sleeping peacefully next to me. I laid looking at her for ages, studying every line of her face, which to me was perfection, she looked like an angel as she slept.
If I'm honest, I had not slept well, and the phone call from my pop begging me to go see him this morning before we left on honeymoon had not helped.
Swinging my legs over the edge of the bed, I eased my body up and out, without waking Mara, I grabbed my dressing gown from the foot of the bed and managed to make it out to the hallway.

Walking quietly I made my way down to the breakfast nook, looking at the clock on the wall the time was 4.35am, with the moonlight streaming through the window I made my way to the coffee pot and switched it on, then resting my hands on the counter top I waited and stood thinking.

What was it that my mom had been so afraid of with my pop?, and what was his breakdown about? In the past, not being invited to any of my events would not have phased him in the slightest, why this time?.
I had agreed to go see him before we left for Europe, given I had the Jovi Jet booked for ten am, my visit would be short.

Thankfully my ma had agreed she would stay at the house, and make it ready for the sale for when we returned, we were going to be vacationing in Uk for a month, Mara had always wanted to visit and I was meeting with a film director regarding a movie being made in England, I was being offered the leading role. The most it would take up out of our schedule would be two days. I hadn't mentioned it to Mara yet, but knowing how supportive she was I knew it wouldn't be a problem.

Drinking my coffee, my mind was playing everything over, I didn't hear my mom come downstairs, or come into the breakfast nook.
She slid her arms around my waist, "Penny for them?"
"whoa, damn.." I spilled my coffee as I jumped, "mom, what are you doing up?"
"Same as you it seems, I couldn't sleep"
I turned so my back was resting on the counter top, my ma was now stood over on the other side.
"why mom?, you know far more than you have let on... would you like to share with me?"
"I don't know Jon, what I've been told, well, lets leave it till you return from your vacation."  she made to move to leave and go back to bed, "Please ma, I did everything you asked, you promised you'd tell me after the wedding, don't you think you owe me the truth as to what the fuck was going on?"
she breathed a deep sigh, then moving to the chairs, she sat herself down at the breakfast bar. she patted the seat next to her for me to join her.
I sat and waited, "Oh boy this is hard, and it is seriously going to affect the relationship you have with your pop..."
"ma, there's no love lost between us, how can it get any worse?"
my ma looked at me gravely, "Oh it can son, and it will.... before I tell you, I need you to be one hundred percent sure you want me to tell you?"
"ma, stop stalling, just tell me already."
taking her third deep breath in minutes she replied, "OK, here goes..."
"Your dad came to see me three weeks ago, he was stinking drunk and in a terrible state, all he was talking about was coming to your wedding, then he started rambling about making things right for D and getting revenge..."
"go on.."
" I asked him what he meant by that comment, he sneered at me, and mockingly pointed his finger while swaggering around...what he told me next sent shivers down my spine..."
"Yeah..." I was getting impatient, "he told me that him and D had been having an affair together and everything that had happened to you and Mara was all his brain child..."
"he told me that he was responsible for the fire, and for everything that had happened to you, he was jealous of you and D, he wanted her, so he told me he visited one night to console her after you two had yet another spat. he found her crying, the kids were staying over with you and Mara I think, anyways, D kept telling your pop how much she loved you and how she wanted you back, he instigated the meeting with her re your kids, and what she did to you in the bedroom the night you were drunk, then when you got more involved with Mara he set up the fire..."
"but D's mom was responsible, "no that's just it she wasn't' your pop was, she agreed to take the heat so your pop and D could carry on trying to hurt you both."
"wait a minute are you saying my pop was trying to kill me and Mara?"
she nodded her head, "but the most awful part is, now D has died, he is still hell bent on revenge, he told me when he came to the wedding he was gonna cause a scene and kill Mara first and you next... Baby, that's why I didn't want him at your wedding..."
I sat in silence, stunned to be hearing what my ma had told me. Our living nightmare was because of my pop and my ex wife....
I looked to my mom, "he's asked me to visit him before we leave on honeymoon..."
"Oh god, your not going are you?"
"to the cop station I am.... to see him no, I'm gonna tell the cops just what you have told me, as for my pop I aint got one, he's dead to me now..."

Wednesday 13 May 2015

Chapter Seventy Nine

My pop continued swaggering around the marquee, trying to engage the guests in his torrent of woe,  " well how would you feel being told you could not attend your sons wedding?"
no one answered, I tried again, but the gun was pointed directly at me...
"Don't son, please, don't make me shoot you.I swear all I wanted to do was come here today to wish you both well, and tell you how much you mean to me,"
his venom started again, but he had lowered his gun, "oh no, your ma spouts accusations about me, and without even giving me a hearing you believe her and toss me off.. why?, I am your father and I am entitled to respect too.." he took a swing of champagne and beat his chest to emphasize his point.
I tried to speak again, "look pop, you have your reasons and I have mine, but here and now is really not the time, please just go sit down, well talk later I promise"
"Talk later?, no son, I want to do my talking now... and I want it to be in front of witnesses... that way no one can twist what I say."
My pop was stood with his back to the marquee entrance, and behind him I saw Deyvren coming with the police. they entered quietly, and the cops made the way over to my pop and jumped him to the ground and then disarmed him. They read him his rights and in cuffs they dragged him from our wedding.
As the cops left a hush descended over the guests. I stood and spoke, "Ladies and gentlemen, everyone gets the asshole relative that cant take his drink at a celebration, please lets enjoy the meal..."
Mara touched my leg as I sat and chatter amongst the guest started. leaning in close Mara asked, " care to share about that?"
"Later ok, now is not the time..."
I could not believe that my wife gave me a stink eye, "really Mrs Bongiovi, did you just give me a stink eye?"
she laughed "maybe."
"well I think you deserve a spank or two for that."
"well later Mr Bongiovi, now is not the time for that."
My pops outburst was forgotten for the rest of the afternoon, and into the evening. We all danced and drank into the early hours, dancing with Mara, her arms draped around my neck, I lent down and whispered, "I will always love you Mara Bongiovi."
looking up at me she whispered, "I know" as the dance ended we announced to the compare that we would like to say good night.
He duly took his position on the stage and spoke to get the guests attention.
"Ladies and gentlemen, Mr & Mrs Bongiovi wish to say goodnight." with Mara holding my hand I led her to the centre of the stage, the boys were set up ready to play, I stood before the microphone. Holding Maras gaze I took the mic in my hands, then looking out into marquee and our guests I spoke, " I want to thank you all for sharing our special day, you have all made it as perfect as could be, but nothing could be more perfect than this lovely lady becoming my wife." I looked at Mara, she was looking right back at me, love poured from her liquid chocolate eyes, I carried on, so as a farewell to you, before we go and leave you with my band I wanted to sing just one song dedicated to my wife that I've wrote, boys?"
I dropped Maras hand as the boys started the intro.....
It's hard for me to say the things 
I want to say sometimes 
There's no one here but you and me
And that broken old street light

Lock the doors
We'll leave the world outside
All I've got to give to you
Are these five words tonight

Thank you for loving me
For being my eyes
When I couldn't see
For parting my lips
When I couldn't breathe
Thank you for loving me
Thank you for loving me

I never knew I had a dream
Until that dream was you
When I look into your eyes
The sky's a different blue

Cross my heart
I wear no disguise
If I tried, you'd make believe
That you believed my lies

Thank you for loving me
For being my eyes
When I couldn't see
For parting my lips
When I couldn't breathe
Thank you for loving me

You pick me up when I fall down
You ring the bell before they count me out
If I was drowning you would part the sea
And risk your own life to rescue me, yeah
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah

Lock the doors
We'll leave the world outside
All I've got to give to you
Are these five words tonight

Thank you for loving me
For being my eyes
When I couldn't see
You parted my lips
When I couldn't breathe
Thank you for loving me

When I couldn't fly
Oh, you gave me wings
You parted my lips
When I couldn't breathe
Thank you for loving me
Thank you for loving me
Thank you for loving me
Oh, for loving me

At the end of the song, Mara had tears in her eyes, our family and friends were clapping and cheering, and with a last address to the mic, I thanked everyone again as taking my wife's hand we left the stage and headed out the marquee past out guests to the main house. Ready to spend our first night together as Mr and Mrs Bongiovi..... 

Thursday 7 May 2015

Chapter Seventy Eight

Not wanting to cause a scene, I continued walking to our table. Mara was oblivious, but my mom saw and she was pale in colour and looked more than uneasy with his presence.

Reaching our table, Mara and me took our seats, the clapping died down as the servers began serving the starters to our wedding breakfast, my mom who was sat next to Mara, looked across and asked for me to speak with her, I shook my head to let her know now really was not the time, her eyes pleaded with me, I spoke softly, "Later mom, relax alls good ok?"  her eyes told me she wanted to believe me but didn't, but given I was not moving she had no option but to run with it.

My starter was placed in front of me, and I picked up my fork to eat, scallops with a crispy dressed salad, Mara sat next to me she was happily chatting to my mom who really was not paying attention to what she was saying. Mara's mom was sat next to me, and she too was chatting away about how wonderful the day had been, unfortunately me like my mom, my mind was elsewhere, I would certainly have someone's  head for letting my pop in when I gave orders not too.

I looked at Mara, she was radiant, glowing and really enjoying her day, taking a deep breath I decided to try and do the same, looking out to our friends and family I caught Obie's eye, he lifted his hand and raised his thumb, I smiled and nodded, it meant the kids would be coming with us on honeymoon as Mara wanted.

By desert I was more relaxed, and then it was time for the speeches, my mom rose to say a few words about me and Mara,  I prayed she would not embarrass me too much, every time I had asked her what she would say, she just tapped her nose... as to say, never you mind; so I just sat and listened nervously...

"Dear friends, all of you know that Jon is my eldest Son and that I am really proud of him, but let me say that has not always been the case, a few years ago he slipped into self destruction, and he was succeeding in destroying his life, he had gained weight, let his boyish good looks go, and was drinking very heavily. Now being a mom, watching your child in self destuct mode is the hardest thing to watch ever,  so I took it on my self to help him. You may or may not know, that I was the one responsible for booking him a personal trainer, a lady personal trainer, thankfully his life changed, he lost his weight, stopped drinking and regained his good looks, and if you still don't know, his trainer is the beautiful women he has married today, and let me just finish by saying, now I am not just proud of my Son Jon, but also proud and honoured to have Mara as the daughter I never had. Please raise your glasses and toast Jon & Mara"
everyone stood and raised their glasses to us, "Jon & Mara rung out around the room. Next was Mara's mom, this time mara gave me a nervous look as if to say sorry before her mom started, I took her hand in mine and gave it a gentle squeeze together with a smile to say it will be fine, she too squeezed my hand in response.
her mom began, " erm, ladies and gentlemen, please forgive me, I'm not good at this, but I have to just say a few words, especially to my daughter and my lovely new son - Jon."
she looked at me mainly as she spoke,
"Jon, I cannot thank you enough for bringing a spark and life back to my daughter, like you she too was once a tortured soul, but you gave her life again. You are a wonderful man and I am very pleased to welcome you to my family as much as Mara is now part of yours. I wish you both a very happy and prosperous life together,  I raise my glass with your friends to wish you both love, health and happiness..."
again everyone raised their glasses in toast, except my pop who was laying back slumped in his chair, elbow on the back of the chair, with a sneer on his face. I felt a chill run down my back, and what happened next I should have heeded my feelings.
My pop stood and clapped loudly while walking around the guests, " bravo, bravo, is there anymore schmaltz you can pour on this over coated sickly sweet day?, well is there?" everyone looked uncomfortable, and they refused to hold eye contact with him.  but that  did not stop him, he was getting into his stride, " nooo you can't, well I'm Jons father, not that you would know, firstly my son met with me this morning to tell me I wasn't welcome, I'm his father for gods sake, I drove off, but I rang his new sweet wife and she would not hear of it and told me to come on back, so here I am." he was swaying with a glass in his hands still spouting his views, " second, I do not get honour of place at his table, no I am relegated to spending my time listening to the bull with you people, and I have nothing against you, but I am FUCKING FAMILY, your not."
I raised my hand to security who started making their way across to my pop, but were stopped when my dad pulled a gun. "ah, now I have your attention don't I?"
I stood and tried to reason with him, "Dad, put the gun away ok? this is a happy day.."
"is it? for who?"
"For Mara and me and every one here... please put the gun down..."
"See the thing is, I don't want to, I think its time that you pay..."
"what are you talking about?"
"You Jon, you, all through your life I've pushed you, how do you think you made it big with Bon Jovi eh?, yeah because I pushed you. your nothing more than a mummys boy, she molly coddled you, man, she was the reason you hate me, and I know it....guess she told you the rest right?"
he spun on his heels and pointed the gun at security, "Back off boys, unless you wanna get hurt..."
Security raised their hands and backed a way a little, Deyvren managed to leave the marquee and I hoped he had the common sense to call the cops...

Chapter seventy seven

"well Mrs bongiovi"
" yes Mr Bongiovi, it's really happened, I'm your wife."
"I really could not be happier babe, I love you so much."
Her arms swept about my neck as she stole a kiss from me, interupted by my good friend and photographer, David Bergman, "Ok, can I part you two for a minute and ask you to join your family and friends outside for some pictures?"
"sure, but can I have just five minutes with my wife?"
He nodded as he left the marquee, Mara looked at me puzzled, "Jon our friends and family?"
"sssh, just come with me for a moment ok, I want to give you your wedding present. "
"wedding present?"
Taking Mara by the hand I led her to the too table, once there I handed her an envelope. "go ahead open it?"
Her chocolate liquid eye's looked at me, then back to the envelope as she tore it open. Her eyes wide with excitement as she grabbed me and squealed, " Omg, seriously were honeymooning in Europe?"
I nodded, "well London anyways"
" thousands of kisses were planted on My cheeks, while in between I heard over and over thank you, thank you"
" I did good then?"
"hell yeah, Omg, I can't believe it, when do we leave? "
Again the hugs and kisses, "What about the kids?"
"its ok, they are gonna stay with my mom."
"Really?, babe I know its our honeymoon but cant they come with us?"
"But I thought you'd want to get me all alone..." I pulled her into my arms and held her tight... she threw back her head and laughed, "Oh there will be lots of opportunities... trust me..."
"So you really want the kids to come with us?"
"I do, can it be arranged...?"
"I'm sure it can, I'll ring Obie and get him to amend the reservations at the hotel..."
David put his head around the door entrance again, Jon, light is fading here... are you two joining me anytime soon?"
"Yeah, be right there... shall we, I offered my arm to my wife and we walked back out into the grounds to be met with cheers and lots of confetti, for two hours David had us pose this way and that way, with parents, with family, then friends, even with us on the balcony of our bedroom looking down at friends, he must of taken at least one thousand pictures. Sitting on the bed for a moment, I exhaled a deep sigh, and Mara sat right next to me and did the same, which caused us to fall about into fits of laughter, and the more we tried to stop the more we laughed. We must of been laughing for best part of thirty minutes, a knock on the door brought us back to normal and the giggles subsided.
I opened the door, "Sir, your guests are seated and waiting on your entrance."
"Thank you, we will be down in a minute."
"Yes sir"
I ran and jumped back on the bed, "well Mrs Bongiovi, they are waiting, are you ready?"
laying back on the bed with her feet on the floor she nodded, I stood and offered her my hand as she stood, then linking arms we made our way down stairs to head to our reception.
At the entrance, we were stopped as the compare went ahead to check everything was ready for our entrance, he returned quickly and opened the doors to allow us to enter and take our place at the top table with our family.
"Ladies and gentlemen, please be upstanding and welcome your bride and groom Mr & Mrs Bongiovi"
for the millionth time that day more whistles and cheers and clapping as we walked past our friends and family to our table. Mara was smiling and beaming and positively glowed, she looked stunning, each of us acknowledged our friends as we past to take our places, I was stopped short as there sitting at a table was my pop.
"Congratulations son..." he beamed at me and got up and grabbed me and pulled me tight into a hug before sitting back down.
I stood for a moment totally shocked after my conversation with him how the hell could he be sitting here at our reception?

Wednesday 6 May 2015

Chapter Seventy Six - THE WEDDING


Standing at the alter, with Jessie, Jake and the guys seated behind I waited for the intro music that told me Mara had arrived.

Shania Twain had agreed to sing for us, as a gift to us both.

As a hush descended over the congregation I knew she was there, just paused waiting for her moment.

I caught my breath in my throat as the first notes of the song "From this Moment" and Shania's voice rang out.
Turning slightly I watched first as Steph; dressed in a gorgeous Lavender gown of lace, and being a pop, I was biased, but I was sure she looked every inch as stunning as Mara, the lump in my throat grew as Steph neared. Blinking I tried to control my emotions. Momentarily I looked at the floor before looking back to see Mara.

Then in the doorway with her mom holding her arm, Mara slowly walked down the aisle, smiling at our friends and family that had joined us for the day. then she looked straight ahead to where I was standing, She was breath taking, her hair was curled and swept to the side, her makeup was flawless, the bouquet simple an arrangement of lilies, sweet peas, and roses, worn with a simple jewel encrusted veil to give her an alluring mystery, added to that, she had decided on the dress I had seen her wearing at Kleinfields, she looked perfect.
As she got nearer I swallowed hard, I could not believe she was really going to marry me.

Standing next to me, she mouthed the words, " I love you." I did the same, before we both turned and faced the minister.

"Are you ready?"
we both looked at each other and nodded.
He addressed the congregation, " Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to see the marriage between Jon & Mara, If anyone knows why these two should not be married, I ask that you now speak?"
silence apart from my beating heart, which was thumping loudly in my chest.
Turning to me he asked,

"Jon Francis Bongiovi, do you now freely and willingly give yourself to Mara, are you ready to commit to one person forsaking all others?"
it was time for me to speak, I looked to Mara, who's liquid chocolate eyes melted into my heart and soul, smiling at her I answered, " I am"
And you Mara Angelic Goodward to you now freely and willingly give yourself to Jon, are you ready to commit to one person forsaking all others?"  "I am"

"you have both committed to each other, and now you may ready your vows you have written to each other, Jon?"
turning to face Mara, I took a deep breath as I took her hands and looked deep into her eyes and began.

"Mara, from the moment I first saw you, I knew you were the one with whom I wanted to share my life. Your beauty, heart, and mind inspire me to be the best person I can be. I promise to love you for eternity, respecting you, honouring you, being faithful to you, and sharing my life with you. This is my solemn vow."

"I Mara, affirm my love to you, Jon as I invite you to share my life. You are the most beautiful, smart, and generous person I have ever known, and I promise always to respect you and love you.
With kindness, and an unselfishness  love and trust, I promise I will work by your side to create a wonderful life together. I therefore take you Jon Francis Bongiovi to be my lawful husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health for as long as we both shall live"

"The rings please?"
Jessie, stood forward and handed the rings across to the minister, he smiled at me and winked as he past them over.
 "Jon please take Mara's ring and placing it on her third finger on her left hand repeat after me."
I took her ring between my fingers, and held the ring mid way on Mara's wedding ring finger as the registrar spoke.
" I Jon Francis Bongiovi  do take thee Mara Angelic Goodward, to be my lawful wedded wife, and forsaking all others, I promise to be true to you for as long as we both shall live."
I repeated the words and slid Mara's ring onto her hand. I felt her give my hand a gentle squeeze as she turned to take my ring in her hand and like me she placed the ring on my wedding finger paused at the first knuckle and said her vows too.
Still holding each others hand the minister spoke the words I had been dreaming of for as long as I could remember,

" Mara and Jon you have consented and made your vows in the presence of god and your family and friends, it is therefore my pleasure to declare that you are man and wife together, you may now kiss your bride."

lifting her veil back, I gently lent in and kissed her on the lips as our friends and family gave us a cheer, and all clapping loudly. With us turning to face our friends, the minister announced "Ladies & Gentlemen " Mr & Mrs Bongiovi"
 as we began our walk down the aisle, "the wedding march rang out as we walked past everyone and to the marquee, ready at last to let the festivities begin.

Monday 4 May 2015

Chapter seventy five

All Done, I rolled my sleeve back down, "thanks Mike."
"now you know that the shot won't work straight away right?"
"Yeah I know." Mike looked at me his face full of concern.
"Jon really, you ok?"
I nodded my head, "yeah sure, I've told ya, just nerves... I guess, that and I really need to start getting ready, its ok for the bride to be late right? but not the groom..."
Laughing Mike nodded his head, "true enough my man, true enough" he sipped his drink but still sat on the bed; he showed no signs of leaving. I looked at my watch again hoping he would take the didn't work, I had to be brutal...
"Look thanks for coming early and giving me my shot, I appreciate it, but I really have gotta start getting ready... why don't ya head out back and mix with the other guests, I'm sure Richie and the guys are here now too" ,
a look of realisation hit him, " Man what am I like, I'm sorry I'm holding ya up..."
"It's fine,"
reaching the door I opened it for him to step out, turning back to me he spoke, " You know Jon, I've known you for many years, and its really nice to see you so happy for a change, and I want to wish both of you every good luck for the future." added with a friendly slap on my back, he finally left so I could get ready.
Not wanting anymore interruptions I Locked my room door, then immediately I took out my cell, I know I had told my mom I would go see my pop but I had no time, I rang his number..... straight to voice mail, I had no option.
"pop, its Jon, call me before you get here. its urgent."
I hung up the call after leaving the message, then called security at the front gates.
"Deyvren,  its Jon, if my father arrives, do not let him enter under any circumstances, call me and i'll come down ok?"
"But sir if he..."
"under any circumstances, got it?"
"Yes sir."
"Great tell the other security team too ok?"
"yes sir"
putting my cell on the dresser I finally made my way to shower and dress ready for my wedding. I kept thinking over what it was that my pop could have said to my mom to make her so scared, but nothing would come to me.
Even as I dressed,  my mind carried on thinking, even to the point I was voicing my thoughts out loud..." my pop had always been self absorbed, but to threaten my mom?, sure in the past they had come to blows, but from what I can remember he had always come off worse.... so the fuck could he have over her to make her that scared?"

Still I could not think, and as my cell rang I stopped in mid thought, "Yes"
"Mr Bongiovi, your father is at the gate... he is err... a little stressed sir."
"Ok thanks, I'll be right down"
"I left straight away and made my way to the front gates, grabbing a motor cart for speed. I could see my pop in the distance as I approached, being very animate with his arms, and it was clear he was angry.
I stopped just short of the gate. "thank you Deyvren, stand behind me with the boys please."
"Jon, what the fuck is going on?, you invite me to your wedding, then tell me I can't come in?"
I looked at him cold as I blanked his question.
"You get my message?"
"yeah, but I figured I'd be here shortly so would speak with ya then?, what the fuck is the problem?"
"You are."
he sneered, " I'm no problem boy, I'm just to strong for ya, always have been. your a wuss in girls you gonna let me in or not?"
he was pacing around flailing his arms, turning back to face me he spat, "I bet that fucking whore of a bitch has told you aint she?"
he moved in closer and stood inches from me. "Well?"
" for the record pop, I'm more than capable of making my own decisions, and that is I don't want you at my wedding,  this is mine and Mara's day and I sure the fuck aint letting you turn this into your fucked up drama, so.." I stepped forward so we were nose to nose, " You have two choices either leave quietly, or I'll have you removed for trespassing on private property.... you decide"
he backed away, but stood looking at me, "you think you can beat me?, ha? do ya?, well I'll tell ya Jon, you will be sorry, really sorry..... opening his car door as he got inside he hollered  "have a nice fucking life... while it lasts " he voice echoed around the ground as he spun off causing the tires to squeal, and leave a rubber stain on the asphalt.
Sadly as I looked around the press had already started to gather, no more than five hundred yards away from where it had all happened, I was sure they had witnessed the spat for sure, I just hoped that none of them had recognised it was my dad... and I still had to explain it all to Mara; no point stressing on it now though.  shaking the team hands, for a job well done,  I got back on the cart and made my way back to the house to go mingle with my guests and do what this day was all about and marry the women of my dreams.

Pulling the cart up outside the main entrance I walked round the back, people had arrived from about everywhere, Mike was stood talking with his wife to Mara's mom, Oprah was talking to Richie, Tico was talking to Jessie,  I checked the time and saw we had only half and hour left. I made my way over to Richie and Oprah. "Hey here he is the groom, wow Jon you brush up real nice, if Mara stands you up, I'm ready to take her place..."
I smiled at her, for as long as I could remember we had a great relationship each of us understanding the professional boundaries of what to ask, and when, a relationship built on respect.
"thanks, if she does, I'll hold ya to it.." we embraced each other then stood back, the server arrived offering drinks with lots of summer fruits in. I took a glass. "So you nervous?"
I shook my head, "no, I'm good, it feels right ya know?"
Oprah nodded, "so, tell me quickly, a new album on the cards? "
I frowned, at her " no shop talk today ok? " moving forward I kissed her on the cheek as I made my way over to Jessie.  as I past she slapped my ass.  Richie followed.
"Jessie my boy,"
"You good?"
"yeah, I think so..."
"got the rings?"
he patted his pockets, and gave the omg where are they expression before producing them in the palm of his hands from his trouser pocket.
playfully I clipped his head as we hugged for a moment.

Chapter seventy four

Back inside my bedroom, I looked at my suit hanging on the closet door, just  waiting for me to put it on, I turned to head to the bathroom when there was a knock on my door.  "Jon, Jon, you in there..." bang, bang the sound got louder, I stood rooted to the spot... it was my mom on the other side... " I know your in there... and I'll wait all day if I have too...Your gonna have to face me sometime... so open up..."  I went and sat back down on my bed, this was not going to be pleasant. taking a deep breath I walked to the door and opened it.
she pushed straight past me, "Don't you dare tell me you didn't hear me calling you outside?"
I lied, "no I didn't, sorry. what's up?"
"What's up? you really have to ask that?"
"Well if you don't tell me how can I answer..."
"Oh you know what you have done?"
"Do I what's that mom?"
"Jon Francis Bongiovi, you frustrate me you really do..."
"so are you going to tell me or not, I've gotta start getting ready..."
"Ok your dad, Jon, why invite him?"
"Cause he's my dad, I don't have any great love for the man, you know that, but it seemed the right thing to do, Mara and I discussed it and she said to invite him, security are on alert though and if he causes the first sign of trouble he's outta here."
"Oh, and you both didn't think to run it by me first?"
"Why would we, its our wedding?"
she turned away and I could hear the gentle sobs... "I know its your day, but that man hates me so bad he will stop at nothing until my day is ruined in one way or the other."
I put my hand on her shoulder, Mom, I promise you he wont be anywhere near you, ok, hell spoil nothing for you I promise you, ok?"
Still sobbing she nodded her head, "but you don't get on with him any better than I do, he's always ridiculed you?, why Jonny, why?"
"Yeah, she said no matter what I should give him the option to attend but make sure the rules are in place and if at any time he crosses the line he's outta here and not just for the wedding but permanently, she said that no matter how hard I try I cannot get away from the fact he is my father."
"Mmm I just wish he wasn't..."
my mom was really upset, far worse than I had ever seen her before.
""Mom, what's wrong?"
"Nothing it's ok, its yours and Mara's day, I'll be good."
"No c'mon tell me, when he's been invited before you have always been fine, what's so different about today?"
"You really want to know?"
"Sure, of course, c'mon lets sit."
I led her by the elbow to the chair by the dresser and as she sat I squatted down at the side of her.
She composed her self then looked me in the eye as she spoke;
"Ok, when you sent the invitation to him, he came round one Sunday afternoon, well four weeks ago; I was out back tidying from lunch. he just walked in as if he owned the house. He scared the hell outta me for sure,  I let him have it and it got more and more heated. things got nasty as they do whenever we are in the same room, but I don't know this time it was different,  he sneered at me, then thrust the invitation under my nose.  and...." she put her head down and looked at her hands, then raising her eyes, she carried on "Jon, what he told me next has scared the living hell outta of me and I've been carrying it with me for weeks now. I hoped and prayed he would not be coming but when I was placing the seating cards I saw his name...."
"Mom, what is it he said?"
"but if I tell you Jon, I'm a dead women walking..."
"He said if I told you, I'd be dead...."
"What the fuck... mom, you have always been stronger than him, c'mon what's he say, it really can't be that bad, maybe it was just the heat of the argument.."  
She grabbed my hands, and I could feel her shaking, "No Jon, he made the threat, and I know he meant it... Please I'm begging you, stop him coming to the wedding...Please"
"but won't he think that's odd..."
"not if you go see him and tell him, you really don't want him there... please Jon..."
"Ok, but you need to tell me what he's said..."
"After I will, I promise...but not before..."
I looked at the time, I had a hour at best.. "ok, look I need to shower and dress first ok, then I'll make the call...."
"no, no call's Jon, you need to face him..." my mom grabbed my hands and gripped them tight as she pleaded... I had never seen her so scared before.
"Ok, ok, I'll see what I can do... now go relax and get ready ok... I'll take care of it..."
Another knock on the door, "Jon, its Mike you there?"
my mom got up to leave my room, as I opened the door to let Mike in, she looked back at me as she walked down the hallway. I watched until she went into her room before turning back and closing my door to see Mike.
" taking your time eh?"
"mmm something like that..."
"here I took the liberty of getting you a stiff one..."
he handed me a drink, "thanks" clinking glasses we toasted to a happy life together..."
Mike sat on the bed, as I lent back against the dresser, he was making polite conversation but my mind was elsewhere thinking on what my mom had said, or really hadn't said..."
"Jon, you ok? you haven't heard a word I've said."
"mmm, what?, yeah, I'm fine..., just a little nervous I guess... sorry..."
"to be expected, don't worry, so you ready for this?"
he pulled from his pocket my allergy shot, putting my drink on the dresser, I rolled up my shirt for him to inject me.