Wednesday 6 May 2015

Chapter Seventy Six - THE WEDDING


Standing at the alter, with Jessie, Jake and the guys seated behind I waited for the intro music that told me Mara had arrived.

Shania Twain had agreed to sing for us, as a gift to us both.

As a hush descended over the congregation I knew she was there, just paused waiting for her moment.

I caught my breath in my throat as the first notes of the song "From this Moment" and Shania's voice rang out.
Turning slightly I watched first as Steph; dressed in a gorgeous Lavender gown of lace, and being a pop, I was biased, but I was sure she looked every inch as stunning as Mara, the lump in my throat grew as Steph neared. Blinking I tried to control my emotions. Momentarily I looked at the floor before looking back to see Mara.

Then in the doorway with her mom holding her arm, Mara slowly walked down the aisle, smiling at our friends and family that had joined us for the day. then she looked straight ahead to where I was standing, She was breath taking, her hair was curled and swept to the side, her makeup was flawless, the bouquet simple an arrangement of lilies, sweet peas, and roses, worn with a simple jewel encrusted veil to give her an alluring mystery, added to that, she had decided on the dress I had seen her wearing at Kleinfields, she looked perfect.
As she got nearer I swallowed hard, I could not believe she was really going to marry me.

Standing next to me, she mouthed the words, " I love you." I did the same, before we both turned and faced the minister.

"Are you ready?"
we both looked at each other and nodded.
He addressed the congregation, " Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to see the marriage between Jon & Mara, If anyone knows why these two should not be married, I ask that you now speak?"
silence apart from my beating heart, which was thumping loudly in my chest.
Turning to me he asked,

"Jon Francis Bongiovi, do you now freely and willingly give yourself to Mara, are you ready to commit to one person forsaking all others?"
it was time for me to speak, I looked to Mara, who's liquid chocolate eyes melted into my heart and soul, smiling at her I answered, " I am"
And you Mara Angelic Goodward to you now freely and willingly give yourself to Jon, are you ready to commit to one person forsaking all others?"  "I am"

"you have both committed to each other, and now you may ready your vows you have written to each other, Jon?"
turning to face Mara, I took a deep breath as I took her hands and looked deep into her eyes and began.

"Mara, from the moment I first saw you, I knew you were the one with whom I wanted to share my life. Your beauty, heart, and mind inspire me to be the best person I can be. I promise to love you for eternity, respecting you, honouring you, being faithful to you, and sharing my life with you. This is my solemn vow."

"I Mara, affirm my love to you, Jon as I invite you to share my life. You are the most beautiful, smart, and generous person I have ever known, and I promise always to respect you and love you.
With kindness, and an unselfishness  love and trust, I promise I will work by your side to create a wonderful life together. I therefore take you Jon Francis Bongiovi to be my lawful husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health for as long as we both shall live"

"The rings please?"
Jessie, stood forward and handed the rings across to the minister, he smiled at me and winked as he past them over.
 "Jon please take Mara's ring and placing it on her third finger on her left hand repeat after me."
I took her ring between my fingers, and held the ring mid way on Mara's wedding ring finger as the registrar spoke.
" I Jon Francis Bongiovi  do take thee Mara Angelic Goodward, to be my lawful wedded wife, and forsaking all others, I promise to be true to you for as long as we both shall live."
I repeated the words and slid Mara's ring onto her hand. I felt her give my hand a gentle squeeze as she turned to take my ring in her hand and like me she placed the ring on my wedding finger paused at the first knuckle and said her vows too.
Still holding each others hand the minister spoke the words I had been dreaming of for as long as I could remember,

" Mara and Jon you have consented and made your vows in the presence of god and your family and friends, it is therefore my pleasure to declare that you are man and wife together, you may now kiss your bride."

lifting her veil back, I gently lent in and kissed her on the lips as our friends and family gave us a cheer, and all clapping loudly. With us turning to face our friends, the minister announced "Ladies & Gentlemen " Mr & Mrs Bongiovi"
 as we began our walk down the aisle, "the wedding march rang out as we walked past everyone and to the marquee, ready at last to let the festivities begin.

1 comment:

  1. Yaay, we finally got married! Lol, I mean Mara and Jon. Bring on the reception.
