Monday 4 May 2015

Chapter seventy five

All Done, I rolled my sleeve back down, "thanks Mike."
"now you know that the shot won't work straight away right?"
"Yeah I know." Mike looked at me his face full of concern.
"Jon really, you ok?"
I nodded my head, "yeah sure, I've told ya, just nerves... I guess, that and I really need to start getting ready, its ok for the bride to be late right? but not the groom..."
Laughing Mike nodded his head, "true enough my man, true enough" he sipped his drink but still sat on the bed; he showed no signs of leaving. I looked at my watch again hoping he would take the didn't work, I had to be brutal...
"Look thanks for coming early and giving me my shot, I appreciate it, but I really have gotta start getting ready... why don't ya head out back and mix with the other guests, I'm sure Richie and the guys are here now too" ,
a look of realisation hit him, " Man what am I like, I'm sorry I'm holding ya up..."
"It's fine,"
reaching the door I opened it for him to step out, turning back to me he spoke, " You know Jon, I've known you for many years, and its really nice to see you so happy for a change, and I want to wish both of you every good luck for the future." added with a friendly slap on my back, he finally left so I could get ready.
Not wanting anymore interruptions I Locked my room door, then immediately I took out my cell, I know I had told my mom I would go see my pop but I had no time, I rang his number..... straight to voice mail, I had no option.
"pop, its Jon, call me before you get here. its urgent."
I hung up the call after leaving the message, then called security at the front gates.
"Deyvren,  its Jon, if my father arrives, do not let him enter under any circumstances, call me and i'll come down ok?"
"But sir if he..."
"under any circumstances, got it?"
"Yes sir."
"Great tell the other security team too ok?"
"yes sir"
putting my cell on the dresser I finally made my way to shower and dress ready for my wedding. I kept thinking over what it was that my pop could have said to my mom to make her so scared, but nothing would come to me.
Even as I dressed,  my mind carried on thinking, even to the point I was voicing my thoughts out loud..." my pop had always been self absorbed, but to threaten my mom?, sure in the past they had come to blows, but from what I can remember he had always come off worse.... so the fuck could he have over her to make her that scared?"

Still I could not think, and as my cell rang I stopped in mid thought, "Yes"
"Mr Bongiovi, your father is at the gate... he is err... a little stressed sir."
"Ok thanks, I'll be right down"
"I left straight away and made my way to the front gates, grabbing a motor cart for speed. I could see my pop in the distance as I approached, being very animate with his arms, and it was clear he was angry.
I stopped just short of the gate. "thank you Deyvren, stand behind me with the boys please."
"Jon, what the fuck is going on?, you invite me to your wedding, then tell me I can't come in?"
I looked at him cold as I blanked his question.
"You get my message?"
"yeah, but I figured I'd be here shortly so would speak with ya then?, what the fuck is the problem?"
"You are."
he sneered, " I'm no problem boy, I'm just to strong for ya, always have been. your a wuss in girls you gonna let me in or not?"
he was pacing around flailing his arms, turning back to face me he spat, "I bet that fucking whore of a bitch has told you aint she?"
he moved in closer and stood inches from me. "Well?"
" for the record pop, I'm more than capable of making my own decisions, and that is I don't want you at my wedding,  this is mine and Mara's day and I sure the fuck aint letting you turn this into your fucked up drama, so.." I stepped forward so we were nose to nose, " You have two choices either leave quietly, or I'll have you removed for trespassing on private property.... you decide"
he backed away, but stood looking at me, "you think you can beat me?, ha? do ya?, well I'll tell ya Jon, you will be sorry, really sorry..... opening his car door as he got inside he hollered  "have a nice fucking life... while it lasts " he voice echoed around the ground as he spun off causing the tires to squeal, and leave a rubber stain on the asphalt.
Sadly as I looked around the press had already started to gather, no more than five hundred yards away from where it had all happened, I was sure they had witnessed the spat for sure, I just hoped that none of them had recognised it was my dad... and I still had to explain it all to Mara; no point stressing on it now though.  shaking the team hands, for a job well done,  I got back on the cart and made my way back to the house to go mingle with my guests and do what this day was all about and marry the women of my dreams.

Pulling the cart up outside the main entrance I walked round the back, people had arrived from about everywhere, Mike was stood talking with his wife to Mara's mom, Oprah was talking to Richie, Tico was talking to Jessie,  I checked the time and saw we had only half and hour left. I made my way over to Richie and Oprah. "Hey here he is the groom, wow Jon you brush up real nice, if Mara stands you up, I'm ready to take her place..."
I smiled at her, for as long as I could remember we had a great relationship each of us understanding the professional boundaries of what to ask, and when, a relationship built on respect.
"thanks, if she does, I'll hold ya to it.." we embraced each other then stood back, the server arrived offering drinks with lots of summer fruits in. I took a glass. "So you nervous?"
I shook my head, "no, I'm good, it feels right ya know?"
Oprah nodded, "so, tell me quickly, a new album on the cards? "
I frowned, at her " no shop talk today ok? " moving forward I kissed her on the cheek as I made my way over to Jessie.  as I past she slapped my ass.  Richie followed.
"Jessie my boy,"
"You good?"
"yeah, I think so..."
"got the rings?"
he patted his pockets, and gave the omg where are they expression before producing them in the palm of his hands from his trouser pocket.
playfully I clipped his head as we hugged for a moment.


  1. Thank you for posting another chapter. You know how I love Jon and Mara.
