Thursday 7 May 2015

Chapter Seventy Eight

Not wanting to cause a scene, I continued walking to our table. Mara was oblivious, but my mom saw and she was pale in colour and looked more than uneasy with his presence.

Reaching our table, Mara and me took our seats, the clapping died down as the servers began serving the starters to our wedding breakfast, my mom who was sat next to Mara, looked across and asked for me to speak with her, I shook my head to let her know now really was not the time, her eyes pleaded with me, I spoke softly, "Later mom, relax alls good ok?"  her eyes told me she wanted to believe me but didn't, but given I was not moving she had no option but to run with it.

My starter was placed in front of me, and I picked up my fork to eat, scallops with a crispy dressed salad, Mara sat next to me she was happily chatting to my mom who really was not paying attention to what she was saying. Mara's mom was sat next to me, and she too was chatting away about how wonderful the day had been, unfortunately me like my mom, my mind was elsewhere, I would certainly have someone's  head for letting my pop in when I gave orders not too.

I looked at Mara, she was radiant, glowing and really enjoying her day, taking a deep breath I decided to try and do the same, looking out to our friends and family I caught Obie's eye, he lifted his hand and raised his thumb, I smiled and nodded, it meant the kids would be coming with us on honeymoon as Mara wanted.

By desert I was more relaxed, and then it was time for the speeches, my mom rose to say a few words about me and Mara,  I prayed she would not embarrass me too much, every time I had asked her what she would say, she just tapped her nose... as to say, never you mind; so I just sat and listened nervously...

"Dear friends, all of you know that Jon is my eldest Son and that I am really proud of him, but let me say that has not always been the case, a few years ago he slipped into self destruction, and he was succeeding in destroying his life, he had gained weight, let his boyish good looks go, and was drinking very heavily. Now being a mom, watching your child in self destuct mode is the hardest thing to watch ever,  so I took it on my self to help him. You may or may not know, that I was the one responsible for booking him a personal trainer, a lady personal trainer, thankfully his life changed, he lost his weight, stopped drinking and regained his good looks, and if you still don't know, his trainer is the beautiful women he has married today, and let me just finish by saying, now I am not just proud of my Son Jon, but also proud and honoured to have Mara as the daughter I never had. Please raise your glasses and toast Jon & Mara"
everyone stood and raised their glasses to us, "Jon & Mara rung out around the room. Next was Mara's mom, this time mara gave me a nervous look as if to say sorry before her mom started, I took her hand in mine and gave it a gentle squeeze together with a smile to say it will be fine, she too squeezed my hand in response.
her mom began, " erm, ladies and gentlemen, please forgive me, I'm not good at this, but I have to just say a few words, especially to my daughter and my lovely new son - Jon."
she looked at me mainly as she spoke,
"Jon, I cannot thank you enough for bringing a spark and life back to my daughter, like you she too was once a tortured soul, but you gave her life again. You are a wonderful man and I am very pleased to welcome you to my family as much as Mara is now part of yours. I wish you both a very happy and prosperous life together,  I raise my glass with your friends to wish you both love, health and happiness..."
again everyone raised their glasses in toast, except my pop who was laying back slumped in his chair, elbow on the back of the chair, with a sneer on his face. I felt a chill run down my back, and what happened next I should have heeded my feelings.
My pop stood and clapped loudly while walking around the guests, " bravo, bravo, is there anymore schmaltz you can pour on this over coated sickly sweet day?, well is there?" everyone looked uncomfortable, and they refused to hold eye contact with him.  but that  did not stop him, he was getting into his stride, " nooo you can't, well I'm Jons father, not that you would know, firstly my son met with me this morning to tell me I wasn't welcome, I'm his father for gods sake, I drove off, but I rang his new sweet wife and she would not hear of it and told me to come on back, so here I am." he was swaying with a glass in his hands still spouting his views, " second, I do not get honour of place at his table, no I am relegated to spending my time listening to the bull with you people, and I have nothing against you, but I am FUCKING FAMILY, your not."
I raised my hand to security who started making their way across to my pop, but were stopped when my dad pulled a gun. "ah, now I have your attention don't I?"
I stood and tried to reason with him, "Dad, put the gun away ok? this is a happy day.."
"is it? for who?"
"For Mara and me and every one here... please put the gun down..."
"See the thing is, I don't want to, I think its time that you pay..."
"what are you talking about?"
"You Jon, you, all through your life I've pushed you, how do you think you made it big with Bon Jovi eh?, yeah because I pushed you. your nothing more than a mummys boy, she molly coddled you, man, she was the reason you hate me, and I know it....guess she told you the rest right?"
he spun on his heels and pointed the gun at security, "Back off boys, unless you wanna get hurt..."
Security raised their hands and backed a way a little, Deyvren managed to leave the marquee and I hoped he had the common sense to call the cops...


  1. Whoa he's out for blood! And why Jon's what the hell did he do?

  2. Allowing become clear! Thanks for your comment hunni xxx 😀

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Why here? Why now? He obviously feels he is due something.

  5. I knew John Sr. was going to do something stupid but to pull a gun on your own son, now that is just wrong.
