Saturday 25 May 2013

Pay Back!

Chapter 23

Pulling out of the hospital parking lot, I tried to figure out which way the driver of the Camaro took. cursing and spitting at myself for being so slow. 
Turning right, on a hunch; and driving for 5 kilometres, before realising the choice taken was wrong; admitting defeat and cursing "Fuck!"; at the next intersection I headed back into North Arlington, and to Mara's work place.

Entering Elliot's gym, and walking to the Reception Desk, briefly explaining why I was there, a paged call was put out for Matt Burstock, Head Trainer.
Minutes later a tall  dark haired guy came down the corridor to reception, introducing myself, something I very rarely did; I explained about the accident and how Mara was, then; requested Mara's personal information for her mom;which Matt gladly gave me.
Hell, he even offered more than once to make the call to Mara's mom, declining I just took the details and told him I would keep him posted; giving me his cell number for contact, I slipped it into my pocket and left the gym.

Back inside my car, cell phone in my hand I dialled Mara's mom's number and waited......
"Hi, Mrs Goodward?,"
"er hi, this is Jon,........ Jon Bon Jovi, I have been... er training with your daughter...."
"Hi jon, yes Mara's told me about you. I remember meeting you too all those years ago, how are you?"
"Yeah, I'm great, ... fine... errm... damn this is hard, Mrs Goodward, I need to tell you something;
I am sorry it's on the phone, but ...... Mara's in hospital, it's real bad,....critical......  she's in ICU..."
somehow I managed to get out the message.
Taking a breath I waited for her Mom to speak. 
"thanks Jon, for letting me know. ......  I mean,..... that could not have been easy for you.... so.... errm,  do we know how or what caused this to happen?
" No,  not yet, Mrs Goodward, I guess until the fire department finish there investigation we won't know anything for certain...." 
I was feeling quite unsettled, almost as If I should be explaining and apologising. I wasn't guilty, but god damn it, I sure felt that way.
To hide my insecurity I asked for her address,  and deliberately didn't mention anything about the Camaro yet or the blonde driver. There was no proof that the fire and the driver of the Camaro were connected, but deep down inside my gut, I was certain the driver had played a part in the fire and Mara's condition. I just needed the proof, and to do that I was gonna need the help of the Police.
"erm, yes, Jon of course, my address is 1900, West Bourne Heights, but Jon, you really don't have to collect me, I can get my own way there, I don't want to put you out?"
"Really Mrs Goodward it's no bother, I want to help, ..... so just a little thing,....  could you give me directions? I'm getting around the town, but with your help and directions it would be so much quicker?"
"Sure, where abouts are you now?"
"Erm, I'm outside Mara's work place"
"Ok, from where you are head south, along mount drive to the main set of lights, go straight across and merge with the traffic heading to route 17. at the first ramp, head right on to Lincoln Boulevard, then turn left at Warfields St, then first right onto West Bourne Heights. I am about 900 yards along from the street sign. but Jon, look are you sure, I can get a cab... "
"Mrs Goodward, I won't hear of it...  its really no trouble, ..... look I have a couple of errands to run, but I should be with you in about an hour if that's ok?, my mom is with Mara right now, she has my cell phone and has promised to let me know if anything happens while I'm not there, look let me give you my mom's cell number and you can call her until I reach you"
"Thanks Jon, you sure your mom won't mind me calling her?"
"Nah it is fine, Ill let my mom know your gonna call"
"Ok, but Jon, please call me Ruth, Mrs Goodward is so formal... ok?"
"Ok, Ruth, so, see you in about an hour?"
"an hour, bye Jon."

Ending the call my next stop was the police station. Starting the engine I headed off on Maine Street, and then Minor Boulevard, 6 sets of lights later and I parked up outside the NAPD.

Once inside I spoke to the desk clerk. explaining what I was there for he went out back to get an officer.
"Afternoon, I believe you have some information regarding a crime you suspect has been committed,?"
"Yes, that's right, but suspect is all it is, I'm not one hundred per cent sure..."
" Well, ok, come through, and lets talk and see if your intuition is correct. My name is Detective Aaron Ross, .... no need to tell me who you are,..... it's Jon Bon Jovi right?" he said the last sentence with a smile on his face.
"Er yes, that's right detective. so how come I am talking to you and not a regular officer?"
" When the desk clerk told me it was regarding the fire at  1385, Bridge Moore Ave, my interest was peaked. We work closely with the NAFD especially when they suspect Arson.;
"Yes, Mr Giovi, the fire chief has raised that, so any information is vital at this time,  and as it goes I am the detective assigned to this case....... so what information do you have?"  opening the door to his office, he gestured for me to enter.
taking a seat behind his desk,  while I sat on the opposite side.
Time slipped by, for forty minutes I told the Detective all I knew including giving him the license plate number and a full description of the blonde and her Camaro."
" Mmmmm, you were right to bring this to our attention; we cannot prove that the women in the Camaro caused or started the fire, but we can investigate the license plates and start with who the car belongs too and why the interest in you and your girlfriend. rest assured Mr Giovi, I will come back to you as soon as I know anything." rising from his desk, he shook my hand and gave me his card.
Leaving the Police Department I felt a little more at ease. The detective had told me not to approach the driver and if there were any more occurrences, just to make notes as to where, time and date.

Climbing back into my car, I went to collect Mara's mom. Arriving a little after the hour I'd stated,
knocking on the door, Ruth answered;
"Jon, Come in please, I'll just get my things and be right with you." Stepping into the lounge area, there were photographs everywhere of Mara, and Mara and I guessed her late husband and other family members, I assumed her uncle and aunts. Looking at them all with interest I stopped at one black and white photograph that showed a young women in her early twenties, not unlike Mara, the unmistakeable smile and eye's that smiled from the heart, a  happy smile given to the person taking the picture.
Ruth entered the room, "I wasn't a bad catch back in my younger days was I Jon?" Turning to look at Ruth I answered.
"You were stunning Ruth, I can see where Mara gets her beauty, both inside and out."
"Why, thank you, Mara is a very special girl Jon, very special, ...... I don't know what I will do if...."
reaching my arms out towards Ruth I pulled her close to give her a hug and reassure her everything would be alright. Ruth sobbed into my shoulder, while I stroked her back and made soothing sounds to help calm her down.
Regaining her composure Ruth dried her eye's and gestured towards the door, shall we...... walking down the drive to my car, Ruth grabbed my arm and thanked me again, her eye's filling with tears as she got into my car.
Climbing in the other side, and starting the engine I drove back to the hospital, back to Mara. Ruth as quiet as I  was while I drove, both praying that things would get better.


  1. Jon did the right thing by telling the police about the blonde in the camaro. I hope they catch this woman soon before she possibly hurts someone else.

  2. wow this is awesome ... Mich.... good job Jon telling the cops he needed to do that .. now Mara just needs to better.

  3. Thanks guys, things are gonna start to be revealed now!!! :) x
