Tuesday 14 May 2013

Seat Next To You

Chapter 22

Watching with a fear gripped around my heart, I felt totally helpless as the Dr's and nurses worked tirelessly to save Mara.
Time felt like it had stood still and everything was in slow motion, my; no, our life on hold.

What would I do without Mara, my mind in chaos, stop torturing yourself Jon, snap out of it, she will be fine, she is a fit young women and healthy, everything will be fine.
Over and over I told myself the same thing when the doubt and negative thoughts crept in casting doubt over Mara. It was the only way to keep myself from going crazy and falling apart.

Looking at the time 6.45am, my body was tired, exhausted, apart from a couple of snatched minutes of shut eye, I had not slept, although if I had tried to sleep It would have been restless as my mind was fixed on Mara.
Putting my hands in my pockets, my cell phone was ringing. pulling it from my pocket I saw that it was my Mom. I walked down the corridor and out of the hospital to connect the call.
" Hi Jonny, Your pop wants to know...." I cut in on my mom talking,
"Mom, hang on listen... I am in North Arlington, Mara is in hospital,.... there was a fire... she is critical.... they are working on her..... I don't know what to do...." I rambled, my mind unable to any longer string together full sentences. Talking to my Mom my body and mind gave in to the pressure of the last 24 hours.
"What hospital Jon?"
"errr St Jerome's, North Arlington"
"Stay there Jon, I'm on my way, have you collected anything for Mara, night ware, wash bag?"
"what?, er, no Mom, I've been here all night, I aint left the hospital at all. .... they are working to try to save Mara, Mom, what'll I do, I can't lose her"
"Jon, stay calm, ok, I'm on the way."
pressing the end call on my cell phone I walked back inside the hospital, back round to ICU.
Dr Bannister was waiting for me.
"Mr Bon Giovi, Mara is stable for the time being, you can go back inside and sit with her if you wish,"
"What happened?"
"Mara went into cardiac arrest. She is lucky, we have managed to re start her heart. my face must have shown complete shock, as the Dr finished his explanation;
"Mr Bon Giovi given your girl friends injuries this is normal. as I said the next 72 hours were critical."
"So this could happen again?"
"Yes, it might."
"What happens if it continues?,"
"Mr Bon Giovi, I don't have the gift of seeing into the future, I can only deal with now.... and  all you can do is be there for Mara,.... now if you will excuse me." The Dr left and headed away to see
another of his patients.

I walked back into the room, back round to the chair I had been sat in, I just stood looking at Mara, tears now freely rolling down my face. I lent across her body and gently kissed her burnt lips and "whispered, be strong baby, I love you, and I'm right here" pulling back I sat down in the chair and gently held Mara's left hand, stroking it with my thumb, I sat willing her to pull through. I had no idea of the time until a nurse came into the room, I looked at my watch as she spoke,
"Mr Bon Giovi, there is a women out at reception asking for you"
"Thanks" I got up and followed the nurse out of the ICU department.
Waiting at reception was my Mom, she walked towards me and gave me a big hug, I hugged her right back. Relieved to have her with me.
"Thanks for coming Mom."
"So what happened?"
"honestly mom, I don't know," I told my mom about the Camaro
and the mystery blonde, and my following Mara home and then the
fire engines and the fire. Mom listened and didn't interrupt while I spoke. after I finished she said....  
"Jon, you need to contact the authorities, this is really serious."
"Yeah, but I don't know for sure that the women in the Camaro caused this, do I?"
"No, you don't Jon, but you should really contact the Police department and let them decide. They need to know what you have told me"
"Yeah, I will,.... right now I need to know Mara will be ok, she is my priority mom."
"Sure Son, I get that, but you should address this sooner rather than later,.... Jon? are you listening, my mind wasn't focused, and I kinda heard,  my mom carried on;
"so have you told her mom Jon?"
"No, not yet, I gotta go to Mara's gym and get those details, can you believe mom that I don't know the simplest things about Mara, jesus Christ, I don't even know her birthday mom. In the time we have spent together Mara has just focused on helping me....
..... holy fuck"
"Son, you have only been together a short time, stop beating up on your self, its all good and can be fixed. .........c'mon, Look I'll sit with Mara, you go and find out where Mara's mom lives; and let her know her daughter is critical in hospital. If anything happens to her daughter and she didn't know,.... well being a mom lets just say....."
"Ok, mom, I'm a parent too ya know, I do get it! ....... there was a long pause before I said.... ok; c'mon mom, I'll take you to Mara and head off, ...... you do promise you'll let me know if anything happens right?"
"of course son, and Jon...... please go tell the cops too eh"

I took my mom to ICU and in to Mara's room, leaning over to Mara I kissed her gently on her forehead before  saying good bye to my mom and heading out of the door and the hospital.

The day outside was cooler than of late, and the breeze was a welcome relief to my face. walking across the parking lot to my car I saw the red Camaro again. fury built inside of me and I ran towards the car and driver.
As I neared, the driver took off, I did manage to get the registration plate at last something concrete to share with the cops.. My blood was boiling as I was trying to rack my brains as to what this was all about and who the mystery blonde was.  What the fuck did she want with me?.  What was she to do with the fire and Mara? I wanted answer's and I sure the fuck was gonna find out!!!


  1. So glad Mrs. B is there with Jon because right now he needs all the support he can get to help him through this.
    I can't believe the blonde in the red camaro was in the hospital parking lot!
    Jon, now that you have her license plate call the police let them find out who she is, not you.
    Awesome writing Mikki : )

  2. Thank you Cynthia, you are an inspiration to me to continue writing!!! you are a star xxx Your support mean a lot! :)

  3. I'm the mystery blonde. LOL

    I enjoy reading this one, the point of view being Jon's makes this one stand out. Continue, please :-)
