Monday 13 May 2013

Something for the pain

Chapter Twenty One

Climbing into my car, I started the engine and drove as fast as I could to St Jerome's Hospital the journey dragging as I was held up at stop signs and lights.
Questions raced in my mind, how had this happened? Was the mystery women in the Camaro the reason, Mara was in hospital? .
Fact I honestly didn't know, should I tell the cops what I suspected and about the mystery blonde and the Camaro? and what I was doing tonight? logic told my brain they needed to know and would, right now my main concern was Mara.

Pulling into the parking lot of the hospital, I parked my car and headed to the reception area,  my chest was sore and heavy from the smoke of the fire, and my eyes too.
Walking through the hospital doors, I headed to the main reception desk.
the receptionist looked up from her computer,
"Yes can I help you?"
I answered, with a raspy voice ,
"yes my girlfriend has just been admitted, ...... she was in a house fire."
"Name please?"
"Mara Goodward"
"1385, Bridge Moore Ave, North Arlington"
"Date of birth?"
"Sorry I'm not sure." Jesus how can I not know Mara's birthday, making a mental note I was sure gonna find out........ If she lived.
That last thought terrified me, as I watched the receptionist; a fear and aching gripped my heart.

The receptionist continued tapping on her computer, without raising her eye's in acknowledgement she spoke;
"Umm, please wait here."
 excusing herself she left and headed off to find one of the Dr's in ICU.
 I stood waiting, and wondering.
This was St Jerome's Hospital wasn't it? thinking of the parking lot sign it said St Jerome's. Having never felt panic to this level I really was shaken by how out of control and useless I felt.
I stood waiting.... and waiting.... finally the receptionist returned.
"The young women you are enquiring about was taken straight into re- sus and ICU, her details have not been registered yet. Would you like to register her now?, do you have her medical insurance details?
"No, Sorry I don't"
"Are you a relative?"
"Erm, not exactly, she's my Girlfriend."
"Do you know her details sir?"
"what?, erm, no not really, look please can you take me through to her? I need to see her..."
"Sir I'm sorry, you cannot go through at the moment, the Dr's are working on her. We need to register your friend."
"Girlfriend" I corrected the receptionist.
"Girlfriend,..... sir, I am sorry but I am trying to do my job. Do you have the details of her next of kin?"
"Next of kin???"
"Yes sir, in the event of death we need the details of her next of kin, can you provide these details for me?."
"Are you telling me she could die?"
"Sir, this is a formality.
" How the fuck can death be a formality?"
I was fast losing patience I snapped "Look, I will cover all the medical costs, and I will get the information you need; but in time ,ok?, can you please just take me through to my girlfriend?" The receptionist continued her questions,
"Can you tell me how you will pay for her treatment Sir?"
" for love of god, raising my voice, "Will you please take me to my girlfriend, you will get paid. I am good for it"

The next thing I knew, a security guard was by my side,
"Sir, can I ask you to lower your voice please and be respectful, there are people that are waiting on there family too. The receptionist is trying to do her job, not make things difficult for you. now will you give the receptionist your details, or I will have to ask you to leave."

My mind was in a whirl, but I tried to calm down and gave the receptionist all of my personal details, I noted myself as next of kin, as I did not have Mara's mom's information. ........ shit!, Mara's Mom, she needed to be told too........ How would I get her details..... I know, I would go to the gym and see if they could help me? they are bound to have Mara's details of her family right?. satisfying myself they would I paid for Mara's medical bill, I left the charge open to whatever costs and treatment was needed. I wanted Mara to have the best.

After giving my name, and credit card details; the look of sudden recognition on the receptionists face was clear, blushing a little the receptionist apologised for not recognising me and not being more patient and supportive. Truthfully I did not care, Mara was my concern. The Receptionist leaving her station, then lead me to the waiting area of the ICU unit.

I paced, sat, stood, mooched, paced some more, got coffee, paced, I could not relax. the whole time I was thinking about the nights events and what had happened, the Camaro, the fire and Mara. the time dragged, I checked it constantly, minutes felt like hours. Every time a door opened or a Dr or nurse walked by, I prayed they were coming to see me with good news.

3am; a Dr approached me, "Mr Bon Giovi, I'm Dr Bannister, Burns Doctor looking after I understand; a young women that is your girlfriend?"
"Yes, that's right, how is she?"
"At this moment stable."
"Stable,? what does that mean?"
"We have her sedated and on oxygen, her burns on her right arm and leg are quite severe. At this time it looks as though she will need surgery in the future. her face, well; the burns are significant but the scaring should fade but there will be the option of cosmetic surgery if she chooses.
"What are you saying Dr?  all I wanted to know was if Mara would die, I asked,
"could Mara die?" No one would give me answers; from being told at the scene of the fire she was barley alive, I just had to know.
The Dr looked at me; he could see I was in no mood for pleasantries and maybe's and soft talk; he decided it was better to be honest so told me straight.

"Mr Bon Giovi, your girlfriend has 3rd degree burns and has suffered from severe smoke inhalation, she had stopped breathing upon arrival. we resuscitated her, but due to the lack of oxygen before she was rescued from the fire, she could have brain damage. We will have to wait for at least 72 hours, and for Mara to regain consciousness to see the full extent of the damage. I'm sorry It's not better news."
touching my arm he asked,
"would you like to see Mara?"
I nodded and followed the Dr through to Mara's bed in ICU. The Dr opened the door to let me inside then headed off back to the emergency ward.
I was totally alone sitting with Mara, watching her unconscious injured body. I looked at her charred skin from the fire; her face black; scabs on her lips, eye lids and cheeks; the bandages on her arm, and just listening to the bleeps of the machines that were keeping Mara alive.
Leaning on the edge of the bed with my head resting on my arms, I closed my eye's and prayed long and hard that Mara would be ok.
I must have dozed off to sleep; for the second time in less that twenty four hours as I was suddenly aware of Dr's and nurses buzzing round Mara.
A nurse spoke first,
"Sir, could you please wait outside",
 alarms were sounding on the machines that were hooked up to Mara, her body had arched and looked to be convulsing. I stood and headed outside of ICU, and watched helplessly as the Dr's and nurses all gathered round Mara and worked to save her life for the second time. 

Dear God; when was this nightmare going to end......


  1. Third degree burns? Oh, poor Mara, she has a fight ahead of her. Jon is going to have to be strong and supportive now.
    Please let there be no brain damage.

    Incredible chapter, Mikki

  2. oH GOSH no no no poor Jon poor Mara ... Jonny it will be okay I hope .. MICH YOU MADE ME CRY AGAIN
