Thursday 9 May 2013

Its My Life

Chapter Nineteen

Spin class was well different. I've never experienced anything like it in my life before. A bunch of people pumping ferociously to get absolutely no where. It was the most monotonous yet adrenaline inducing hour of my life. Well I am exaggerating just a bit; the past seven years were my most droning hours, but you get my drift. I wasn't sure if I enjoyed spinning or not. On one hand, wouldn't riding a bike outside be much more interesting? but in spin class Mara actually choreographed the ride. It was amazing, really, what she did up there on the bike. She chose the most invigorating and motivational music; songs that not only drove us to pump up the workout, but allowed us to delve into the deepest crevices of our minds to tune in with our physical bodies. We ran hills and climbed mountains. we jumped over boulders and cooled down striding around some beautiful lakes. Mara had us do this all from the 'comfort' of our own stationary spin cycles. Mara was an extraordinary instructor; and taking her class had helped me to build yet another layer of awe and respect for her.

Of course Mara had used one of my old songs during her class, which totally threw me. Naturally everyone turned to see my expression. I just nodded agreeably, closed my eye's and pedalled harder. I hadn't heard any of my songs really out in public for many years. It was quite disturbing at first; my heart began racing faster than the spinning had taken it. But by the end of the track I had let my body fall into the rhythm of my 1993 hit, and if I am honest it felt good.. I really did miss my music, and I was beginning to wonder if my recent introvertedness was actually doing a disservice to my psyche. Once again inadvertently; Mara was asking me to search deep inside myself for answers.
My closet was definitely lacking in "Cool" clothes. All my good stuff was at my house at the Hamptons; this closet just held my fat boy shrouds, they consisted of mainly sweats and size thirty eight jeans. not that I was complaining finding that my size thirty eight jeans were way to big for me, but what clothes could I wear today?. Most days sweats were fine. Even recently I only needed workout clothes, and my sweats were perfect attire for that. However today I felt like a teenage girl with nothing to wear to the mall. Yet I was almost a forty-year old man, with nothing to wear to the mall. Sad! Go figure!
I then remembered that when my Mom moved in she had sort out most of my closet and had mentioned bagging my clothes from my leaner days. I got down on my hands and knees and ransacked  every pile in my closet. It was the farthest corner of that I found a plastic bag with a tag that said Jon's Clothes written in my mothers handwriting. I could not remember half of the clothes that was stored in the bag, hell I could not even remember buying the stuff. silently I thanked my Mom for looking after me. They say Mom's know best and I now could see they really did.
Opening the bag I grabbed a white vest top and black sweater and some jeans size 34. They fitted comfortably, the rest of the jeans were a size thirty-two. Still away to go to get my ass into those. Re-tying the bag, I returned it to the closet. Checking the time; 10.30am, I made my way downstairs and to the kitchen. I poured myself a cup of coffee and rang Mara.
"Hey, good Morning, are you on your way? is it safe to talk?"
"Good Morning, yeah I am on my way will be with you in bout 15 minutes, sorry for delay I got held up with my first client of the day."
"No problem, take your time, we have all day, well I do, what time is your next client?" I asked but was hoping Mara would not have to leave.
"I don't have any other clients today Jon, I cleared my day to spend it with you to go shopping."
"Great, we can grab a bite to eat after then, if that's ok with you."
"Yeah that would be nice. No greasy burgers though ok"
"Salad and fries all the way ma'am" I said this in a humorous tone. Mara made me laugh, even on my non training day she was there reminding me what I could and could not eat!
"No fries Jon!!" I laughed,
"I was kidding, something healthy for us I get it!" Finally I said; "Drive safe, I'll see you when you get here." clicking the phone off I continued drinking my coffee and staring out of the kitchen window.
For a second or two my mind did not register what my eye's were seeing, and then I saw the red Camaro just at the end of my drive, standing outside the car was a women with blonde hair. from the distance I could not be sure but she looked familiar. I walked to the front door and stood outside. The women stared back at me. I made a move to hedge down the drive, but as I did the women got into the car and drove off. I put it down to a fan just checking out my house, but inside I was unnerved.
I stood thinking about the women as Mara turned into the drive, once parked and out of the car she walked up to me, I bent down and kissed her. "Hey, she said as our lips parted. I've certainly missed those". "Ditto" "Do you wanna coffee or anything before we leave?" "Nah, I'll just take some water if I can." Moving inside the house Mara made her way to the kitchen and to the fridge. Turning to look at me, she observed my attire. "My; my; Mr Giovi, don't you look good, I can see my training has certainly paid off with you" "Smiling I replied, "Yeah, I don't look to bad for an ol man do I?" Grabbing the keys to the vette I asked
" Ready Ma'am."
"Lead the way"
we left the house and headed for town and Rock Buddies Mall. A short drive and 15 minutes later, I had parked up, noted in the blue zone as we headed into the shopping mall.
As we walked Mara asked about the workout and spin class,
"So did you enjoy it? my class are hoping you will become a regular. You made a few of the girls hearts miss a beat I can tell you."
"they do, I did? really? wow, so I still got it then eh?"
"yeah, like you need to ask that"
"No seriously I do have to ask, Mara, I have told you I don't hold the ego I once had, that is why getting back with the guys is a huge ask of me."
"But surely you know you are a striking man Jon?"
"look every body is hung up on my looks, they always have been, I don't see it; I'm a guy no different to any other guy, only difference is I can sing and I'm well known for my job, period"
Mara refused to let up;
"Jon; you can have any women you want"
I was getting embarrassed,
"Mara please, enough....  ok, thanks', Look...softening my tone I said; "I don't just want any women, I just want you. how I look does not matter to me, what you think of me is all that matters. You are the one I want to be with,... really; I am flattered your class liked having me join them, but...."
stopping and turning to face Mara, as she did the same, I bent down to kiss her, giving everything I possessed in my kiss to let her know I was hers, and only hers. "Mara I am yours for as long as you want me" she stared at up at me and then smiled her warm smile and slipped her hand in mine.  
Our walk continued in silence as each of us looked at the shop windows, a quarter of a mile into the mall we found the designer outlet. Inside I picked out three pairs of jeans, some t's and sweaters and five shirts, a jacket and some shoes. Paying the clerk we left the store and made our way to the food court. what I hadn't noticed was my visit to the mall had started to cause quite a stir and without me realising I had a little posse following me around the mall. Mara was the one to notice first.
"Jon, erm, look behind us."
I turned to look behind and saw five women in their late 30's tailing a way behind. I smiled at them and they moved forward. I posed for pictures and signed autographs happily thinking they would leave Mara and I alone. I was wrong. When we sat at the sushi bar, they sat and waited outside; as we left to head back to the car parking lot, they tailed along behind. I asked Mara if she was ok with it. I had gotten used to this way of life, but for someone not used to the spotlight it can be a little unnerving. Mara ever graceful said "it was fine," as she slid her hand into mine I could definitely feel her tremble though, I gave her hand a reassuring squeeze and said "I'm here don't worry it'll be fine"
We picked up our speed somewhat and by the time we had reached the car we had lost the posse.
Pulling out of the parking lot, I had to stop for a red light, checking my mirror behind me I saw again the same red Camaro that I had seen that was parked at the end of my drive, before I left the house with Mara.
I did not want to panic Mara so I just observed on my way home. It followed me all the way to my house.
"Penny for them" Mara interjected,
"Eh, oh, nothing... sorry babe;  I was just thinking what a great day I have had with you, I don't want it to end. how about you stop over tonight?, we could order a take out? ya know have a night off healthy eating and live dangerously, Whadda ya say"
"Oh, Jon I wish I could but I really have to back home as I have an appointment first thing in the morning at 6.30am, if it wasn't such a drive I'd happily stay. What about Friday though?"
"I thought for a moment, "Friday would be great, I'm having the kids on Friday too, could you clear your diary and spend the day with us? I would really love for you to meet the kids?"
"If your sure Jon, don't you want time on your own with them?"
"Of course I am sure, Mara, you are part of my life and the kids are part of my life too and I want you all to get to know each other, cos neither of you are going anywhere soon" smiling Mara said;
"Friday is it then, and Jon, no take out tonight promise me" pulling up on my drive I promised Mara; I so wanted a night off from healthy eating but a promise was a promise, wasn't it!  

1 comment:

  1. Okay who is the blonde in the red camaro following Jon? Is she the woman Dot found Jon in bed with?
