Tuesday 28 May 2013

Have a Nice Day!

Chapter 24

Back at the hospital, I sat with Mara, my mom and Ruth, each of us taking turns sitting with Mara waiting for her to open her eyes. to show some sign of life or improvement. Nothing,
The Dr said her body not waking yet was a good sign as it was healing itself, and we had to patient. So we waited.

My body ached and I was exhausted both mentally and physically. I needed to sleep, but I needed to be with Mara too.
Checking the time on my watch and pacing, coffee in hand, I was aware of my Mom calling my name,
"Jon, Jon, come quick, Mara, she's awake".
dumping my coffee in the trash I flew round to ICU, straight into Mara's room. The Dr's and nurses all hovering around her bed checking her vitals. Watching the staff work, I looked at Mara, her eye's were glazed and she was dazed and confused. I called out to her,
"Mara, it's ok babe, were all here"
"Jon? Where am I?" Mara was afraid and I so wanted to hold her and reassure her, but the Dr's were blocking the way working with Mara..
"your in hospital sweetheart, just relax everything will be fine."
After what seemed like forever the Dr's satisfied that she was safe left the room, my Mom left with the Dr's and spoke with them about her future Daughter-in laws condition., yes; I had decided if Mara and I got through this I wanted her for my wife.
You know, my dad told me that when you take a sip of wine, it takes only one sip to tell if its a good bottle. Well guys, this was an excellent bottle, and I intended on drinking the bottle. Ok, not a romantic comparison, but a darn good one nonetheless right?

Moving to Mara's bedside, I held her un-burnt hand and bent over and gently kissed her on the lips, her brown eye's sort mine as she asked,
"What happened Jon?, I don't remember"
"There was a fire babe, you passed out, from smoke inhalation"
"Fire?" Where?"
"Your house, Babe"
"My house", tears welled in her eye's.
"How? Why?"
"we don't know yet; the Fire Chief is investigating."
"Is my house..... totally gone?"
"I think so babe, it was pretty bad."
"No...oh god...my memories, photographs, they will all be gone." turning her head away from me as she let a tear roll down her face.
"Mara, I'm sorry, I really am, I know what you mean, there are something's that are irreplaceable; but you being alive babe is far more important than a few photos, right? life is irreplaceable, and well, I'd choose you over any pictures any day."
Mara turned to face me and tried to smile, and with watery eye's she said " your right, I am alive and well I still have my memories,.... I think...."
I just smiled at Mara, her beauty even through her burns, filled my heart with so much love. Mara spoke breaking into my thoughts...
"What day is it Jon?"
" Are you not having the kids Jon? it was today wasn't it?
I'd forgot, with everything that had happened, fuck... the realisation suddenly hitting me like a steam train.....I had to ring Dot and explain. 
"babe hang on, ok I have to ring Dot,  I will be right back".
"Sure, go Jon, I'll wait right here for you." she smiled at me as I left her room and the hospital and headed outside to make the call, Dot's words "no letting the kids down Jon" ringing in my head, jeez first time I could have them in months and I failed.... ringing her number, and thinking as I waited for her to answer.
"Dot, it's Jon..."
"Tell me your on your way Jon, the kids are excited and waiting......"
"Dot, there has been an accident?"
"What? are you ok?"
"No, its not me Dot, its Mara, there was a fire at her house, I am in North Arlington Hospital in ICU, I have been here for the last 48 hours.... "
"Oh, god, no, that's awful, is she ok?"
" She suffered from smoke inhalation, and has been in a coma for 48 hours, she finally came round about 40 minutes ago. she has some some serious burns that will need surgery too, but we are hoping all will be good. "
"I'm pleased she has come round and sorry about the burns, and well I don't mean to be cruel Jon but what do you want me to tell the kids?"
"Look Dot, It's mad right now, ok, I'm fifty minutes away from you; maybe more and I aint slept for 48 hours, but, I promised you I would not let the kids down and I won't, so listen, let me go talk to my mom and check on Mara, if she is ok, I will leave and head out to you and collect the kids ok?"
"Sure, ok, just ring me as you leave, and Jon, please be careful..."
"I will, see ya shortly".
The call to Dot went better than I thought, but my body was screaming at me for sleep, and I promised myself tonight I would sleep, as long as Mara was ok.
Walking back into ICU and Mara's room I saw Dr Bannister Mara's Burns specialist. Calling his name, he came towards me.
"Morning Mr Bongiovi,"
"Morning Dr, so what can you tell me now Mara is awake, what are we facing."
I needed to be prepared for the worst, although Mara seemed fine, I wanted the Dr to tell me for sure.
"As I have said to your mom; It looks good, Mara's seems alert and responsive and her vitals are stable and good. Mara responded well to the questions we asked.  We want to keep her in for a few more days, keeping a check on her burns, and to make sure there are no relapses, but generally, it looks as though Mara's will make a full recovery with no memory loss or brain damage. Her burns   will need surgery and as soon as they heal well enough we will arrange that. She is a very lucky girl"
relief flooded through my body, she was going to be ok. emotion filling into my voice as I said;
"Thanks Dr, you don't know what hearing that means to me, if there is anything I can do for you, please just ask, anything.."
"I will think on that Mr Bongiovi, smiling her shook my hand and told me to go get some rest, then turned away and walked off to talk with the nurse standing at the desk station.   


  1. Jon, now that Mara is awake and going to be okay, you need sleep. I know you don't want to let your kids down but you haven't slept in over forty eight hours! There is no way I would let my kids get into a car with someone who hasn't slept in two days. Its just not safe.

  2. don't make him end up in a bed next to Mara!

  3. Nothing will be as it seems guys, and Jon will rest! Thank you for feed back guys!!! :)
