Saturday 30 May 2015

Chapter Eighty One

I was stunned in one way and not another, my pop and me had always had this love hate relationship, now I understood it to be a jealous hate relationship. the one thing I couldn't do was tell Mara, It wasn't right to ruin her moment because of my ass of a pop. No, I reasoned with myself, when we got home after the honeymoon was soon enough.
leaving my ma drinking her coffee, I took a two fresh cups of coffee, one for me and one for Mara together with some fruit and slice of toast for breakfast on a tray. I wanted to start the day right. We were leaving in a few hours for our honeymoon and I was going to fix my attention on Mara and my kids, although I had an idea playing in my head, but didn't want to say anything until I had ran through the scenario fully in my own mind first.
Reaching our bedroom door, I knocked and opened it calling her name, "Mara, sweetheart, time to wake up..."
she stirred in the bed, "mmmm What time is it?"
"A little after seven,"
I sat on the bed and placed her breakfast next to her. she smiled as she asked, "For me?"
I nodded, "she took a slice of toast and bit into it, "mmm delicious..." with a wicked glint in her eye she continued,  "the best toast I've ever tasted" she was teasing, "alright Mrs Bongiovi, knock it off" I was smiling and loved our little play fights, "so why are you wearing that robe Mr Bongiovi?"
"erm, we have other guests in the house, including the kids... I would not wanna scare them mentally would I?"
"Not physically either..." she giggled as she spoke, and continued " but you don't need to wear it now do you?"  still laughing she gave me a look still with a twinkle in her eye..." standing I slipped off my robe, and slid into the bed right next to her. "that better?"
"Much, she settled down after placing the tray on the floor and lay her head on my chest. holding her with one arm I stroked her hair gently with my free hand and kissed the top of her head, for a while as she lay silent I let my mind wander to the idea that came to me as I was walking up the stairs. I didn't hear Mara for a second until she gently nipped me in my side, " hey, are you listening to me?" coming back to the moment I answered guilty,
"What, no sorry babes, I was thinking of something else..."
"So that's how its gonna be is it..." this time she sat astride me, is this what I have to do to get your attention?"
laughing back at her I answered, "Could be..."
she lent forward and kissed me, pulling back she spoke softly, "thank you for marrying me, I love you Jon with all my heart...."
I smiled back at her and answered "Ditto"
Jumping off the bed, she raced to the bathroom, "I'm showering first, unless you'd care to join me. in a millisecond I was in the bathroom with her.
Both refreshed from our shower together, we helped each other towel down, we both dressed. Back in the bedroom she picked up her breakfast tray and munched the cold toast and ate her fruit, drinking her coffee, she moved around the room collecting clothes and accessories to pack in the cases. I watched in amusement.
"babe, we're not emigrating just going on honeymoon."
"Yeah, well I don't wanna be without my essentials, tell ya what, why don't you go wake the kids and let me finish up here?" she smiled the sweetest smile, but it was clear I was being dismissed. "are you trying to get rid of me? Mrs Bongiovi?" turning to look at me with a scarlett silk scarf in her hands, she looked up to the ceiling then back at me as she considered her reply, "Erm, how can I put this..... Yes, now go, or we will miss the flight"
I laughed, "ok, I'm going, but I could not go without stealing a kiss, I moved over to her side and stole a moments passionate kiss, "Oh babe, by the way, just to give you the four one, one, we won't miss the flight" she looked at me, "but you need to check in two hours before departure, don't you?"
"Yeah on a commercial jet you do," I moved back in close again and held her gently, " but it's a little different when you own the jet..." I tapped her behind as picked up my coffee and headed out the door,  leaving her to pack in the room, while I was off to go wake the kids.  I was smiling to myself Walking along the hallway. Taking a drink of my now luke warm coffee I met my ma, who had just come upstairs "Jon are you ok?"
"sure, why wouldn't I be?"
"well after telling Mara." I held up my hand, "whoa there mama, I aint told Mara, and I aint gonna."
"But what if she hears about it else where? you cant leave this hanging like a noose?"
" how is she gonna hear it from anyone else ma? Huh? How? The only people that know are you me and him., and why can't I leave it?, why do I want to spoil my honeymoon, to much time has been spent on that ass, no more ok, I'll sort it when we get home..." "but sweetheart..." No, Stop mom, Please drop it ok,, Ive told you, I'm going on honeymoon with my wife, all this shit stays here, you got it?" my ma shook her head, changing the subject she asked, "want me to help jakey pack"  calming down I shook my head, "Yeah please" feeling a little remorseful I bent down then and kissed her head to show no anger, I loved my ma, and everything she had done for me, but sometimes she just didn't know when to let go.


  1. Yes Carol can get very overbearing!

  2. Jon is right. He and Mara deserve to have a peaceful honeymoon. They can sort out all the crap when they get home.
